• Member Since 9th Jun, 2022
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Moproblems Moharmoney

Because Rainbow Lasers Solve Everything


Getting into the Royal Castle is difficult for your average pony, but for an infamous villain like Queen Chrysalis? Nigh impossible. Unless of course, you have a devious plan...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

hmmmm... kind of interesting.

Huh! Welcome to the ranks of horsewords writers on fimfiction.net. :twilightsmile:

"FINALLY!" gasped a thoroughly bruised, bashed, and oxygen starved Changeling Queen. She swore she'd destroy the fool who'd suggested this 'plan' to her.

Let me guess: It was her idea?


She can still blame whatever unfortunate drone crosses her path next time she finds one. That's a perk of "I'm always right because I'm the Queen."

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