• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012


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This story is a sequel to Scootaloo, Formula One Driver

Why did Scuderia Ferrari sign a kirin and a dragon?

(No need to read the prequel first.)

Thanks to the usual suspects on Discord for brainstorming and BSing.

Chapters (1)

Everypony knows Prince Blueblood is spoiled, foppish, and most critically, an ass. Nopony would ever take him to be a serious threat - merely a small obstacle to their plans.

That's by design, but that doesn't mean Blueblood is happy about it.

A side story to my Four Princesses, Four Demons series, which began with Cadance the Unbroken. Readers of that series will notice a few connections, but this story is crafted to be enjoyed independently.

Featured from 7-26 to 7-29, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

My captor was kind, to a point. They provided me with a comfortable private suite, three meals a day, and tried to accommodate any of my needs within reason. It was a far cry from being locked away in a dingy dungeon or straight up killed, but I still was a bit wary about the true intentions of this alicorn. 

A gilded cage, however, is still a cage.

Edited by UnamusedWaffle. and INeedSleep

Thanks to Snuffy for proofreading chapter 9 part 1

Credit to Neither for the amazing cover art!

Chapters (11)

Zipp doesn't win a medal at the Equestrian Winter Games, but she gets something better.

Chapters (1)

When the city of Vanhoover rebels against the Crown, threatening to ignite civil war and tear Equestria apart, it is up to the Princess of the Day to step forth and to do what is necessary to ensure that, no matter what, the Sun shines bright upon Equestria.

And she must do it alone.

First Place Winner of the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest!

Featured for Equestria Daily's Celestia Day!

Recommended by TCC56!

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

Based off an idea by SockPuppet.

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by Bicyclette, SockPuppet, Raleigh, skysayl, and TheIdiot. Thanks, everyone :twilightsmile:

Cover by Plainoasis.

Featured from 28/06/2021-2/7/2021, reaching #1 three hours after publishing!

Chapters (4)

Marble Pie: The quietest of the Pie siblings. Really, that's all anypony can attribute to the mare, and she knows it. After overhearing some choice words from her family, Marble decides it's time to do something about it. It's time to go out and find her strength, to be strong for her family. Pinkie and Maud both succeeded when they left the farm, so why can't she?

A journey to Ponyville brings her to a literal legend of strength, the Pillar Rockhoof himself. Marble knows that through his teachings, she's sure she can become strong, strong enough to do...well. She's sure he can help her figure that out too! They'll all see! Limestone, Igneous, Maud and Pinkie; they'll all see Marble can become somepony great! What Marble isn't prepared for, though, is the truth Rockhoof helps her to unearth about herself. And what it truly means to be strong.

Pre-read by Sockpuppet and Raleigh! An entry for the May 2021 Original Pairings contest! Artwork by Flusanix!

Featured 5-18-2021, same day! You're far too kind to me, thank you!
Edit 6-3-2021: 2nd Place in May 2021 Original Pairings!

Chapters (1)

Bright Mac held himself as the cornerstone of his family: husband to his beautiful Pear Butter, father to a colt and stallion who he both adores and cherishes dearly. He works hard in the fields to make the best living he can for his family, to give them the opportunity to live a life without worry of work or success or lost dreams. Of course, he imagined Applejack would someday discover the world beyond the apple fields.

One night, as he tucks AJ into bed, the little filly asks if she can come with him to the fields. He sees no reason to deny her, and welcomes the idea of giving her a peek into the work of his own two hooves' making. It'll be hers someday, so it's best that she take the chance to learn while she's got the time.

He just didn't expect to go learning with her too.

Artwork by TJPones, from Derpibooru. Pre-read by Raleigh and Sockpuppet! Featured the same day? Thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

Integration between species can have its fair share of hiccups, especially when children are thrown together without proper knowledge of their fellow sapient's anatomy. Silverstream aims to fix that by giving a classroom lecture on how to interact with hippogryphs safely.

Set post season 9

A commission for Nitro Indigo

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, we hit those rough spots real hard. They might hurt a little, enough to make you wince. They'll scab over or you bandage them, and given enough time, it fixes up and you're doing good again. But those spots sometimes leave a mark. And when you look at them, you can still feel that phantom lingering in the back of your mind. You know the one; the kind that never really goes away.

But sometimes there's somepony there to make them hurt less. They might be a big, handsome husband, or your firstborn quiet and strong son. Or maybe just the cutest little filly who loves apples more than anything. Well, almost more than anything.

Artwork by TJPones! Pre-read by Raleigh!

Chapters (1)

Nearly a thousand years after her sister's fall, Celestia finds she may not be so alone after all, when a little alicorn ascends in the distant village of Florentina.

On a quiet Spring afternoon, young Mi Amore Cadenza makes a life-changing decision when the Princess of the Sun comes to visit.

8.6/10 from the Reviewer's Mansion.

Rated Really Good by Ghost Mike!

3/5 Stars from Loganberry's Louder Yay!

Recommended by TCC56!

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

Based off the prompt "Arrival", posted by Gay For Gadot, from Bean's Writing Group.

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by Bean, Bicyclette, Mykola, TheIdiot, RanOutOfIdeas, and Gay For Gadot. Thanks, everyone!

Cover by Jun1313.

Featured from 21/02/2021 to 25/02/2021.

Chapters (1)