• Member Since 6th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2020


I honestly don't do much here any more, but because of a couple stories I check it almost daily. PM me and I'll see it...(Also, We're All A little Crazy is alive)


Blog post Number WhateverTheFuck · 9:30pm Aug 10th, 2015

Soooo. It's been a while. I wouldn't be surprised if none of my followers remember who I am. Anyway, I'm making this post to celebrate the sudden and unexplained influx of people who are interested in my story. Also, I realized I hadn't done song of the day in a long time either. So I'll do a few, along with some pictures I thought were funny.

Cheers, happy birthday, and all that. Have a nice day!
Songs of the day:

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Comments ( 28 )
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705478 Oh, believe me, I will. Our first meeting will be... Memorable.

Be sure to give the doctor a good ol' beating for me!

705462 Not yet anyway. I meet the doctor soon. Maybe he will decide that I am useless for whatever they want. They should have killed me when they first got me, but they sent me into that stupid court.

You're lucky they didn't lobotomize you when they threw you into that white box.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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