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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 44 )

I expected it to be one of the Starlight Glimmer timelines. Like Rarity 'Mirror Pool' instead of Pinkie Pie.

Despite not being into femdom and especially pegging, this was quite hot!

Hm... It still could be. Maybe Nightmare Rarity took over in this version?

Thanks! ^.^ And, yeah, pegging is only a small part of it. And maybe it's kind of fem-dom in a way ... but definitely not your traditional fem-dom.

Such delightful excess, and a “fun” way for Spike to learn an important lesson. :raritywink:

^.^ I'm glad I was able to include that, to make it somewhat meaningful.

Now I'm a bit curious about the backstory of this world. One of Twilight's experimental spells gone awry? Rarity having an idea of how to make the world more fabulous like her that got out of hand? Spike learning the hard way to be careful what you wish for? Or did Mirror Pool Rarity managed to duplicate uncontrollably and wipe out all other intelligent life on the planet? They do all act an awful lot like a Mirror Pool caricature version of Rarity would, though their dialogue leaves it ambiguous what happened.

And were the transformations all instantaneous, one moment everyone is normal and the next they were all Rarity with no memory of ever being someone else? Or did the beings of that dimension have time to see their encroaching doom as more and more of them slowly, irreversibly, and unstoppably were forcibly reshaped into copies of Rarity (though copies that don't seem to have been particularly concerned about this whole Rarepocalpyse)? Got the potential for another horror story there.

At least whatever caused this world's destruction doesn't seem to be contagious now, and the Rarities of that world don't seem to be smart or dedicated enough to pay Spike a visit themselves.

Probably. I'm pretty sure.


Why is there a question mark there?

Welcum to hell, Spike.

Perhaps the situation with the book on dark magic has developed in this universe. Because here the world was not flooded with clones of Rarity, as was the case with Pinkie Pie, but all the ponies in the world became Rarity. As we remember, in the dark book series episode, Rarity wanted to add elegance to everything, but who of the ponies could be more elegant in Rarity's eyes, except Rarity herself.

auto translator error. there should be an episode

Given my nature as a clopfic author, I'm going to go with the scenario of: Rarity became an STD. Anyone who has sex with a Rarity becomes a Rarity. And it gradually spread throughout Equestria until there was no one left who wasn't Rarity positive. (Maybe there are still some non-Rarity enclaves hiding somewhere the Rarities can't find them.)

And thus, on that theory, Spike is now infected. He will soon become a Rarity and begin spreading it in his native Equestria. The world is doomed! Doomed!

Eh, there are worse hells...

It was still unclear whether dragons can get a pony pregnant.

Well, all everyone has to do once Spike turns is to not have sex with Rarity, right?

Okay, yeah, they're all fucked. In every sense of the word.

And now that I think of it, how do we know whether this is the first time this plague has jumped universes?


how do we know whether this is the first time this plague has jumped universes?

Looking at you, Discord. :trixieshiftright:

Honestly, this was kind of more scary than sexy. A literal army of sex-starved ladies basically promising death by snusnu might sound appealing on paper, but you did well in capturing the overwhelmingness of the scenario.

And so Rarity did the rare thing, she destroyed her own race with her ambitious ideas :pinkiegasp:

What will Spike do when he's trapped in a world where everypony is Rarity, and the only difference between them all is their opinion on which holes to please a dragon with? Well, it's not like he has a choice.

Mercifully, we are spared his encounter with the frankly creepy Rarity with a fetish for duct-fucking.

The weirdest thing is that the mental parallel I can draw is to The Ring. Another case of "unwanted attention isnscary!"

Is it possible to see more of this then, I honestly... strangely find this to be all an interesting concept.


Rarity became an STD.

Reminds me of All Is Fluttershy a bit.

:pinkiesmile: Spike, Do you know what a Pongon or a Dracony is?
:moustache: Nope
:pinkiehappy: You should YOU made them
:twilightoops: The portal, Hybrids and Rarities as far as the eye can see
:raritystarry: They're precious ! Pinkie stop that... A lady doesn't ... Pinkie!
:ajbemused: Pinkie you know it doesn't work that way... Really, That's just silly!
:rainbowlaugh: Las Pegasus has those 24 hour Elvis trot through Chapels
:moustache::raritywink: :pinkiegasp: !!!
:twilightoops: Pinkie Stop!
:flutterrage: Discord That's not funny Mister!
:facehoof: Not another Las Pegasus All You Can Eat Buffet wedding reception
:trollestia: Don't knock it until you try it
:eeyup: Eeyep, Good Eats


but you did well in capturing the overwhelmingness of the scenario.

I'll take that as the highest compliment for a story like this one! ^.^

Well, not so much destroyed ... just changed.

At least one small mercy here, lol.

Well, I don't currently have any intention of continuing this ... but if my supporters asked for it...

I should have known somebody would have already written a story like that...


:trollestia: Don't knock it until you try it

Celestia has been married 152 times over her lifetime, and 17 of those were in Las Pegasus.
(She has a terrible habit of outliving her spouses. Also, 43 of those ended in divorce for various reasons.)

Unironically I think this would have been the perfect way for the writers to ditch Spike’s fascination with Rarity, by that I mean a world full of just her. But of course they’d probably go with “Spike loves the TRUE Rarity” or some cop-out like that.

No working day - night cycling and no males? The planet economy system and population is screwed hard.

It's Spike's best fantasy dream.

This came from the MLP manga?

Eh, if you're here, you must have at least somewhat been a fan of the show. So give their writers a little credit here.
They've shown that they're capable of writing actual character development in the past, so it wouldn't be completely out of the question for them to actually have Spike change his mind about his Rarity obsession.

Okay, true. Some Rarities have even had to stoop to mucking around in the dirt in an effort to grow food!
But maybe they can still reproduce if they try really really hard?

Or worst nightmare...

Not that I know of... Though the idea was suggested by one of my supporters ... and perhaps they were inspired by the MLP manga when they made the suggestion.

Oh come on, how scary can it be for Spike?

Yeah... :raritywink: Unless one can grow stallion parts.
There are stories where that is actually possible so who knows? :raritystarry:

I mean like, mid-show Spike. We’ve seen towards the end he was able to at least move some distance away from his singular interest and develop the wholesome and healthy relationship with Gabby. But with Spike in say, season 4, Rarity still had that invisible leash on him.

It be intriguing to see a story that a reverse to this, meaning Rarity entering a portal and ending up on a planet of Spike, but each one is a varying degree of age, height, appearance or species.

lol, would she find one that she actually wants to be with?

But if they're as rapey as these Rarities are ... well, that will end up being a very different kind of story.


Plausible, implied she get saved by her Spikey Wikey and has some realization of giving Spike a chance romantically.

Another thing, I am fairly curious; has any considered posting a story of different Rarities from different worlds, galaxies, dimensions, time and space get together to discuss matters of fashion, love interest with implied some admitting to hooking up with Spike in a romantic sense, a few mentioning they gone further by way of having kids?


has any considered posting a story of different Rarities from different worlds, galaxies, dimensions, time and space get together to discuss matters of fashion, love interest with implied some admitting to hooking up with Spike in a romantic sense, a few mentioning they gone further by way of having kids?

None that I'm aware of.
Sounds like you have a story to write! ^.^


I have so many ideas for stories to write, but it come down to phrasing my words.

That was a good story.

Thanks! ^.^ What's your favorite part?

Spike shuddered. “No, no... It was actually kind of scary. The way they were all looking at me, practically drooling over me... You ever get that feeling that you’re somewhere you don’t belong and that everypony’s about to pounce on you?”
“All the time,” Fluttershy whispered.

Poor Flutters... :fluttershysad:

With the Rarities’ pull now uncontested, he shot forward, right into a huge huddle of them. Desperately, he looked back toward the portal ... just in time to see the frayed end of the rope slide through it and disappear. The portal closed.

:twilightoops:: "Oops..."

“Oh yes, Spike!” one Rarity said. “Remember Spike, girls? You know, from before everypony became Rarity?”
“Before what?” Spike’s eye twitched.


Spike was pretty sure that dragons couldn’t get ponies pregnant, but that didn’t matter.

Where do you think the Kirin came from?

It was a much thicker rope this time, and it yanked them along with immense force, as if being pulled by the entire Apple clan on the other side.

Maybe they called in some help from the Planet of Big Macs?

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

To make the obvious (and bad) pun:
It seems Rarity is not a rarity in this dimension...


Maybe they called in some help from the Planet of Big Macs?

If ever that planet should meet the planet of the Rarities, there is no end to the sexual chaos that would ensue...

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