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Moproblems Moharmoney

Because Rainbow Lasers Solve Everything


Calmy Storm is the one --and only-- Para Psychotherapist in Canterlot City. The strange and unusual is his bread and better, but will his latest client be beyond his skills?

Created both to exercise my atrophied writing muscles and work out some ideas regarding the potential continuation of Midnight Sparkle, leaning on her appearances in Legend of the Everfree.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 58 )

Very interested where this could go!

Thank you, I've a few ideas and hope it'll get some traction.

I like oc. I like character development this might be it. Very interesting so far. But I need more chapters before I can judge this personally.

Woah. Don't tell me; he had a thing for her and she rejected him, right?

Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt.

Interesting setup. I look forward to seeing both Calmy’s history and what, if anything, he can do for Twilight.

This was great! So nice to see things from Sonata's point of view (the sweetest and cutest siren) without her being a total airhead. Also, mortality. Eugh.

Adagio as a Civil War nurse? I would never have expected that from the most cynical and tsundere siren.

Aria as a possibly traumatized Civil War veteran is an unexpected wrinkle. I wonder if Sonata’s ever considered asking Calmy for an employee discount for his services.

Fascinating look at the Sirens’ situation. Their circumstances and relatio ship are some of the more interesting dials to adjust in this setting. Seeing them as roughly equals is an unusual delight. Looking forward to seeing what else you do with them, to say nothing of Twilight’s sessions.

The fun thing to me is that Sonata is weirdly the most well adjusted to working with "normal" people even outside of this fic. Adagio is too high on Villainous shenanigans to lower herself to it and Aria has too much sass and agression. Meanwhile Sonatas just a ditz, and if your hiring teenagers Ditzy isnt THAT unexpected.

Nothing ruins your faith in the world like being at Bull Run.

Honestly i always preferred that the dazzlings came on earth not too long before eqg1 like what idw implied but having them live through world history like this is a fun concept

And so we go into the belly of the beast. This will be interesting for everyone involved. Somehow I doubt Calmy's dealt with quite this level of supernatural involvement before... but I may be surprised.

Thanks for reading 😁

We'll just have to see how things go, though I've a rough first draft of the next chapter ready to fo. Just needs some work to iron out the flaws.

I'm a big fan of your work btw

Sorry about the hassle, but when do you think the next update will come out?

Fairly soon. I've revised the latest chapter a few times now, trying to get the right vibe.

Then again she wasn't suggesting violence, so it was going better than the last 'special' case so far.

That’s equal parts intriguing and concerning.

As is the other Miss Sparkle making herself known. This session already had a lot to unpack. Midnight’s going to add a whole other airport carousel’s worth.

“Midnight actually,” her eyes now framed by aquamarine flame, “but I'll take that as a compliment.”

..did she infiltrate his mind?

I remember the horrors of high school, and she looked like a prime target. Throw in her ludicrous intelligence and you had an outsider, someone who was sold the lie that they could be whoever, or whatever, they wanted with zero repercussions from their peers. The paperwork had spoken for itself. A lamb to the slaughter.

I wish more people understood this.

Plus I wanted something with her name that was ours, not a stuffy book or the...statue. Starswirl had to die after that we vowed.

So Celestia isn't the first one to turn people into stone? Intresting.

I wonder what they would think of Discord's escape and reformation?:trixieshiftright:

Short and creepy, but it holds my interest. I guess we'll see we're you go from here.

it's act two that has been stumping me somewhat

It's always the filler isn't it? I know how that feels. I have patience though, and a bookmark button.

I don't want Calmy to be seen as some ridiculous Harry Dresden Esque OC with amazing magic unrelated to the equestrian source.

I don't get that vibe. Not yet anyway.

If Midnight wants therapy too, then there are ways to play that without making your character unrealistically OP.

If you make her a all out spree killer you could have problems, but canonically that isn't who Midnight is anyway.

Actually there aren't any spree killers in EQG, which means you are in a pretty safe place to do a psycho analytical drama with a underpowered protagonist, even if you make it a series.

The closest thing I can think of is Sunset Shimmer whose been safely harmonized into being good. For the most part anyway.

One of the few benefits of working with conventionally smart clients. They tend to be high IQ and poor EQ, trying to out-think me as if this is a trap, rather than a genuine attempt at outreach.

Wouldn't that be a detriment?

Between the mary janes, the puffy shirt, and the bow tie, well it was as if a child had picked her outfit for her. Not to mention the coke bottle glasses.

Eh, Chrystal Prep Uniforms don't exactly scream maturity themselves.:unsuresweetie:

Personal experience says brothers and parents beat this truth into you early on.

And they tell you physical discipline isn't good for anything. Hah!:rainbowlaugh:

Sounds like Shinny was doing his part to make her miserable at the very least.

I don't think canon Midnight would intentionally hurt anyone. She probably wouldn't be too concerned about casualties but she is curious, not malicious.

Of course maybe I'm just defending her because she's hawt.

Not as much as you'd think, it adds a layer of predictability to the situation that a therapist can learn coping mechanisms for. It's kind of repeated with Twilight falling into patterns Calmy expects, since therapy is so flanderised in its depictions that everyone generally thinks they understand the process when it's alot more complex.

Whilst I wont spoil anything, lets just say Calmy isn't the most reliable narrator and (much like with Cadance) has his own biases and interpretations.

I definitely wouldn’t mind some mingling with magic to spice it up right about now, and I don’t see how calmy could come off as overpowered, he seemed to clearly come off as careful and vulnerable in this chapter

In fairness she hasn't yet. She's mostly just throwing her weight around at this point.

I imagine losing access to the portal's magic put a real crimp in her plans to bust through to Equestria.

Yeah I was kind of getting that vibe from his assumption that Twilight was being bullied for her clothes in a school with a dress code.

It's a great chance to create a protagonist that's a little less knowledgeable than the audience though.

Which can be useful if you want to write a longer drama story.

Sorry for the delay. Great stuff here. I look forward to seeing Midnight’s perspective on the matter. It should certainly be unique.

Thankfully Miss Lulamoon and Mister Sunburst took it well.

OKay this has popped back in my mind , if Sonata and Sci Twi are still young does that mean trixie and sunburst have a weird teenage marriage thing goin on or are they just siblings in law and calmy is just referring to their parents?

My intent here (perhaps poorly worded on my part) is that they are two separate clients.

Waiting for the dramatic "YOU'RE NOT ME!".

I kid. Eager to see where this goes, though.

I though Aria was the most cynical and tsundere siren.

seeing a scrawny sci twi hunched over a ridiculously large amount of alcohol must’ve been one hell of a sight


is this sci twi or chuck mcgill of hhm co
one hell of an ending too

Whilst I've laid some strong hints out, we'll be covering that in future chapters, don't worry.

I think this is the first fanfic I've read where Midnight Sparkle is another personality of Sci-Twi

I think this song fit so well for twilight and midnight sparkle. Moon knight.

I'd be lying if I didn't say Moon Knight influenced the creation of this fic somewhat, albeit more the comics then the show (which is very good however).

It's my own personal katabasis.

Hey, a criminal underworld is still an underworld. And I appreciate any excuse to use that word. Much like “defenstration.”

Yeah, Twilight needs help. As does Midnight, assuming she is a distinct personality. Given how Twilight has her geode, this has been going for too long as it is. Here’s hoping Calmy can do something for these girls.

“Poor, poor, Micro Chips,” the laptop clicked shut, “you're sweet but oh so gullible.”

You're just lucky he's sweet.

Who else could you coerce into making you a elaborate high tech spy program?

Probably pre Friendship Games Sci Twi? Cinch just wasn't ambitious enough or clever enough in dealing with her.

Adagio has nothing Twilight wants though.

Maybe Adagio could bully her into it, but a random creep with no conceptions to her school and limited finances, would be a much easier target to pursue action against than her previous CPA bullies.

True. I was thinking rather she'd manipulate her through being a confidant, a kind ear, dare I say 'a friend' ? All theoretical of course.

Adagio’s the best at what she does, and what she does isn’t very nice.

Now the question is what Adagio’s going to make of these audio logs. This could develop in any number of different directions…

Also, dare I ask what Aria’s doing to make money? I’m imagining rage-streaming.

She works on their "Neightreon", making cash off their old music.

I'm really liking the setup for the Dazzlings here. It's interesting to see the aftermath of them losing their powers and how they're just trying to make ends meet now. Kinda wonder how Aria managed to get into the army, though.

I would also like to point out that I noticed quite a few grammar errors/inconsistencies here and there. Nothing major, but I would suggest reviewing this chapter to get rid of those little errors.

Any highlights? I work without an editor so it's a one man job.


Speaking of my sisters I could see Adagio frantically writing in a notepad, childishly sitting as far away from Aria as was possible whilst still being in camp. Maybe song lyrics? The few times we took a 'serious' (ugh) approach to the whole pop star thing that had been her domain. My other sister meanwhile was furiously jabbing the fire, her stick probably an imagined knife going in Daggys back. We loved each other really, things just got, well, difficult.

Eh, OK," Aria grunted, idly looked at her nails and grimacing at their state. "Sewed up that hole in my pants and did some more work on the Neightreon. We've got thirty rubes at the five dollar level and one on the ten." The ancient laptop sat near her, the beach ball of doom spinning slowly on its screen. Neightreon had been a pet project for my sister and ir was starting to show dividends. Playing us off as an amateur pop group we sold access to of our old music to fans, claiming the stylistic inconsistencies were 'experimental'. I just hoped no one listened too closely to that performance in the forties, how we got Lois Armstrong involved I still don't know.

Here's a couple of examples. For the first bold mark, "was" should be taken out since it isn't necessary. For the second one, "it" was just spelled wrong. To make things easier on yourself, put this chapter through a spellcheck and it should catch most errors for you.

Thunder 'Fun' Storm

No relation to Thelma Thunder Hooves by any chance?:duck:

My sister wasn't a bad person, she was just insensitive. Maddeningly so, sometimes to the point where it almost made me question whether it was all just a game to her. Another way to needle a world that didn't approve.

This sounds familiar. Right Dashy?:rainbowderp:

“Cool.” she paused momentarily, reaching for a towel hanging off the squat rack. “If you ever see some punk with rainbow hair, you tell that idiot I ain't teachin' her 'how to lift like a badass'. Kids got the entirely wrong attitude.”

Knowing Dashy the way I do, it's just as likely she just communicated her interest basically since she has a incredibly simple vocabulary.:ajsmug:

But that's just me.:rainbowdetermined2:

“It ain't about being a badass, it's about proving you got what it takes, both to yourself and the hunk of metal saying 'you can't lift me'.” she continued, finishing her quick rub down.

I mean that sounds like something EqG Rainbow Dash already understands in principle.:unsuresweetie:

And if not, you could probably explained it to her if you did it slowly, and used fewer words.:pinkiecrazy:

I kid. Just explain it to her slowly and she'll get it.:pinkiehappy:


Well, if those weak runes of yours were accurate, you attempted to isolate and paralyse me. Can't blame a girl for being paranoid,” an

I get Midnight being OP by Earth standards after being pumped on Equestrian magic, but how does she know about runes? Calmy obtained that knowledge from Al'amr, a secret society. I doubt actual occult knowledge can be obtained with internet searches.

I thought everyone got their Occult secrets from Tiktok, or is it just me? Lol

Seriously though, this will be covered in the future much like Calmy being a Para Psychotherapist.

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