• Member Since 29th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Name's Ellery! Feel free to look around!

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  • 182 weeks
    Never split the party


    One of my favorite songs.

    I relate with the wizard in the song as my second and favorite character (I got bored of doing a country hick fighter) was a smart, but brash, and oblivious elven wizard who acted like a moody teenager, who toasted her party with a 30 foot fireball in a 20 by 20 foot room (wisdom was her dump stat, unusual for an elf).

    0 comments · 192 views
  • 196 weeks
    Mystery Science Theater 3000

    I know that this probably won't be read till my story is published, but I simply wanted to talk about mst3k, as I have recently discovered it.

    In case you haven't heard of it, i'll paste the theme lyrics (the netflix reboot as this show's intro has changed.) as they give the basic premise.

    In the not-too-distant future
    Next Sunday, A.D.
    There was a guy named Jonah
    Not too different from you or me

    He worked at Gizmonic Institute
    Just another mug in a yellow jumpsuit

    Read More

    0 comments · 199 views

How I got into this.

I watched this when it first came out (4-5 years old) , through the 3rd season, seeing a few after that on occasion. I recently started re-watching it with my sister and got a feeling I should rejoin the fandom. I decided to answer the call...


Never split the party · 7:13pm Jan 28th, 2021


One of my favorite songs.

I relate with the wizard in the song as my second and favorite character (I got bored of doing a country hick fighter) was a smart, but brash, and oblivious elven wizard who acted like a moody teenager, who toasted her party with a 30 foot fireball in a 20 by 20 foot room (wisdom was her dump stat, unusual for an elf).

Report ChrysalisM · 192 views · #dnd
Comments ( 57 )
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Thanks for the favorite.

Well I'm glad to hear you're okies 😌


Chillin is cool 😎

Good to hear from ya! I've just been chilling. I don't check my feed as often since my free time has been used GMing a forum RP and doing schoolwork.

Hey, it's been a while! :twilightsmile:

Hey Ellery

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