• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 38,754 Views, 439 Comments

A Canterlot Wedding: Aftermath - Black Kyurem

The magic of friendship was broken once on that fateful night. Will it happen again?

  • ...

Epilogue: There's No School Like Old School

"There's always a difference between friends and true friends."

Twilight came to Minuette's house first and knocked on the door. "These ponies have probably been suffering ever since I left," she said. "They're probably wondering why their supposed friend would treat them so badly!" Minuette answered the door. "Minuette?"

"Twilight Sparkle!" laughed Minuette. "You old so-and-so! What are you doing here? I mean, I know you're here all the time, but you never come to see me. Hey! I just had the greatest idea! You wanna go see Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine?"

"Of course!" replied Twilight. "My old friends!"

"It'll be great!" Minuette giggled. "Come on!" Soon, Twilight and Minuette got together with Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine and all four ponies along with Spike were sitting at a table enjoying some refreshments.

"To think," said Minuette. "Our old friend Lyra, myself, and Twinkleshine were thrown out of the wedding all because we just wanted to meet Canterlot royalty! How bonkers is that?!"

"Tell me about it!" said Twinkleshine. "That was some shindig!"

"You remember our old friend, Lyra, right?" Minuette giggled. "She lives in Ponyville too. We're always over there visiting her. Or she's coming over here! We've thought about asking you to join us from time to time, but we just sorta figured you'd moved on."

"Oh..." murmured Twilight. "Well... about that. You see..." She sighed. "I came to apologize."

"For what?" asked Minuette.

"Before I left Canterlot, I didn't really appreciate my friends," Twilight confessed. "And that's because I didn't know how important friendship was. But I've learned so much since I moved to Ponyville. I learned what it means to be a good friend and that I certainly wasn't one to the three of you. So for all the pain I caused you, I am truly sorry." But her three friends just looked at her like she had two heads, or grew an extra horn for that matter, and just giggled.

"Oh, come on, Twilight!" said Minuette. "Sure, it might've stung a little bit when you ran off to Ponyville without saying goodbye, but it's not like we weren't used to that from you!"

"Yeah," agreed Twinkleshine. "We didn't take it personally."

"But it's really good to see you now," said Lemon Hearts. And then Twilight remembered.

"Hey, whatever happened to Moon Dancer?" she asked. "You know, our other friend."

"Yeah, I always liked her," said Minuette. "We just sort of lost touch after you left."

~ Day 7 ~

"Come on, Twilight!" Spike sighed. "We've been watching her for three days! Library, house, library, house. That's it!"

"Nopony looks at her or says hello or even gives her a smile," said Twilight. "It's like she doesn't even exist. Was she always like this?"

"Well, she always was a little shy," answered Minuette. "But for a while there, she was really starting to come out of her shell. Remember when she threw that party? Oh, right. I think you might've been busy that day. We thought she finally might be letting her guard down a little with that party. We invited her out a few times after that. But she was always too busy studying. So, eventually, we just stopped asking."

"I had no idea that party was so important to her. I'm gonna go talk to her." So Twilight gathered her courage and approached Moon Dancer while she was heading for the Canterlot library. "Moon Dancer?" The young recluse turned her head and saw Twilight Sparkle, her old friend from years ago, but pretended not to know her.

"What do you want?" she said. "I have a lot of studying to do."

"It's me, Twilight Sparkle! I'm here with all your old friends!"

"Oh... it's you." Moon Dancer turned away. "Sorry, but I don't do friendship anymore. It just doesn't work for me."

"I know," said Twilight. "And I think it's my fault. Back when we were in school together, you invited me to a party. I was so focused on my studies that I didn't show up."

"Big deal!"

"It was a big deal. And now that I realize how important friendship is, I'd like for us to start over. Please, don't let my mistake be the reason you can't be friends with anypony else." Moon Dancer ignored Twilight, so she tried again. "Please! I know what it's like to be hurt!" This stopped Moon Dancer and Twilight went on. "I did learn so much about friendship while I was living in Ponyville, but my friends, the ones who first taught me... they hurt me in the end. And I--"

"Well, now you see why friendship isn't worth my time, don't you?" snarled Moon Dancer. "You take big risks, but in the end, it just comes crashing down on you! I never wanted to let myself be hurt like that again!"

"Neither do I," agreed Twilight. "And it doesn't have to be that way. I'm here to stay in Canterlot now. I want my old life back... and I want you back too."

"We were your friends then and we'd be honored to be your friends now," said Minuette, joining in.

"Minuette?" said Moon Dancer. And soon Twilight's other friends showed up too, including Lyra from Ponyville. "Lemon Hearts... Twinkleshine... Lyra... You're all here."

"You've got a lot of friends, Moon Dancer," said Minuette.

"I'm sorry, Moon Dancer. Seeing how my actions affected you is one of the worst feelings I've ever had. I've missed so much since I left Canterlot and after what I went through at that royal wedding, I think me staying here in Canterlot and catching up on old times is the right thing for me to do." Moon Dancer was touched by the genuine affection of her friends and wiped away a single tear.

"Thank you, Twilight," she sniffled. "I never realized how much I needed to hear that."

"Um, Moon Dancer?" said Spike. "It got kinda banged up, but here's a little something I wanted to give you back at your first party." Spike handed her a somewhat wrinkled present and she opened in. Inside was a photo of the original Mane 6, consisting of her, Twilight, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Lyra. Moon Dancer was moved to tears.

"Friends forever?" said Twilight.

"Friends forever!" Moon Dancer agreed, the two old friends sharing a warm hug. "Gee, I'd better get myself fixed up. I look awful!"

After Moon Dancer got herself tidied up, the six friends of Canterlot went out to dinner that night. And while waiting for their orders, Twilight quickly dashed off a letter to Princess Celestia.

"Dear Princess Celestia, these past few days may have been miserable for me, but it taught me one of the greatest lessons about friendship I could ever hope to know. Friendship is such a wonderful thing, but it can be easy to break apart and hard to put the pieces back together. However, being there for each other no matter what happens can always make a pony feel rest assured, even if it takes being overwhelmed to get somepony to notice your problems. It is said that sometimes when friends do so many good things that when they do one bad thing, they're showing their true colors. But I learned that this is never the case, especially when friends are truly sorry for their mistakes. And although there's always one or two things that just can't be agreed on, differences make our friendship so much stronger as long as we learn to embrace them and discover what us ponies are truly made of. I still feel down every now and then. Just thinking about bad times we've had makes me sad, and sometimes I just wish that they never happened because of how much they hurt. But I know this. My good friends will always be there for me... to love me... to comfort me... to show me how much they truly care for me. And they make me happy. I'm glad that I got to learn so much about friendship and how much of a difference it made in my life. I'm happy. And even though I can't be with everyone I love all the time, I don't think I'll ever feel alone again. Always, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

"Hey," said Moon Dancer to Twilight. "You know something?"

"What?" said Twilight.

"You've still gotta teach me that Hayscartes technique!"

"Deal!" Twilight laughed. She then looked out of a window towards the evening sky and smiled. Visionary images of her Ponyville friends appeared in the stars.


Comments ( 42 )

Yes. Thought it was over, did you? By popular request, I added an alternate ending.

Great ending.
Combining the Canterlot Wedding with the Moon Dancer chapter from season 5.

I shall read these new parts with trepidation.
Edit: I like this alternate ending! Nice touch adding Twilight's Canterlot friends.

7726753 Well, I did turn to the script for "Amending Fences" for the most part.

7726745 That is something I will never make clear.

7726752 Looks like the next thing I'll have to do is have an ending face-off and try to determine which of these two endings is more favored. Everyone would be entitled to their own opinions, of course.

Wow. That was unexpected.

When it comes to alternate endings to A Canterlot Wedding where Twilight doesn't forgive the others, most stories go with the quick and easy route of Twi lashing out at them and ending on a sour note that leaves a bad taste afterwards.

But this was by far one of the better ones; where even though she hasn't let them off the hook completely, there still seems to be some hope left for the future (reader's interpretation perhaps?). Also, including Twilight's old friends from Amending Fences (2nd favourite season 5 episode BTW) was a nice touch.

If you never write a story again, I'm glad you went out with something as sweet and heartwarming as this.

7727314 And that's if I get the boot from this place.

i approve of these revisions...

Comment posted by Black Kyurem deleted Nov 17th, 2016
Comment posted by Twilight Best Pony deleted Nov 17th, 2016
Comment posted by Black Kyurem deleted Nov 17th, 2016
Comment posted by Twilight Best Pony deleted Nov 17th, 2016

7802350 Because it's Black Kyurem making these comments, that's why.

8151800 You're very kind. And I'm sorry about your loss.

So does she ever go back to ponyville?

8182340 Read the first ending.

The rehearsal was at night. The attempted wedding was during the day, and I think that's what you meant, and not the rehearsal.

And also you could've made Spike confess on why he left Twilight left in the first place, it would've given us more detail on his actions.

Well, that's the problem. I don't know why Spike left Twilight. Chances are, I'd have to ask Meghan McCarthy, the writer, as to why this was. Therefore, all I could do was write in this dialogue.

"What about me?" asked Spike. "I'm her number one assistant."

"So... if Twilight starts over..." said Spike, starting to cry. "That means... I can't be her assistant anymore?"

If you make Twilight's friends suffer in some way, it may be deliciously satisfying for me to read. :pinkiecrazy:

I must be at least a bit of a masochist to willingly look this stuff up before bed.

The is very well written (not sure if written is spelled right ) and many tears was shed but i enjoyed it.

You spelled "written" correctly and thanks for letting me know. It's not often I encounter good grammar on this site.

No, but it did involve a situation where Rainbow's friends all betrayed her. Ergo, my argument is valid.

You can't get over PTSD just like that. If the nightmares continue and get worse, she may unknowingly lash out at them with her magic in her sleep one day and seriously hurt them or worse kill them. At least with her parents who might have experience with her having nightmares when she was a filly, they'll be able to help her.


The PTSD and nightmares will linger for quite some time, but that was going to be the case regardless. Also, why would Twilight kill her friends and lash out at them again?

I just said the nightmares! Like in real life people sometimes scream in their sleep when they have nightmares! Or they might sleepwalk! What's stopping Twilight from unknowingly using her magic in her sleep?!


The fact that she was able to get her lingering feelings off of her chest, get help from Gentle Soul, and possibly realize that her resentment may have been causing her to focus only on the bad times she's had with her friends and forget the numerous good times.


She was able to vent her emotions to her friends, let them know how much they hurt her and was able to realize that her resentment was blinding her to how much she still trusts and loves her friends.


While I do like this story, i think that Shining Armor got disproportionately punished a tad.

What about the School Daze Aftermath?

I how things will go if Twilight is called on to function as the EoM again.

Nice Story!

Well, I certainly can't be held responsible for that.


Obligatory warning out of the way...geez! I’m surrounded by pansies! All the lovey dovey mushy stuff. Yeesh! Don’t take this the wrong way, I know exactly how serious PTSD is. I have an uncle who suffers from it from his time in the military, and my dad has some Army friends who will likely struggle with it till they die. But I mean, come on! All this lovey dovey mushy crap shouldn’t be affecting you! This is life! Its cruel, its harsh, its unforgiving! We need to roll with the punches and work with the hand we’re dealt! But than again, what the hell do I know? I’m an unempathetical bastard who has very few friends, and even those ones are labeled as ‘questionable’. Most of my emotional trauma is all family stuff: deaths in the family and whatnot. Betrayal? Never felt it. Never gave myself the opportunity.


I've returned to this page for the first time in years to finally give my thoughts:

This is the saddest story I've ever read on this site (or possibly anywhere, for that matter).

It hurts enough seeing Twilight so psychologically broken by the events of the wedding, but the fact that her friends were responsible for it makes it even worse. They don't deserve to have that on their conscience.

And if that wasn't enough, this story made me look up On the Willows, and now picturing that song playing during the scene at the therapist office, it's heartbreaking!

At least, on the upside, this story makes me feel better about the actual episode.

Uh, sir, I think The Darkness Shard has scenes similar to those in your story.


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