• Member Since 4th Jun, 2019


"What you carry in this life should be bigger than you" - Cameron Boyce

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After asking Pinkie for help with her studies, Rainbow finds between the borrowed books the diary of Pinkie, full of personal information about the pink girl, but just one thing caught her attention.

Edited by the always awesome MidnightFMare

Chapters (1)

A seemingly innocent slumber party goes awry when six best friends engage in a game of competitive dares, testing the limits of their friendship, their will, and eventually uncovering the truth about the death of a fellow student. From uncomfortable situations to theft to sexual encounters, the night becomes one debacle after another, and all of it is on video tape.
Eventual AppleDash, FlutterMac. Some mature content. Based on the movie of the same name.

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy is spending part of the weekend with her best friend, Rainbow Dash. But that's not all that's happening. She has some questions to ask. Rainbow has some answers.

NOTE: takes place before the first Equestria Girls movie


Rated T for some not quite sexual content but for some maybe not kid-friendly content. (They talk about breasts a little bit).

Shameless Flutterdash fluff piece to crack my proverbial knuckles before getting back to my main project. Might make an M rated sequel if people wanna see more of this.

Chapters (1)

Hardships serve to reveal true friends and expose false ones. True friends are not bound by convenience, rather by the ability to stick together and pick each-other back up when times are rough, even if the two "friends" barely know each other.

This is the lesson Fluttershy learned the first time she met Rainbow Dash, back when the cyan pegasus stood up for her against the most popular filly in Cloudsdale Flight School. A time when Fluttershy's own "friends" didn't stand up for her.

This is the story about how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, two fillies with radically different personalities, became friends.

Image by: http://hawk9mm.deviantart.com/

Chapters (4)

From the outside, Fluttershy is a very quiet, sensitive, and timid pony with a few very close friends. Physically she has always been rather weak, and since she was a filly she has been made fun of for this. Many times she has inconvenienced others from her own fear or inability, and often she has been insulted. Although Fluttershy's friends try to be understanding, they also inadvertently show their frustration with her. Fluttershy herself never seems to make much of these responses, though, and appears quite light-hearted. However, inside she cannot help but hurt when she is made to feel like a burden to everypony. How much longer must she live like this? Fluttershy decides to make the answer for herself.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is away from the others, and Rainbow Dash is going to find out just what she is up to.

Idea by GamerSunset and me.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have been together for quite some time. One night in particular, they decide to take their relationship to the next level. The following day, the two wake up...

Featured 11/30/2019! Squee!

Cover art by General Ecchi

Click here to see all my stories!

Chapters (1)

A one shot EqG FlutterDash story. After loosing a game, Rainbow Dash needs to escape with the help of Fluttershy which leads to the two reminiscing about the past, rekindling their strong friendship and maybe even igniting something more.

Cover Art: Head on a Rainbow by Raikoh-illust

Chapters (1)

Starlight is awoken from her mid-day nap by Trixie, who soon demands she take her to get gauges to match Starlight's own. Trixie is afraid of needles.

Rated T for: mild language

This story takes place in an alternate universe where everyone is human and around college age. This isn't an Equestria Girls story.

Once again, special thanks to hazeyhooves for being my editor.

Chapters (1)

Author's Note: This short fanfic was created in January 26, 2019 for an contest in the Mlp Animo sorry if there's any spelling or grammar errors

Rainbow Dash want to give Fluttershy something special for this hearts and hooves day

Chapters (1)