Found 63 stories in 341ms

Total Words: 12,087,035
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks


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  • Grinding Read/ masochist and sadist energy. 6 stories Starting Great and as it goes on it becomes harder and harder to keep reading. If it's hear its my opinion not anyone else's. So take constructive criticism and I'll be watching.

  • Canceled Lost Souls 14 stories Learn from their mistakes and/or continue the Legacy.?!


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Granny Smith built a legacy, she was the matriarch of the Apple Family for a long, long time. She is nigh 200 years old, and she knew that it would come soon.

Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is featured here as a character, what he does here doesn't really spoil anything, but I recommend watching the movie then coming back to read this.

Featured 1/21/23

You already know my friend Fire Hearth has made some audio of this story! Go ahead and check it out (as well as his other readings, they're very good.) Here it is!

Chapters (1)

Cloud Sweeper barely survived. Didn't want to remember what had happened to the soldiers who died around him. Yet, Copper Sheet and Silver Path needed to learn what he had seen. Join them in traveling down recent history, and discover just how messed up Equis has become.

Chapters (1)

The Exmoori: a mythic race of ancient warrior ponies who, according to legend, once ruled Equestria not by use of magic but by unspeakable technological creations. All legitimate archaeologists, of course, are aware of the fact that the Exmoor ponies are nothing more than a hoax or fairy tale.

Other entities, however, believe they were very much real.

A pair of mysterious albino Pegasi arrive at the ancestral home of Doctor Caballeron, bringing with them images of a carving in the ancient language of the Exmoori- -and promising him riches beyond his wildest dreams if he can bring them the artifact it mentions.

Simultaneously, a young and discredited academic arrives in Southern Equestria, bearing an ill-gotten fragment of the same text. He presents it to none other than Daring Do, who sets out to prove his theories true- -and to recover an artifact of profound and unknowable danger.

Chapters (83)

Far, far away from the Equiss system, the queen of blades is readying the launch of her newest weapon. A ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret, readying it for the eventual zerg invasion and softening up even the hardest target, Korhal. Unfortunately for the queen of blades, the untested zerg biotechnology is more difficult to master then she thought and the infestation ship vanishes after launch.

Untold eons later Twilight Sparkle is preparing for her entrance exam for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns only to stop when she sees a star fall into her new treehouse. The young pony sets out in the middle of a storm, intent on seeing this fallen star for herself.

What she finds inside will change not only her destiny but the destiny of all on Equiss prime.

Make sure to check out the sister story to this one.
Trigger warning, parasites. Starcraft Crossover!
Updates twice a month!
The story so far!

Chapters (98)

So many resets, so many changes; all just to blur together after a while. The void became, well, not my 'home', but not quite not a home either. I was content with the nigh nothingness I experienced while I waited for Frisk to reset, only to suddenly end up somewhere else entirely.

I'd seen all kinds of humans, all kinds of monsters. A muscular seahorse, a talking bowl of water obsessed with cleaning. What I didn't expect was an entire world of talking pony people who, despite being the only human there, they treat with kindness.

But, once again, the happiness didn't last; it never does.

Now with a reading!

*Takes place after the events of season 2 but before season 3.*

*This is an undertale crossover fic, but you do not necessarily need to know anything about undertale to enjoy it.*

Huge thanks to Phaoray and DekaSkittalz, and Reily for helping with editing and proofreading!

Now with a dedicated illustrator!

Cover art done by one of the best artist I've ever had the pleasure to work with! I am eternally grateful.

Support the patron if you'd like to see chapters as they're written, art as its drawn, and anything else related!

Currently taking side chapters, both canon and non; dm for further details if interested!


Featured: 6/10/21 onward. Thanks so much! I wasn't expecting anyone to like this story.

Chapters (50)

Almost every brony that has ever been in Fimfiction.net has seen a 'HiE as pony' story.

They usually are fairly predictable, with a few plot twists perhaps, but the general pattern is similar.

A mystical force/accident sends a completely unprepared human into the land of the ponies, and he must then undergo a journey of self discovery/destiny, as a human OR pony.

So what happens when a human is actually prepared with all the knowledge he'd need from the first two seasons of the show? And when Equestria isn't quite as predictable as he hoped?

This is that tale.

Writer: JustAnotherEarthPony
Editor: I'mMrNoobHeadFU1

Chapters (14)

This is the story of a man and his destiny and it starts the day he died...and become the gamer!

I do not own anything I use in this story other then the character deltorix, I'm writing this for entertainment so I'm within fair use

Tags will be added when needed, and for those who think this is a self insert it's not deltorix is my OC and his personality is different then mine.

Chapters (21)

"They arrived, like angry, voracious gods from on high, and all but destroyed our world. We did not simply roll over and die however. We remained strong, we survived, we adapted...

...and we found the means to fight back.

Hearken to my words, fair citizens of Equestria and beyond! Today is the day we stand our ground! Today is the day we say 'no more'! Today is the day we take back this planet from the beasts that would see it consumed!

Today is the day we devour the Gods!"

~H.R.H. Princess Luna (2031, Lamnis 23) Founding of the Daeus Hunter Defense Force, Speech presented at Wendigo Corporation HQ, Canterlot, Equestria

MLPxGod Eater Crossover/Adaption

Note: While helpful, knowledge of the God Eater games/anime is not required.

Chapters (36)

It has been six months since Princess Luna's return to Equestria, however everything is still so new to her. Equestria is not as it once was, and so much seem new and strange. From the words, to the customs, and even the way they conduct their ruling.

Luna felt lonely for a long time, that is until she discovered the joys of gaming. She even found a new friend, just one small problem, he is human, and not from their dimension. Well, it would not be a problem, not if Luna would not have used a certain spell to drag her newest friend through their online game and into Equestria.

Turns out dragging a human through a game and landing him in Equestria has some unforeseen consequences... Other than the fact he is a pony now...

Editor: SoloBrony

Story Inspired by the cover used.
Cover Owner: RedchetGreen from DeviantArt

Chapters (10)

[Displaced Story]

[I don't own Dragon Ball Super or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]

My name is Michael, well... it was. Now I'm known as Goku Black, or Black for short. I was thrown into this world of pastel-colored ponies with magical powers a thousand years ago. I was happy, trained under my Teacher, Master Starswirl. Until another wanted control, I couldn't risk the ponies I cared about getting hurt if he got control, so with the help of the Princesses, sealed me in stone with the help of the Elements of Harmony. I don't know how long I've been here, but it sure has been boring. After what has been centuries, I feel like now is the right time to be released from my stone prison.

Chapters (23)