• Member Since 17th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen October 1st


Hi, I like chocolate (I sleeps for a few hours at night sometimes I forget), coca-cole and fanfics of , romance and comedy , dark and snow .

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Found 2 stories in 22ms

Total Words: 74,129
Estimated Reading: 4 hours


After a thousand years of exile, The World Never Met Princess Nightmare Moon The story tells about a world that has never experienced the rise of a new princess of friendship Twilight . The world, however, moved surprisingly forward, skipping its epoch by hundreds of years. New unions arose, a world full of robots and magic, new races and rules. It is beautiful in this world. And there is a dreamer who decides to go against the world by doing something illegal and almost impossible. A trip to the moon!

Chapters (17)

The kingdom is in turmoil, the racial division among the people of Equestri leads to a secret war for power with newly crowned princesses with all the magical gifts, called abomination by some. In order to get the land and help from the aristocrats, they decide to help with their strength to defeat the monster that destroyed the entire colony of new lands, and the cold and snow do not help them.

Chapters (1)