Comet Flower is the daughter of Celestia's biggest secret: her first attempt to make alicorns. After Luna was banished she resolved to make an alicorn apprentice to save her when she returned. All good spells are tested though. Comet's parents were as worthy as Celestia could see. A bat pony night guard out of a job and shunned because of Luna's betrayal. Falling in love with a unicorn being groomed under Celestia's tutelage, it was scandal. Though Celestia was still uncertain about the spell and for the most part it failed. Now hidden away from the world with their two kids their youngest decides she is "normal" looking enough to go out into the world and find her place. The only problem is her magic. With alicorn parents she also received magic but without a horn. Instead her wings glow as she uses the magic she was born with. A secret she will have to keep in order to blend in.
Characters adopted from: JustOurAdopts
Cover image and characters made by one of the artist of that shared account: KinaEclipsed
Go check them out and tell them I sent ya. They make amazing stuff and are great friends.
Edited from chapter 5 by: Nailah