• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,831 Views, 54 Comments

How I met The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Little Spike Drake moves from Ponyville to Canterlot City where he makes new friends with some special girls

  • ...

A Mighty Little Man

It had been two weeks since Spike started school with his friends, and it had been good for him. More or less of course. While he did have friends there and wasn't a troublesome student, there were still challenges of school life. Be it studying for tests or homework, the most common problem Spike had to deal with was bullies. Preferably in the shape of two girls in his class, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara was the daughter of wealthy businessman Filthy Rich, and because of that she acted like she could do whatever she wanted and say whatever to anyone. With her toady Silver Spoon following her stead she always agreed with Diamond as if it's her only function. Whenever the two girls would mock and ridicule Spike, his boys, or even Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo at school it felt like hell. Especially to Spike.

But nothing compared to the mocking of one known as Uppercut. A boy a year older than Spike and his friends who would always try to shake the younger students down for lunch money or anything. He had the younger students so afraid they couldn't tell anybody about his behavior.

If there was one thing Spike hated in the world it was a bully, and despite his desire to stand up to them he would always end up turning into Fluttershy, scared and intimidated. But eventually his friends were there to calm him down and assure him it was ok. And yet Spike still felt like a coward.

One Saturday at the park, Spike and the girls were at the playground area relaxing. Rainbow who was swinging on the monkey bars spoke to the others, “Saturday, I thought it would never come.”

“I've been counting down the days since last Saturday.” Pinkie added.

“This week at school sure has been tiresome.” Applejack admitted, while stretching her arms up.

“I thought it went by like a breeze.” Twilight said feeling good.

“It always does for you.” Spike replied dryly.

“Come on, everybody,” Fluttershy began, “We should enjoy this day here at the park.”

“Agreed. Especially since our parents were fortunate enough to allow us to walk here by ourselves this time.” Rarity added.

“Guess, they're really starting to trust us now.” Twilight suggested.

“Of course,” Rainbow said, as she let go of the bar and landed beside them, “We're a trusting bunch. And watching our buddy Spike here is sure to prove we can handle walking to the park at least by ourselves now.” she held Spike close.

“And shows we're responsible enough to watch him when nobody else can't.” Fluttershy put in.

“Well, don't I feel lucky?” Spike asked sarcastically.

“Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, Spike?” Applejack noticing his tone, as did the others.

Spike sighed, “No, I'm just glad I'm not in school now.”

“Are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon still giving you and your friends a hard time?” Twilight asked in concern.

“Yeah, but not as often. It's Uppercut that's giving us grief.”

“I don't understand why you don't just report him?” Rarity asked in confusion.

“Because he always plays the innocent act, and not to mention he'll clobber any of us if we do.” Spike said in worry.

“Spike, you can't go through your life being afraid of some jerk no matter who they are.” Rainbow explained.

“I know, it's so just so hard.” Spike sighed.

Pinkie feeling the mood was becoming too dismal for everyone decided to liven things up, “You know what we all need to do?”

“What's that, Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“A good old game of hide and seek!”

The girls looked intrigued, until Rainbow spoke up, “Only if you count. Every time you hide you always win!”

“What can I say, I'm just that good.” Pinkie boasted.

“But she does bring up a good point.” Twilight reminded her.

“Ok, I'll count. But you better make it a challenge.” Pinkie told them, as she covered her eyes and began counting.

Spike and the rest of the girls took off to find places to hide in the park. Spike looked around hoping to find a good hiding spot before seeing a bush. He smirked and dove right into it. As he sat in the bush he spoke quietly to himself, “No way she'll find me in here. I'll win for sure.”

He peeked out seeing Pinkie finish counting and started looking around for him and the others. He had already found Rainbow hiding in a crawl tunnel on the playground, Fluttershy behind a boulder, and Twilight behind a tree. Spike was sure he was going to win, until he felt something breathing in the back of his head and heard growling. He tensed up as he slowly look behind him and came face to face with two stray dogs that while not large still looked bigger than him.

Spike screamed, as he bolted out of the bush and ran for it with the dogs chasing after him. The screaming alerted the girls, as Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack came out of hiding.

“Spike?!” the girls asked in surprise.

When they saw Spike running from the two dogs, they were horrified. Especially when Spike tripped and fell on the ground. The dogs stopped in place and started barking at him resulting in him crying in fear. The girls quickly ran over with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity going to the boy to calm him down, while Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow stared the dogs down who wouldn't stop barking.

"Hey, you mean doggies, leave little Spike alone!" Pinkie ordered them.

"Yeah, go away before we have to make you varmints!" Applejack added.

The dogs continued to bark, until Rainbow Dash stomped her foot in front of them taking them by surprise, "Get out of here already!" she shouted, and the two dogs took off running.

Seeing the dogs run off, the three turned around seeing Spike was crying less. Applejack approached and laid a hand on his head ruffling his hair, "There-there, sugarcube. They're gone now."

"Yeah. Nobody bullies our little buddy while we're around." Rainbow Dash said proudly, while thumb motioning to herself and the others.

"Thank you, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie." Spike said between small sobs.

Fluttershy comforted him, "Now-now, there's no need to cry anymore, Spike."

"Fluttershy's right, sweetie. Let me dry those eyes." Rarity said, as she took a handkerchief and wiped his tears away.

"Thank you." Spike thanked her, as Pinkie slid before him.

"Come on, Spike, where that's cute smile we all love?" she started tickling him.

Spike started laughing resulting in a smile growing on his face, "Pinkie, stop it!" he laughed.

"There it is!" Pinkie smiled, as the girls giggled.

Spike smiled, as Twilight helped him up, "Come on, let's go home." they started walking off.

As they walked, Pinkie noticed Spike was still in discomfort from the confrontation with the dogs, "Don't worry, Spike. If those dogs chase you again we'll be here to protect you."


"Pinkie promise." she promised.

Rainbow Dash spoke up, "But you're a boy, Spike, so one day you'll have to start standing up for yourself."

"Rainbow's right, Spike," Applejack agreed, "We can't have ya being scared your whole life and needing others to protect ya."

"I know. I just hope one day I really can fend for myself." Spike said with doubt.

"We believe you can." Fluttershy assured him.

"Yeah. You just need to be confident in yourself." Twilight added.

"But if I do, does that mean you won't be with me all the time?" Spike asked in worry.

The girls stopped in place, while feeling surprised at Spike's question, until Pinkie spoke up, "Silly-willy! That'll never happen."

"We'll always be with you, Spike." Rarity promised.

"Now and Forever." Twilight nodded.

"Like apple and pie." A.J added.

Spike's dismal look shifted to excitement, "Really? Then, could you girls do the usual?" he requested.

The six looked at each other in confusion, before they giggled. Rarity and Fluttershy went to Spike standing on both sides of him, "Spike, I swear no matter how old you get..." Rarity began.

"You'll always be our spoiled little boy." Fluttershy finished, as the two simultaneously kissed his cheeks.

Spike's eyes lit up, and his smile brightened. Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other and smiled before taking Rarity and Fluttershy's place on both sides of Spike, "You're the only one I'd ever do this to, Spike." Rainbow began.

"And we just love your reaction, buttercup." Applejack added, as the two delivered their kisses to Spike's cheeks, making him blush.

"Oh, our turn, our turn!" Pinkie beamed, as she grabbed Twilight and brought her over to Spike.

"One, two, three..." the final two girls gave Spike their kisses to his cheeks.

"How was that?" Twilight asked.

Spike who's face was bright red, spoke sheepishly, "Just the way I like it."

"Ooh, group hug!" Pinkie cheered, as the six girls hugged him all around.

Spike smiled, while being hugged until the broke and walked onward to home. As they walked, Spike looked up at the girls and thought to himself, 'They're right. I can't be afraid and intimidated. Not by dogs, and not by Uppercut or Diamond Tiara. I have to be strong and confident in myself. Because I am Spike Drake, and I am mighty!'

(Mighty Little Man- Steven Burns)

As Spike walked the years suddenly felt like they were flying by. And Spike was getting older and older, until he was fourteen years old. He stopped and looked up ahead at the junior high he attended with older Snips, Snails, Pip, and Featherweight waiting for him. He joined his boys fist bumping with them before going inside.

When school let out, the boys said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Spike looked down the steps and saw waiting for him was Twilight and the rest of the girls now seventeen years old. Spike smiled, as he raced down the steps and joined the girls in a group hug, as a heart appeared around the group that was in the center.

The scene faded back to twenty year old Spike still sitting in the armchair in his smoking jacket and pipe before speaking to the fourth wall, “And that was how I met the girls who would change my life forever. I learned not to be so scared and intimidated and sure enough I became the kind of guy I was deep down inside. Whatever happened to Uppercut, Diamond, and Silver Spoon? Well, eventually I stood up to Uppercut and called him out. And when he was ready to deck me we all stood together and confronted him. When word got out about his behavior, his parents pulled him out of school and sent him to another one where he'd never threaten us again. Diamond and Silver unfortunately stayed the way they were up until high school. But it didn't bother me, because I knew those girls were all talk. At least until me, and my pals, along with Bloom, Belle, and Scoots discovered her mother was the one who bullied her into being exactly like her, until we all helped her realize she didn't have to be like her mom and be her own person. Thanks to us she confronted her mom who backed off, and now we were all friends since then. Diamond and Silver even wanted to be my dates for Prom, but I reminded them I was spoken for.”

“And thus this concludes my origin tale.” spike began, until Twilight spoke up.

“Spike!” Spike looked off to the side seeing Twilight and the rest of his girls from Canterlot including the girls from Ponyville he reunited with when he and his parents moved back after he graduated high school.

“What're you doing?” Moondancer asked.

“Just talking about my childhood.” he said sheepishly.

“While wearing that?” Rarity motioned to his outfit.

“And in the middle of the campus library study area?” Applejack asked, as it panned out to reveal the place Spike was telling his story in wasn't a private study room, but indeed part of the campus' library.

“It was right for the setting.” Spike shrugged.

The girls rolled their eyes, “Spike you really are something.” Sunset Shimmer smiled.

“Thank you.” he smiled.

“Come on, we're going back to our dorm to order take out. You coming?” Ember asked.

“You bet.” Spike got off the chair.

“Then let's go.” Sunshine Smiles beamed, as they headed with with Spike looking back and winked at the audience.

Author's Note:

And this concludes this origin. It may not have been as long as some might've hoped, but it at least shows how Spike started off in the beginning of this series. See you all around.

Comments ( 12 )

But nothing compared to the mocking of one known as Uppercut.

I know you!

EFinding Happiness
A boy with no parents and a cruel aunt and cousin runs away and is brought to Equestria in hopes of finding a place where he belongs.
Wildcard25 · 70k words  ·  156  15 · 15k views

It’s the bad kitty!

Thank you for another fun story, Wildcard!

Whoever this troll is (or four), they clearly have no sense of humor, if they think they can just harass us with downvotes, for liking a good story.

My advice to them: Get a life.

Thank you it was perfekt

Well done 👍🏻

My thoughts exactly

Well done dude. Kinda feels like your watching a movie or a episode. Either way excellent story. :twilightsmile:

Ok….. I have to ask wats with the dislikes?

Trolls ganging up on me and so many others who just want to see thumbs down on every comment of certain stories.

It is a shame that the story has come to an end so early, no doubt there are plans for this to be longer but I understand your reason and it was a nice way to finish off. Maybe one day you can do a rewrite, if not don’t worry about it you just focus on you and other projects That need more attention.

Wow, it was a cute story.

Recommend reading The Girls of My Life, and The Girls of My Life 2 Old Flames and New Flames before this, in this exact order.

Isn’t this supposed to be sort of a prequel to the Girls of My Life?

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