• Member Since 30th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2020



From the outside, Fluttershy is a very quiet, sensitive, and timid pony with a few very close friends. Physically she has always been rather weak, and since she was a filly she has been made fun of for this. Many times she has inconvenienced others from her own fear or inability, and often she has been insulted. Although Fluttershy's friends try to be understanding, they also inadvertently show their frustration with her. Fluttershy herself never seems to make much of these responses, though, and appears quite light-hearted. However, inside she cannot help but hurt when she is made to feel like a burden to everypony. How much longer must she live like this? Fluttershy decides to make the answer for herself.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Glad they arrived just in time to save her. :fluttercry:

Oh fluters why did you do this to me
Why u make me cry?:fluttercry:

............i wish i could have made it in time for my cousin...........

Really good! though i wish it was longer! i enojoyed it!:fluttercry:

I wish it was longer... But it was a good story.

Okay, that was almost disturbing for some reason.

Well, that was... dark.
The ending felt a bit off, but overall the story was really good. Well done. Cheers :pinkiesmile:

My heart exploded… twice.:fluttercry::raritycry:

I read this more or less a few years ago, but didn't mark it off for some reason. :twilightblush: And re-read it sometime in the last few months, back when I couldn't comment on it. Despite how short it was, it was a very well-executed story of Fluttershy, a pony epitomizing kindness and how she would probably unfortunately become depressed/suicidal, because of all those who made fun of her. :fluttercry: YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED, PONIES! :flutterrage: And of course, her oldest friend and another of her friends coming to find her as she was in the midst of doing it and saving her, even though they were probably part of the cause for what she went through; Rainbow moreso, based off canon history and my own opinion of how she complains about Fluttershy and her problems, and has little faith at times in her pegasus friend. :twilightangry2:

Well anyway, though I feel it could've had more or some kinda follow-up with maybe the other Mane 6 members and/or Ponyville finding out, but probably won't by you at least due to how long you've been offline... it was still good and tugged a bit at the heartstrings. Well done! :twilightsmile:

Kind of sad that I really do not feel any different having read the story than I did before.

Sometimes I wonder if I would be saved, but I have to admit that chances are better I would be found after the act, and not during. And judging how angry people usually get when they catch wind of your ideations in advance, I wonder if I even want to be.

Thank you for providing such useful information. I've been having trouble coming up with many pizza tower questions about this topic. I'll stick with you!

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