If I had a cent for every headdesk... I'd still be poor.
Found 8 stories in 18ms
Total Words: 39,530
Estimated Reading: 2 hours
Apple Bloom shared everything with Babs Seed. She was her confidant, her best friend, and closest cousin.
And, one night, one small talk changed everything.
A birthday present for the wonderful Babs, because she deserves it.
Thanks to TadStone for the preread and KevinLTK for edits. You're both awesome.
Applejack agreed to leave Rarity for a single day, since Rarity needs to prepare a new fashion line. But in silence, she loses her inspiration.
This story is for a friend of mine. She's silly, awesome and bestinastes (Shut up. It's a word.) all around.
Also, this story is a side story to Home is Where the Heart Lies. Her universe and her OC.
Crack pairings shorts. It'll only get worse.