Discord is not typically known for having a plan b. After all, who needs one when you were as powerful as he? However, when he found out that a certain chaos inducing trio, who had freed him from his prison early, were sisters (well mostly) with the bearers of the elements of harmony, he saw an opportunity. With a plan that was already guaranteed to succeed, why not add a little more chaos to the mix? Couldn't be that hard to manipulate a small group of fillies, right? Right?
Takes place during the season 2 premiere. An alternative take on Discord's redemption.
Inspired by a certain comic involving Discord and the CMC.
Huge thank you to DustyDominic for proofreading!
Love the part in the pic where Scoots is about to brain Discord with a bowling ball
Oh yeah, also following this one
Lol, thanks! Glad you're liking it so far.
The... SS. Friend, ship. Great start and a fun read so far!
Happy to hear that!
Yes, yes it DOES start NOW!
To be honest it feels weird that in the show, the statue started to crack when the CMC started fighting, and cracked more once they continued bickering silently. Sounds somewhat hillarious that all it takes was one fight from three foals to release an evil entity such as Discord. An immortal one too that would pretty much leave Equestria screwed.
Thank goodness that this Mane 6 stopped him but it will still feel off that all of this chaos was happening because of... a tiny fight.
Well, they were more like the straw that broke the camel's back. Discord was getting close to being freed anyway. They just released him a little sooner than expected. The only reason Discord got out at all was because the elements' powers transferred to a new group, a group that didn't trap him the first time around.
I must say, I love how you’ve characterised Discord.
Thank you, I'm really happy to hear that!
They're the toughest little pirates in town! Got the moves, got the mojo, no harder-working pirates around!
I couldn't resist!
Thanks, you got that song stuck in my head now. Hmm, that song does fit pretty well here. Potential parody song for them as pirates in the future? Nah... unless... but probably not, no... Small reference might work however... Lol.
Really loving this fic so far ! I'm so glad I finally got around to continuing it, the way you write everyone is very nice. I'm pretty excited to see Discord's reaction to the little sky pirates running around :)
Hey that's awesome, I'm glad to hear that! I'm really looking forward writing their next interaction! Going to be a fun one for sure.
Why you have to be so mean to Oscar?
More please
Another great chapter !! I really like your incorporation of Discord using the CMC instead to trick the girls. Rarity especially seeing the rock as Sweetie Belle I think is a good twist on the canon, and I like AJ being more in denial than just outright lying about everything.