Twilight feels she has grown distant from her brother, and she's hoping to mend their relationship by inviting him over. Cadance and Shining have their own plans, and they'll make sure Twilight sees things the same way by the end of their visit.
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I not complain just was surprised previous tory was so much bigger adn this one like so tiny. I was just its gonna be like previous one with so much sex scenes
Can't wait for Celestia and luna
Okay, I liked it up till now but this is slipping into being a bit too much. To the point where sex goes from hot to just stupid. Having sex 24/7 just gets boring.
And all of this happened because Cadence wanted Shining to be more dominant in the bedroom.
So are all of the mane 6 pregnant now?
Kinda of wanted to see vinyl and Octavia included in this scene. Maybe next one.
So will the next fic be about Luna and celestia or will there be two different stories about them?
Most likely Luna alone.
Honestly I would love to learn more of what is happening to wider society in general as the corruption goes on here. Also will we get stories past Luna and celestia? Like maybe shining goes to the equestria girls world or visits the other kingdoms?
It's possible we might.
I really hope we see the sequel soon!
Very nice.