• Member Since 11th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


As a woman born with Cerebral Palsy, I'm not just defined by my condition. I write stories about ponies with disabilities because that’s my own experiences.


I’m going to the US this year. · 11:44am Last Wednesday

I’m going to the US this year with my mother, I’m so excited to see all my relatives again.

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I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting. · 7:08pm July 17th

I apologize for my absence from posting updates. Work and other commitments have consumed a significant amount of my time, making it difficult to prioritize my writing projects, "Three Years Later" and "Child Of Wonder."

Despite this, I am determined to devote time during the upcoming weekend to complete these stories. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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I often say things to people who comment on my stories that I don’t actually mean. · 5:32pm July 17th

I often say things that I don’t actually mean in the moment when I’m angry specifically, when somebody comments on my story with some criticism about it, I’m very passionate about my stories because they are quite personal to me,

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New chapter ideas for Child Of Wonder. · 8:35pm July 8th

I’ve got some new chapter ideas for child of wonder, please tell me what you think.

Chapter title: Getting back together

Synopsis: Twilight decides that Applejack has done enough sitting around feeling sorry for herself, so comes up with a plan for her and Stevie to get back together:

Chapter title: Escape:

Synopsis: Melody can’t take the pressure anymore so she runs away, Applejack is worried that she’s going to hurt herself out there in the Everfree.

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Happy Fourth of July · 10:40am July 5th

Happy Fourth of July everyone, even though I’m half American, I don’t celebrate because I live in Germany.

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We are moving tomorrow so I won’t be able to write anything. · 8:25pm June 28th

The moving people are coming tomorrow and we are going to move all our stuff into the new apartment, I’m gonna spend the day at my dad’s place because they don’t want me there since I would just get in the way, which is fine by me because I’m not really sure what I could do with myself if I was there at that time.

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I wanna write a story but… · 3:35pm June 19th

So I wanna write a story about what’s happening in my life right now, with the move and everything.

But I don’t know where to begin, and I don’t know what genre to use, I don’t know if I should make it mature or teen rated.

And I want to use the names of people involved, but I want to spell them backwards so you wouldn’t know that it’s them, I mean, they will not read this anyway, but it is better to spell something backwards so you do not know it is the people involved.

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There will not be any stories posted in the next two weeks. · 6:47pm June 18th

There will not be any stories posted in the next two weeks.

I’m currently super stressed, just with everything that’s going on and with the move, so for right now, I will not be posting any new stories or even updating any of my old ones.

As I said, after the move, I will post more stories, but for right now it is better if I stay away from this site, it’s not that the site itself is stressing me just everything that’s going on is stressing me.

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Here is the new chapter of A Talk With A Bully. · 12:17pm June 17th

Here is the new chapter of A Talk With A Bully, please let me know what you think.

TA Talk With A Bully
After the CMC come home with black eyes, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity take it upon themselves to find out what happened.
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I am not taking requests. · 2:23pm June 15th

I’m not naming names, but I’ve had some person on my story A Talk With A Bully ask me if I can do a request for them.

But I told them since my stories are quite unique I cannot accommodate whatever they want, they didn’t seem to understand that so they continue to ask me.

And today I blocked them because it was stoned to get really annoying, I mean I get it. They may have autism but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t ignore what I say.

I will not be taking requests, like ever.

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