Lyra and Bon Bon are gonna try at least. And maybe they'll succeed. But not if Vinyl Scratch and Octavia have anything to say about it.
Will they derail a locomotive? Why are they doing it? Is it a villainous plan? Are they just pawns? Maybe it's for insurance fraud? Am I just blowing smoke to make this look better than it is?
First chapter and I already know that this won't end well.
No. No, it won't. Should be an amusing trainwrek though.
What you did there. I see it.
Crap! I need to study this here 'subtle' thing more...
This should be interesting.
One thing. Im so, so sorry
So, you're undecided about who's going to come out on top, huh?
Honestly, that just makes this plot all the more interesting. I look forward to seeing where you decide to go with this.
I'v thought of several amusing possibilities, but haven't decided on anything. I actually wrote this several weeks ago, but the indecision kept me from posting it. Perhaps, now that it's up, I can figure out where I want it to go.
I'm not sorry. And that's very catchy! I LIKE TRAINS! Duh, Dundundun!!
For who should win? I say let them both win, Vinyl and Octavia stop the train from being blown up, but Lyra and Bonbon it still end up derailed and crashing it through the side of Applejacks barn.
But this story looks like it'll be a fun adventure between the two groups and I can't wait to see more.
"What are you an addict?" "The tabloids would like to think so."
I read that, didn't get it, and a few seconds later I accidentally burst out the middle of class.... yeah..thanks...
2106649 we would be best friends in life.
OMG I HAVE TO READ THIS LOLOL I just read the descrip lol :D
I hope you liked it! Chapter 2 is in the works.
2215573 Huzzah! this was very funny :) But...tabloids? What?
Vinyl just loves trolling the tabloids. Octavia respects the press she gets, but even she has a very low opinion of the tabloids.
2222308 lol ok
I'm like "well, that's the most eye-catching fic title I've seen in a while" and then it's on hiatus.
Still, Spy vs Spy with the two biggest background pony ships?
I hope you come back to this.
I do intend on coming back to this, but my schedule is just too full at the moment. The second chapter is already half written, gathering cobwebs in my Word folder.