Celestia is gone, and now Nightmare Moon is doing her best to act as a benevolent leader in Celestia's place under the ever present support of her husband Big Mac. Tonight is the first time that she has visited his family since her ascension.
After dating for quite some time, Anon and Applejack are ready to make their new relationship public. However, before they can do so, Anon will have to endure the Apple Screening.
Will the future know about us or will we be forgotten and erased from history? Twilight couldn't allow this to happen. And so, she devises a masterplan to preserve the friendships of all ponies and creatures for Equestria's new generations.
Applejack finds out there may be another branch of her family in Whinnieapolis on the other side of Equestria, so she sets off on the longest journey of her life to find out.
The Pie Family visits Sweet Apple Acres on Hearth's Warming Eve for the very first time! And Pinkie Pie will make it the best holiday both families ever had, no matter how much holiday madness, family drama or unexpected guests she'll be up against!
A story filled with adventure, tragedy, and most importantly, love. Grand Pear struggles to forget the life he left behind, while Buttercup and Bright Mac make a decision that forever changes the Apple family...