• Member Since 14th Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Just someone who likes to write stories and music

Comments ( 13 )

Wow, AJ looks beautiful.

Honesty best policy! The honest truth... Hot fiction!

Those interested in the full version of the cover image should check out 1694946 on Derpi. For the NSFW version, check out 1694951.

Glamour had a beaming smile on her face as she reached her hand out, "Hi there, Jackie. In case you didn't know, I'm Glamour Star. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

I maked a stickman named Jackie, but he is a boy.

It honestly sounds more like a girl's name to me, but the most famous Jackie is male so it's de facto unisex. If you insult him, it'll be for his politics and not his name.

Jack can be nick named to Jackie, but Jacqueline can also be shortened to Jack or Jackie.

Moral of the story, people just name their kids whatever they want, damn the consequences.

You're right pal.

Aw I was Hoping to See jackie Broken and turned into a bimbo. Sigh

did not even realize you were the same guy who wrote the Dino story, this story was great to bud! Keep up the awesome work!

Seing as the magic body control is very much to my liking, this goes to my favorite folder.
I know this is a 1 shot thing, but I hope to see more of this in the future =^_^=

I don't have any plans for a sequel at the moment but it's not completely off the table for the future.

amazing job fun and hot

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