• Member Since 19th May, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



Comments ( 24 )

The descriptions are pretty nice.

Wonder if Smolder and Ocellus will be in Spike's harem too?

Why do I feel like the epidemic is a reference to all those Infection AUs that has been trending recently?


Why do I feel like the epidemic is a reference to all those Infection AUs that has been trending recently?

It is mess up if you think about it. 😑 😒 :ajbemused:

Incorporating a real-life epidemic that killed millions onto your own fic, so you can make the ponies suffer too!!?? :facehoof:

I don't think it's a real life epidemic here


Just saying.

Plus, it will be weird for Spike and the girls. Since they were forced to become Dragoness out of life-threatening desperation, not by choice for love/lust for our dragon boy.

I guess its the hardest choices can bring out something within someone.

Getting more curious on what the "deal" is.

Just a little bit of writing advice. You don’t need to put a : after every time someone speaks. Just close the quotation.

Need a beta to go through and correct grammar and sentence structure. At least 2 places you used "cock" instead of "tail".

Spike is really lucky to have 2 strong dragonesses literally fighting on him.
I bet Smolder wants to try that too if she hears about it.

Great chapter can't wait for more

I see Spike might be getting Coco too.

Wonder who else will be in his hoard?
I hope Smolder and maybe Ocellus too would be in it too.

Please continúe xd

Normally I like teasing and build-up but this really drags. Him being somewhat seduced is getting repetitive.

I can relate the pain, but it was worth the gain. Even if Zecora is an annoy character to write, she shouldn't be a problem, especially in a fight. (Damn her rhymes, I got caught up in it)

More please and I can't wait for the sex Sean's

Pretty interesting in seeing how Eris and Zecora are falling for Spike too.

Nice episode how ember goingto react...she jealous ?

The story is moving very slowly. I do hope one of them makes a move at some point.

“That wasn’t intentional, Eris. "Me and Zecora were just a little engrossed in our heartfelt affair," the yellow dragoness apologized, trying not to be suffocated by the larger female's cock.

Wonder if Smolder will be jealous too?

Awesome chapter

Wonder where you got those images btw?

From Derpibooru.org

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