Canceled Lost Souls 14 stories
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  • Favourites 332 stories Read it and only liked it tats all.

  • HIGHLY RECOMMEND 101 stories Don't knock it till you try! There's some really good stuff to read!

  • Grinding Read/ masochist and sadist energy. 6 stories Starting Great and as it goes on it becomes harder and harder to keep reading. If it's hear its my opinion not anyone else's. So take constructive criticism and I'll be watching.

  • Canceled Lost Souls 14 stories Learn from their mistakes and/or continue the Legacy.?!


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It all started with a truck, then a magic blast, then a futuristic space gun, then I’m half sure I was disintegrated in a volcano at some point, and so many swords through my chest.


Point is, I’ve just kept coming back into different worlds. All violent, all with magic power systems that are similar, and with people I’ve met, lost, and abandoned.

Yet, this could be the first time I can die happy. As a unicorn oddly enough.

A more humorous take of Anon in Equestria, and other self insert Isekai Stories.

Featured: 9/10/2023 THANK YOU!
9/15/2023 agian, wow. Thanks!

Note: While I am happy with the attention, I am finding myself unsatisfied with the result of my work. I am still going to write for this story and character. Only this time, a bit better. I want to make a story I can feel proud of making.

A rebirth if you will. Live, Die, Repeat will return as a remake. Just not for a little bit. Thank you for reading! I’ll be back with something I can be proud of!

Chapters (42)

This story is a sequel to I have Zero Attack Power, Yet I Must Fight

At the whims of a strange, extradimensional being, Xathrid and Nan must defend the universal constant from attacks leveled by every villain in MLP:FIM. Can they succeed? Does this sound convoluted? Read and find out!

This was a request for a supporter, was viewable earlier for said supporter, and will be updated whenever it receives another request from a supporter. Head over here or here if you want to request an update 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Prequel Stories
I Have Zero Attack Power, Yet I Must Fight
Mother Of All

Chapters (3)

A Notice of Cancellation.

A Quick Post-Cancelation Q&A thingy.

Jackson Brunner was walking home from work when he slipped and fell. He then awoke in a palace made of crystal that seemed to be long abandoned. Exploring these halls, Jack feels a strange sense of foreboding. Almost as if something horrible had happened here.

And that's not even the strangest thing about this situation.

No, things will only get stranger from here once the new owners of the palace show up.

Times this story has been featured:
August 16th - August 20th, 2023 (briefly got top spot on the 16th!)
Pretty much every time I upload a chapter lmao

Chapters (17)

Almost every brony that has ever been in has seen a 'HiE as pony' story.

They usually are fairly predictable, with a few plot twists perhaps, but the general pattern is similar.

A mystical force/accident sends a completely unprepared human into the land of the ponies, and he must then undergo a journey of self discovery/destiny, as a human OR pony.

So what happens when a human is actually prepared with all the knowledge he'd need from the first two seasons of the show? And when Equestria isn't quite as predictable as he hoped?

This is that tale.

Writer: JustAnotherEarthPony
Editor: I'mMrNoobHeadFU1

Chapters (14)

[Displaced] into a darker My Little Pony world than the one he knew. Hans now lives in the mind of Marvel's Victor von Doom, Dr. Doom himself. Not just looking like Doom the mind of the character was also active.

Hans now has to figure out how to work with one of Marvel's prime villains in a harsh 1800s technology world with colorful anthro ponies and anthro griffons. One thing is clear DOOM has arrived and on his left hand was the Infinity Gauntlet.

Victor Von Doom knew something was wrong. The sun was radiation the wrong spectrum of energy to be Earth 616 sun. The Infinity Gauntlet power seems to function oddly. It wouldn't get rid of the annoying voice in his head. The creatures he seeing are humanoid mostly in appearance. All the species he sees break known physics with some kind of X-gene or Magical means. A world of superpowers, a world where superpowers mean nothing, the most powerful rule this world. Worst was the gaps in his mind, the knowledge he should have wasn't there. When was the last time he ate? When was the last time he took a nice shower? Things that should be in his memories but wasn't. It doesn't matter he was Victor Von Doom of Earth 616 and he will conquer this land and with its resources, find the way home.
Fanfiction I don’t own anything just having fun.
Featured many times by now. Really the list just got too long!
6/6/2020 - 4/7/2021

Chapters (28)

The Protagonist was just your average high-school graduate.
He was Average at math, at history and even average at making friends.
He was an overall average guy.

Waking up as a Pokemon in a big dark forest is not an Average morning.
And seeing as he's the only Pokemon in a forest of mostly regular animals is kind of a bad sign for him.
Our Chespin is going to try his best to live well in this strange world he found himself in while looking for a way back home.

Now If only he could get some peace and relaxation.

Chapters (36)