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Discord found love, and Equestria peace, through his union with Fluttershy, till death do them part.

But what happens after that?

Reading by Scribbler

Chapters (1)

When Twilight was a filly, she studied non-stop. Spells, books, and Princess Celestia took up all of her spare time. She never had any real friends when she was younger.
...Except Spike, that is. This story is about their first day together and the ups and downs of it.

Chapters (1)

Everypony knows Twilight is a mare of immense intelligence, always eager to complete the Princess's academic assignments and learn more about any subject. Thus, when Twilight discovers a strange magical book in the library basement that provides her with unlimited information in just mere seconds, it's only natural for the studious Unicorn to... grow attached to the book, right? And what will Princess Celestia think of her new "method" of studying?

Chapters (1)

Now... you may be thinking. How is this even possible? That is a positively silly idea. Well, I am just here to tell you, that you are probably correct.

Chapters (1)

Laughing Stock is a standup comedian from Canterlot who is having a difficult time with life as of late. He hops on a train to Ponyville in hopes that small town life will help him get a better perspective on things. During the journey, he meets a mare who offers to help him find what he is looking for and some things that he doesn't expect to find. During his trip, he realizes that while accomplishing your dreams is a fantastic feat, having nopony to share them with makes life's long journey pointless.

Special thanks to Golden Hoof and wildberk for helping me with this beast!

Another special thanks goes out to HoovesLikeJagger for the fantastic artwork!

Chapters (7)

My name is Sarah and I am eight and a half and I'm really pretty because Daddy and Mommy says so and I am also a princess. I have brown hair and blue eyes but no freckles. I really want a pony because ponies are cute and I love ponies lots and lots but Daddy and Mommy says I can't have one.

Chapters (1)

Relationships are give and take. Equality. Fairness. Responsibility and desire often clash, and one can only take so much before patience becomes thin, hearts become twisted, and morals are questioned, for even those with the power of the gods have emotions like mere mortals.

Chapters (1)

Everyone changes, sometimes for the better.

{{ An unofficial prologue to Your Antagonist's spectacular 'The Serenade of Silver Belles' }}

Chapters (1)

Every year, on Applejack's birthday, Applejack and Big Macintosh smash a barrel. It's a tradition they've had since Applejack was born. A tradition that started with their pa, and one they're proud to carry on.

Because some barrels need to be smashed, to be the best pony you can be.

Chapters (1)