Everypony knows Twilight is a mare of immense intelligence, always eager to complete the Princess's academic assignments and learn more about any subject. Thus, when Twilight discovers a strange magical book in the library basement that provides her with unlimited information in just mere seconds, it's only natural for the studious Unicorn to... grow attached to the book, right? And what will Princess Celestia think of her new "method" of studying?
Twilight with unlimited knowledge?
What could possibly go wrong?
1407068 Don't you just love the poorly photoshopped picture I made?
Oh god no. If this hits the Featured box, I'm going to start stabbing things.
1407076 Haha me too.
1407081 Seriously though. A fic my mate wrote was on the same page as 'Flutter-fucked'. He spent several months planning the story, writing the first chapter and ensuring that it got maximum attention on reaching the front page.
8 views. The reason is slot 1 in the Featured box. From a fellow featured author, I'd much rather have one of those fics up there than my own.
1407094 Yeah that fic... . I'm sorry about your mate's fic. That's unfortunate.
1407108 Unfortunate, yes. Knighty and the other Squires of the Round Coffee Table really need to get their arses in gear and deliver us that Newgrounds-based approval and feature system.
Yep. feature box is more random than pinkie pie
There is however a few things you can do.
1. get some followers by publishing great stories and gnerally be kind. i haven't published a syllalbe word but have for reasons i can't believe managed to get 2 followers (ok ,i might know why).
2. create some blog-posts to get four followers stoked.
3. get a great cover image.
4. Try to time the publishing so that it is released in a chunck of bad stories. that way your story wil stand out among the crowd.
5. create a propper summary.
I haven't tested them (here) but i am positive that they wil work.
1407123 I've already been featured 5 times, but thanks for the advice. Yeah, my mate did all these things too, but unfortunately 'Flutter-fucked' drew all the attention away from the other stories. Submission also depends on how active the mods are, so you could either end up on the front page at midnight or noon. It's all about luck, really.
1407136 It is unfortunately. Also, fics that get featured are often those that end up on the front page when the story-queue stops. Thus, they are just sitting there for everyone to see for an indefinite amount of time.
I was the guy who wrote Elements of Harm. Even as the author, I know there was no way in hell that should have been featured. It only got up there because the story submissions were jammmed up, leaving it near the top of the front page for 24 hours.
I submitted a new story today, a nice action-adventure piece 40,000 words long and fully realized. It got 19 views before exiting the front page. I will never understand this place.
midnight or noon? you do realize that what's considered "midnight" is a ~3 hour gap? Theere are people from both USA and Europe here. The ideal would of course be in the midle of the day, but i feel the "published during nighttime" excuse is a bit cheap.
The point is to get about 5-10 thumbs up and no thumbs down fast as hell. That way people wil click on your story and have a more positive attitide.
(most of what i wrote were ment for your friend)
Yes, i know you have been featured
The history of Wikipedia
This seems like a poorly-veiled rant against teachers who hate Wikipedia.
I'm strangely okay with this assumption.
My view on "Wikipedia is a completely unreliable source.":
[citation needed]
As for the feature box discussion above, I've tried to find ways to get a better chance, and when I finally try it out, my luck just gets blown out and stomped on. Timing gets screwed up, another random story does better, a romance story, etc. I use logic, and when I finally test it, it's like Twilight vs. Pinkie.
This is so true...
I love this story it is brilliantly written, But honestly forget Wikipedia what if ponies got a hold of the internet in general, or just fimfiction. Boy would that be a good read.
Great job.
1407087 It really is, I know. It's not like I just copied and pasted the Wikipedia symbol onto the picture or anything. Nope, this cover photo took serious time and skill.
1407068 No, they're right. Anyone can go in and change the information given. I once read that Lebron James was the son of a pegasis and a dinosaur.
Personally, I think Celestia's just sore about how her article keeps getting vandalized with Molestia libel.
Haha. Excellent.
A little unfair about why she wouldn't want said Sparkle using the free Encyclopedia, but still rather amusing. Not bad!
Fatty, you sum bitch!
And you thought people wouldn't get it, what I tell you?!
1407076>>1407081 Well, I guess it's time for you two to start stabbing things, cos guess where I found this?
Yep, the feature box!!! Then I noticed it in my notifications.
I'm surprised Celestia didn't have this reaction
I rarely used wikipedia for my research, only using it to find out certain info, then checking other sources to see
if it was correct. The main problem with Wrongipedia is that anyone can edit it, and make the info invalid!!!
Also, Chipmunk wars????
Wikipedia makes my nipples harder than a black guy in a watermelon patch.
"Popular opinion (aka the Featured Box) is stupid! I know what the solution is, though: giving more power to popular opinion!"
The featured box doesn't need to be fixed, it is the Top 40 of FIMFiction. Gives the people exactly what they want, and apparently what we want is silliness.
I approve of this silliness. Liked and faved.
This was chuckle-worthy. Nicely done! Just a couple errors...
ad nauseam
What seems to be thy problem, sister?
Speakest thou of Twilight Sparkle...
The temptation of its use...
There are more, I'm sure, but those are the ones I found. And BTW, I'm fluent in Ancient English.
1407470 Thanks! I'll fix those right up!
My Greek Philosophy teacher gives us these pages and pages of readings to understand these philosophers viewpoints. I search their name on Wikipedia and I have the next week done, maybe with a little skimming of the reading so I can recognize em.
I love Wikipedia
I hate teachers who hate Wikipedia
that said, this was brilliant!
Don't worry Celestia, if history proves to rhyme then she will never finish an assignment again.
Because, It's not the destination, it's the journey.
*gets grazed by a knife*
1407299 1407391 Well, Wikipedia has plenty of moderators and insists that any information on it gets citations. However, I wouldn't know how long it takes for misinformation to get deleted, but considering how many articles they have, I wouldn't be surprised if it took a while. The articles are there if you want quick information, but if you're actually doing research, it might be possible to skim an article's content, look at the citation to whatever information catches your attention and then open a new tab with the source that's being cited.
the secret to using wikipedia well is to steal refrences from its works cited list
1407591 Either way, I haven't been a student for 10 years, so I never have to use it again!!!
I AM FREE!!!!!!!!
Well, kind of. Still got to work for my money.........
I literally jaw dropped when I saw the title of this story, then I read your comment and lol'd.
I so agree man, I so agree, Wikipedia is the shit, the only shit, the elite-est shit. "they're just jealous" I lol soo much at that, its funny because its true!
you better start stabbing things, it hit the featured box.
now if youll excuse me.....*goes and grabs nerdy plate armour hidden in closet*.....I knew a time would come when I would need this, stab away my good friend, stab away!
holy freaking crap, I opened that video expecting it to be garbage........they actually did it, that was really informative, felt really professional, and was really good, wow, I would reccomend it to a friend, turns out the history of something like wikipedia can be told, and told well, in 2.5 minutes, good job to them, and thanks for providing that to us
Read the story now (i know i shouldve done that first)...........it seems there was a point to be made.............I concur
Seriously though, on research papers, you never quote wikipedia, you just go to the wkipedia page, scroll down to the references, and just use those lol, if nothing else, when prohibeted from being used, it can at least point you to good places for information
Y'know, we hear of this Magic Kindergarten threat so much. ... CONTINUE THE STORY, AUTHOR. :3 FLESH OUT THE DEMON WHISPERED OFT IN TWILIGHT'S MIND!
1407073 Yeah. what could go... wrong...
Uh guys?
Um... What? How does that make any sense? <_<
I feel like either a lot of people got inspired by my fic Pinkie Pie Discovers Coffee, or FIMfiction really likes any story titled "(pony) Discovers (item)".
>Don't use Wikipedia as a source
Kay, Mr. Torture-mc-painintheflank, I'll just use the sources that it provides.
1407814 Where's the error? I'm 1/4th grammar nazi and I don't see it.
I guess Twilight in this story is just as gullible as the people in real life who buy time machines on ebay expecting them to work.
As for the story, I thought it was hilarious. However, you missed the greatest idea ever. What if Twilight Sparkle (in a non-satire story, so an actual in-character Twilight) found Uncyclopedia?
Kinda fun. Kinda preachy. Not a fan of Tyrantlestia used for humor's sake.
Well, at least Twilight didn't find Uncyclopedia lol
1407076 *hands you a rusty kitchen knife*
Now Twilight really can MONITOR EVERYTHING...
Ahhhh, wikipedia! I just happen to have a spare copy for twilight to borrow.
Great story! My teachers HATE Wikipedia because anyone can edit it, and put wrong information on there. I don't usually go there anyway, I memorize the information from my classes and use that.
This actually happened
I think I'll just leave these knives here...
And hope that Twilight never discovers Wolfram Alpha
Which would no doubt lead to arguments and reforms, and an emphasis on what works?