Octavia plays a song for her beloved.
This story was written for the 2023 'A Thousand Words' contest in the 'Horror' category. If you enjoy this story and would like to receive one of your own, see here for more details.
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Holy Toledo/10 on the Creepy Vibe
Absolutely brilliant. Horrific, indeed!
Vinyl kissed back made my skin crawl.
So is Vinyl dead or undead?
The last sentence made me wonder that too
At first, I really thought that Octavia is insane and Vinyl dead.But the last sentence combined with the thud, made me believe that she is undead?
huh, that pony sure does really like darkness for some reason!
aww, canonical!
and yeah, had the feeling it was heading this way!
and oof, bringing her muteness into this
the eye of the beholder, as the saying goes
well, the ambiguous ending might recontextualize some things! though not all of it, of course. and in the straight reading of what came before this line, in a way, a heartbreaking illustration of a love so strong it’s unable to let go. thank you for writing!
Okay, immediate bonus points for that title.
Good work with building the anticipation and luxuriating in the grotesqueness of the reveal. And those last three words…
Stomach-churningly effective. Excellent blend of gross-out and psychological horror, with a wonderfully disturbing cherry on top. Thank you for it and congrats on the honorable mention.
This creeped me out
loved the life of cloud reading
Is this story based off of the fan made My Little Pony song On Hold?
Hello! I read all the stories in this contest that won recognition, so here's a review. Nicely creepy, and that last line adds an extra twist. Enjoyably disconcerting enough for a pretty easy like from me.