• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen November 23rd


It don’t matter. None’a this matters. - Carl Brutananadilewski

Comments ( 2 )

Short but sweet~

It's always nice to see some Sparity (and why do I get the feeling that Spike pose in the bed is another Pia-Sama thing, lol).

Thanks again for the story!

Hillbe #2 · Aug 5th, 2023 · · 1 ·

:duck: and then the foals barged in
:fluttercry: Oh no what happened?
:raritywink: They pointed their claws at us saying "Daddy and Mummy are getting silly again
:fluttershyouch: That's okay Annarchy turned us into bunnies again Discord was so peeved
:facehoof: Why so many hybrids . . .Fluttershy and Discord, Spike and Rarity, Yona and Sandbar, Applejack and a tree:twilightoops: Really!

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