I've been a brony for 11 years since January 19th, 2013. Chip 'N Dale fan for 2 years, as well as a furry for 12 years. Male pronouns. Not taking any story requests at all.
As a woman born with Cerebral Palsy, I'm not just defined by my condition. I write stories about ponies with disabilities because that’s my own experiences.
Hi, I like chocolate (I sleeps for a few hours at night sometimes I forget), coca-cole and fanfics of , romance and comedy , dark and snow .
"When life gives you lemons, you give live C-4 and smile."
Who, me? No-one special really. I like to write. That's it. xD
A man who has seen the world of my little pony and wishes to see what could make it better
A slightly better than novice writer and a relatively new member to the Mlp Fan-base. Book smart but socially stupid.