• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 1 - "Deal with the Devil"

White space surrounded Church as he walked aimlessly. The white went as far as his eyes could see, stretching to infinite levels. Not even a speck of dust could be found. Nor was there a way to tell time. Because of this, Church had forgotten how long he had been walking, all he knew was that he had been doing so for a long time. To him, he felt as if he had been walking for years. Decades even. But he wasn't moving to find something in the vast emptiness. He was walking to stay alert. To stay awake. Whenever he closed his eyes for more than a second, memories flooded through him. Not just one, but many at the same time, ones that brought him both mental and physical anguish, and there was nothing he could do to escape them but keep moving his legs as far as they could take him.

"Church, are you there?" a voice in the distance echoed.

Church didn't reply to the call. Instead, he focused on where the voice was coming from to determine where he wouldn't walk. This wasn't the first time he heard voices in his so-called 'solitude'. Every now and again he would hear a voice from his past, trying to lure him into a false sense of security, telling him all will be alright. He quickly learned that this wasn't the case, that he was being toyed with. And he knew exactly by who.

"There is no escaping it, Church," came a calming voice from around him. "Might as well just close your eyes and let it happen. It will hurt for a little bi- actually, it will hurt for a long time. Eternity to be precise. That's the price you'll have to pay, sorry to say."

"Get away from me, Discord," Church snapped as he lowered his head and began darting away.

As Church ran, the echoes of Discord's laugh trailed after him, piercing his ear drums. Clenching his eyes shut to try to turn his focus away from the laughter, Church instantly began recalling several memories, each one falling apart in some way or another.

"Stop!" he snarled, bringing him out of his torn memories. His eyes blazed, changing to an extremely dark red as he clasped his hooves onto his head, feeling as if it was about to explode. His voice grew commanding, but was latent with pain. "Please, for the love of God. Stop!"

"You know I can't do that, my friend," Discord grunted.


"Because you stopped me before, of course. Now we're both stuck in here. Forever. You're the only one here to keep me company," Discord muttered disdainfully. "I suppose this is nothing new to you, however. Stuck with someone you can't stand. Oh, but at least you have the great times with your friends that you can look back on, correct?"

Another memory flared through Church's mind. This one was of Twilight sitting with Spike in the library one morning. He had just woken up and came downstairs to find them to be eating breakfast.

"Morning, Church," Spike nodded as he bit into a gem filled sandwich.

Church felt himself take a step away from the table. Twilight and Spike looked at each other, and then looked at Church.

"Are you alright, Church?" Twilight asked.

The memory then grew hazy and the library began to shake, books began flying out of their shelves, papers falling out. The gem sandwich that Spike was holding began sagging, and the gems inside melted into a sloppy mess that fell to the floor seconds later. The memory quickly spiraled out of control as chaos found it's way into Church, tampering with his mind. He was having trouble differentiating between his real memories and the ones that had been contorted. Shaking his head and gasping for air, Church began running away. He knew it was helpless, that Discord would be behind him no matter where he went, but he had to keep moving. As he ran, a voice echoed through the space. Normally, Church would keep moving, but there was something off about this voice.

"There he is! Wow, there is a lot of bird poop on him," came a distant, echoed voice.

"Be quiet," a different voice hissed.

Screams came from the inside of Church's head before he could listen to more of the conversation, blocking it out.

"Tell you what, Church. How about we make a deal?" Discord asked, stopping the screams whenever he spoke, resuming them whenever he paused. "I'll leave you alone if you promise me that from here on out, you let me leave. I will not be in your life anymore, but you must not look for me, nor should you aid anyone that would do so."

"Yes! Yes, anything!" he screamed as he rolled around on the ground. "Just stop it!"

"Do you promise?" Discord pressed, now standing in front of Church.

"Yes, I promise!" he growled.

"Very well," Discord chuckled and the pains Church felt vanished instantaneously. Then, with the snap of his claws, Discord vanished as well. "Goodbye, Church. I'm glad we worked something out."

"You're leaving? Just like that?" he growled, thinking this to be a trick. Though he was quick to agree to a way of stopping the pain, he was equally quick and wary of being tricked. "What about eternity of boredom?"

Discord didn't answer. Looking around for signs of any more traps, Church got off the ground. His body tense, mind sore, Church sat on his flank and took a deep breath and counted to ten.

"Are you sure this will work?" came the second voice from before.

"Of course I'm sure," the first voice growled.

"I thought you said you weren't going to trick me anymore," Church sighed expectantly, knowing Discord was just pulling his leg.

This time when Discord didn't answer, Church felt an odd sensation. One that he hadn't felt in a long time, but he couldn't quite remember what it was. Church's leg shivered. Church paused. That wasn't a shiver of anger or any other emotion. It was a shiver due to general feeling. His legs grew cold. Before Church could question it, the coldness numbed his body, making him sluggish. Church tried to start moving, but found himself stuck in place once he got to his hooves. To make matters worse, the white space that Church had come to accept began growing darker and darker.

"What's happening?" he tried to say, but the words came out as a silent wheeze.

The darkness soon settled when Church could barely make anything out. Church tried to move, but found himself unable to do so. Suddenly, the prison shattered around Church, washing him over with a cold, numb feeling as the night air wrapped him in it's embrace and bits of rock flew off to the side. Instantly beginning to shake, Church stumbled forward a few steps, unable to get stable. Stabilizing himself, Church looked around to find himself in a garden, several large statues surrounding him. He took one more step and fell to the ground. It was only then that Church saw something standing near him, but his eyes were unable to adjust to the darkness.

"It worked," a female voice said calmly.

"Of course it worked. What do you take me for?" the second voice voice asked irately.

"Wh-who are you?" Church stuttered weakly.

"A friend."

"I doubt that," he grunted, but before the stranger could say anything else, he fell unconscious, and to his happiness dreamed of nothing.

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