• Published 11th Sep 2020
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Hazy Days and Magical Ways - Dogger807

The Crusaders have finished their first semester at Hogwarts with the second about to start. The Weasley twins may be taking bets on how many professors take up heavy drinking by the end of the year.

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Chapter 17: Intrusive Inventory Inspections

There comes a time in every megalomaniac’s life when they come to the realization that Plan A is not going to work. Surprisingly, this is part of their fun; what is life without a little challenge? After all, one doesn't aspire to world domination without savoring the thrill of the unexpected. It also serves to rein in hubris; no matter how powerful one becomes, one must never become complacent. For this megalomaniac, it was clear that Plan A would not work; a direct assault was undoubtedly a non-starter.

Like leaves in a seer's teacup, many little things had come together to bring him to that conclusion. By themselves, none would have been more than a minor nuisance. He had sensed that the barrier had been hastily erected and actively maintained by a single pony, most likely the alicorn. Waiting it out would have been no problem, it’s main impact would be the draining of the caster’s magic, while he, himself recovered more of his own. That was the case until the spell had somehow been anchored to another power source, freeing his perceived most formidable opponent. That had almost been enough to force him to rethink his strategy.

The next threat came in the form of two specialists that the white soldier had collected from the curiously long wagon. He hadn't taken the time to take note of the cutie marks they borne; all he needed to know was they were obviously experts in countering dark magic. He had no experience with the spells that they had cast, but there was no way they could have been so effective without the backing of a related talent. He could only assume that the accompanying mares could wield magic that was equally annoying. The scars from his skirmish were more than enough to prompt him to reconnoiter before taking further action.

His subsequent scouting had uncovered an unknown variable. Even through the distortion of the barrier, he could tell that the outlandish creatures, whatever they were, were wielding magic in some manner. This was a threat he could not ignore. While he was confident that he could overpower it with raw might and his uncanny intellect, the uncertainty was too great to justify the risk.

He needed more information. His last gambit had already cost him a millennium. Impatience was sure to cost him the war. Frustratingly, the most direct path was fraught with potentially catastrophic hazards. Without the crystal heart, his enemies were far beneath him. However, they were far from insignificant. He was by no means retreating in the face of such paltry opposition; he was making a strategic withdrawal. One did not become a master sorcerer without investing time in research, and the long wagon left a trail that would lead him to where he knew he would find his answers.

He had no doubt that much had changed in a thousand years. He needed to understand those changes. He needed to know his enemy before he could reclaim his realm.

Plan A would be disastrous; only a fool would commit to a guaranteed defeat when other options were available. It was time to seek out those options. He would amass resources, both physical and magical. Those fools would learn that he had not been beaten. His victory was inevitable.

His laughter rose above the howling of the constant wind.

Time would once more be on his side.

The screams had been succulent, refreshing him on the most fundamental level. The terror in her eyes had been louder than the shrieks escaping her lips.

He was rejuvenated.

He wanted more!

More power!

It was his for the taking.

So many dwellings to choose from . . .

So many sacrifices . . .

After a few dozen, he’d have an aura again.

So much potential . . .

So much blood!

Time was on his side.

“I’ve found some that smells like candy floss,” the sickeningly sweet voice informed her . . . him.

He stared up with a look that would not have been out of place on a whipped puppy, the water from the bath dripping from both her mane and her -- HIS fur.

Oh, how she hated this woman . . .

. . . hated her more than the damnable Potter urchin . . .

“Once we are done here, I’ll brush out your precious coat. Won’t that be perfect?”

. . . more than Dumbledore.

This witch’s future would be one filled with pain . . .

“I know just the right way to style your mane.”

. . . lots of pain.

She . . . he just needed to bide his time -- if only time weren’t so bloody temperamental.

Time was on his . . . HER side.

“Feeling better Nissy?” Bellatrix asked as she followed her older sister out of the library in 12 Grimmauld Place.

“I always feel better after learning new spells,” Nissy returned. "True, nothing we found addressed the core problem directly, but it doesn’t hurt to be over prepared.”

“We can check again tomorrow;” Bella said. “I still want to examine that puzzle box Grandfather owned. Do you know where it is?”

“I’m telling you: it’s not the same thing.” Nissy huffed. “For one thing, the one grandfather owned was inlaid with jade and gems.”

“You haven’t ever seen anything like it?” Bella persisted.

“Don’t be obtuse,” Nissy scoffed. “I hav . . .” Nissy did an abrupt about face and headed back the way they had just come, a look of panic spreading on her face.

“Occlumency is a wonderful thing.” Bella beamed as she turned to follow.

There were protections on the door to which Nissy led them. These fell with a few swipes of Nissy’s wand, and the office beyond was readily revealed.

“How could he?” Nissy demanded, heading directly to a shelf dominated by knickknacks. “Is he daft?”

“Oooh.” Bella’s grin grew.

“Don’t even dream of it, Bella,” Nissy snapped.

“I want,” Bella declared.

“I asked you to survive,” Nissy interrupted. “I wasn’t talking about merely a couple hours. I need you around for at least a decade or two. I want you to see your grandchildren.”

“What are we going to do with it?” Bella asked coyly.

“You are about to be introduced to the muggle substance known as cyanoacrylate,” Nissy stated. "Now, with 103 uses."

The herd huddled within Apple Bloom's trunk assiduously ignoring its rustic decor.

“There’s nothing here.” Ron scowled, slamming his tome shut. “Just a lot of dumb theory, confusing charts, and boring babble. Not a spell in the entire book.”

“You need to learn the theory to cast the spells.” Hermione didn’t look up from where she was taking notes from her own book.

“I just said there weren’t any spells,” Ron snarled, getting up from his seat.

“No need to get all huffy like,” Apple Bloom chastised softly.

“Why don’t you colts go back to playing exploding snaps?” Sweetie asked.

“Not a chance.” Ron shook his head. “We still haven’t figured out what Dean is doing to the cards. Getting burned has stopped being funny.”

“That’s what the burn paste is for,” Abigail stated. “If you don’t want to help here, we aren’t forcing you to stay.”

“We’re almost out,” Ron said, ignoring the second half of her statement.

“Ah just made a new batch,” Apple Bloom declared. “It’s in the top cupboard.”

“We know,” Ron replied. “I repeat, we are almost out.”

“Already?” Apple Bloom looked up narrowing her eyes. “What have y'all been up to?”

“Just exploding snaps,” Neville said, also absorbed in a book. “Dean is getting better -- or worse, depending on your point of view. You should have seen Terisa; she is getting really annoyed at having to repair the couch for us. She demanded extra pony petting time.”

“Yeah, you’re the ones who are going to be paying for that,” Abigail said.

“Whatever.” Ron shrugged. “Neville, you want to play a round of chess?”

“N . . .no thank you,” Neville said, lifting his own book to show the title on the spine. “Who would have thought they had a book on plant-based curses?”

“You’re picking up some bad habits,” Ron said accusingly before redirecting his attention. “Harry, mate, how about a game?”

“Maybe later,” Harry said. “I was going to head down to the pitch and get some flying time in.”

“Good idea,” Ron said. “We can get the twins to lend us our brooms. I wouldn’t mind some time in the air either.”

“I was just going . . . yeah, we can do that.” Harry said.

“There’s a salve fer bumps an’ bruises in the top shelf of the cabinet.” Apple Bloom said helpfully.

“Won’t be needing any,” Ron said defensively. “I haven’t crashed in a good while.”

“Take it anyway,” Apple Bloom said. “Don’t hurt none to be prepared.”

“I’m coming with,” Dean chimed in.

“I’m in too,” Scootaloo added. “There are enough of us reading; you don’t need me to help.”

“Great!” Ron said, let’s go find Fred and George.”

Professor Babbling looked at the three sticky Gryffindors as her face fought down laughter, all the while maintaining a stern visage. “What in the name of Merlin do you think you were doing?”

“Cutie Mark Crusader Demolitions,” Seamus said, also having a conflict of emotions, though his were between pride and abashment.

“Why would you think that was a good idea?” Professor Babbling demanded.

“We took precautions,” Luna said. “We had an older student set up shields around the blast site.”

“Which was in the middle of the courtyard, I might add.” Professor Babbling said.

“Yes.” Lavender nodded. “We had him set up the shields and another transfigure us a nice replica building to practice on.”

Professor Babbling had a disturbing thought. “Did you have them transfigure explosives too?”

“No,” Seamus said. “We got them from Apple Bloom.”

“WHAT was Miss Bloom doing with dynamite in her possession?”

“She and Hermione had to finish them after catching Sweetie practicing her technique,” Luna said. “Dynamite is more stable than nitroglycerin, after all.”

“For the love of . . .” Professor Babbling started. “So, you just had to find something to blow up?”

“Yes,” Seamus said. “How else could we know what is the appropriate amount of explosive?”

“Though, we did have to find them first,” Lavender said. “Apple Bloom is good at hiding stuff.”

Professor Babbling huffed. “Ignoring the complete idiocy, how did you manage to get covered with sap? From a barrel two stories up, no less.”

Luna shrugged. “Ricochets?”

“Honestly,” Lavender added. “I wouldn’t rule out Sweetie’s having a hand in the manufacturing, being part of the cause.”

Seamus said, "It's more likely that the vibrations from the explosion tipped the barrel and things snowballed." His herdmates stared at him. "Maybe it was just Peeves."

“I would have thought you learned not to play with dynamite after the ‘dwarven fishing’ incident,” Professor Babbling snapped. “Which reminds me, dwarven fishing rods are on the banned items list.”

“They are only considered that if you fish with them.” Lavender shrugged. “The rule is specifically worded to prevent using dynamite to retrieve fish from the lake.”

“An oversight that shall be corrected,” Professor Babbling said.

“Besides,” Luna said dreamily, “we couldn’t find the shaped explosives.”

“Shaped?” Professor Babbling asked.

Eagerly nodding, Seamus said as he held up a pair of small coins, "You can concentrate all the power in a spot the size of my knuts."

The professor’s eyes went wide. “To the Gryffindor tower. Now. March!”

Andromeda Tonks finally found her two sisters when she barged into the manor's small workroom without knocking. “There you are,” she said accusingly. “Where have you been? Someone broke into Ted’s office; he doesn’t think any of his paperwork was touched but he’s missing . . .” She trailed off when she noticed the two other women were working on a cube of dried cement. Bella was carving runes while Nissy was filling the completed ones with a clear gel infused with little glistening gold bits.

“Hello, Andi,” Nissy said offhandedly as she concentrated on her work.

“I see,” Andi said as she picked up the hammer and saw.

“mmmm hmm,” Bella said, referencing an open book before placing her chisel back on the block.

“Those are some rather extreme protection runes you are carving there,” Andi ventured.

“Mmmm hmmm,” Bella repeated, striking the chisel with a small hammer.

Andi shifted her attention to her other sister. “Super glue and glitter?”

“Works surprisingly well.” Nissy nodded. “Exceptionally resistant after it sets.”

“I see,” Andi said. “. . . How did you get the cement to harden so quickly?”

“A bit of brewer's salt -- it's a muggle trick,” Nissy said.

“I see,” Andi said. “Let me go out on a limb here; you two found a certain movie in Ted’s collection.”

“Mmmm hmm,” Bella said.

Andi digested that for a few seconds. “I am going to have to go through the movies and remove anything inappropriate.”

“Please do.” Nissy nodded.

“Awwww,” said Bella.

Andi looked at the cement block on which her sisters were working. “I honestly can’t say that I blame you.”

“Mmmm hmmmm.” Bella tapped away with her hammer.

“Still, that doesn’t excuse your intrusion into Ted’s . . .” Andi started.

“Sister,” Bella asked.

“Don’t interrupt, I’m just getting started,” Andi admonished.

“Who’s Gordon?” Bella asked innocently.

What?” Andi asked, derailed.

“Who’s Gordon?” Bella repeated.

“Wha? Where did you hear that name?” Andi sputtered.

“I was examining the family tapestry and I was just wondering,” Bella said.

“What!” Andi exclaimed, clapping her hands together with glee. “It’s about time. I was starting to wonder about that girl! Oh, I am sooo happy! I can already smell the grandchildren!” Without another word, she rushed out the room, slamming the door behind her.

Nissy paused in her work long enough to take out her wand and cast some strong locking charms on the door. “I told you to wait until supper to ask her that,” she said sternly.

“It took her attention off us.” Bella shrugged. “Wasn’t it you who said I needed to start acting more Slytherin?”

“It was a waste of a perfectly good joke.” Nissy returned to her task.

“I disagree,” Bella said. “Besides, doesn’t she know grandchildren smell of sour milk and dirty nappies?”

“Someday you will learn that it’s the sweetest smell you can imagine.”

“I doubt it,” Bella said. “So, who is this Gordon?”

“Nymphadora is dating a griffin and Andi is convinced they are going to get married.”

Bella paused in her carving. “I understand each individual word you just said, but that statement made no sense.”

“It’s not that hard to figure out.” Nissy shrugged.

“I know it has been a while, but I didn’t take Nymphadora to be the type for bestiality,” Bella said.

“It is a valid relationship. You’ll see.”

“It beggars the imagination.”

“Just wait until you meet Sirius’s wives.” Nissy shrugged.

“Wives?” Bella blinked. “As in more than one?”

“Mmmm hmmm.” Nissy nodded. “Don’t you recall me mentioning it in the restaurant?”

“That may have slipped by me,” Bella admitted. “Are we to be expecting a litter or two of puppies in the near future?”

“I cannot, with any honesty, discount that possibility,” Nissy permitted.

“And the lot of you think I’m the one with the mental issues.” Bella pouted.

“I have to admit, you are behaving better than I was expecting.”

“I’m just acting,” Bella said. “Taking your advice about behaving like a Slytherin to heart.”

“You are joking, aren't you?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Bella smirked.

“Don’t do this to me, Bella.”

“So . . . wives?” Bella asked.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.” Nissy smirked back.

Professor Babbling was walking down the corridor, levitating a large box, when Professors Goodman, Weiss and Berrytwist converged on her from one side while Professor Flitwick approached from the other.

“Bathsheda,” Professor Goodman said, “what’s the matter? You look . . . tense.”

Professor Babbling looked at the DADA professor and said. “Cutie Mark Crusader Demolitions.”

A nonzero number of facepalms were performed. “Please tell me Madam Pomfrey wasn’t involved” Flitwick squeaked.

“Thankfully, no,” Babbling said.

“What is it with those children?” Berrytwist demanded. “They know dwarven fishing rods are banned.”

“I foresee more than one lawyer coming from that group,” Babbling stated.

Goodman shuddered. “I don’t know which scares me more ‘Cutie Mark Crusader Demolitions’ or ‘Cutie Mark Crusader Lawyers’.”

“Both are nightmare-inducing,” Weiss said.

“Dare I ask? What’s in the box?” Berrytwist queried.

“According to Miss Bloom, ‘the heavy stuff’,” Babbling said.

Professor Goodman took a step closer for a better look, thought better of it and took two steps back. “Why do they have this stuff?”

Babblings sighed. “Just in case Greyback makes an escape. You should see their collection of silver armor.”

“I can’t say that I blame them,” Flitwick said.

“That’s your goblin half talking,” Goodman noted.

“What are you going to do with that?” Professor Weiss gestured to the box.

“I’m taking it out to the forest and detonating it,” Babbling said. “Care to accompany me?”

Goodman replied, "You know you could just vanish it."

"I know, but I bet Professor Trelawny that there would be an earthquake today."

“My sisters are so cruel.” Andi pouted as she entered her husband’s home office.

Ted looked up from the paperwork he was doublechecking to give his wife a horrified look.

“And, given who my sisters actually are, I should probably think before I say something like that.” Andi suppressed a laugh.

Ted nodded mutely.

“Anyways,” Andi said, “you know that expensive replica movie prop you’re missing?”

“I’m not getting it back am I.”

“You’re not getting it back. What’s more, you are going to go through your movie collection and remove anything impressionable minds might find overly stimulating.”

“Of all the movies we have, they had to go and watch that one,” Ted muttered.

“Literally any other movie would have been a better choice,” Andi asserted, "even if they found out what Debbie was doing in Dallas."

“This does nothing to allay my concerns over your opening statement, quite the opposite in fact.”

“Don’t worry; what they took from the movie was an overwhelming need to encase harmless pieces of artwork in cement and inscribe an array of runes on it.”

“How is that cruel?” Ted asked.

“When I caught them, in the act, Bella implied she saw Gordon’s name on the tapestry. Got my hopes up, she did.”

“Okay, I have to admit, that is cruel.”

“You realize I am going to have to pay them back.”

“Wait a minute.” Nissy stopped stirring the next batch of glue. “Puppies? How’d you know Sirius has a dog form? That didn’t come out until recently, and you haven’t exactly been following the news.”

“Really? I was in the cell next to him and sometimes he barks in his sleep.” Bella shrugged.

“And you didn’t inform the guards?”

“Please, he may have been on the wrong side, but he’s still a Black. Once we broke out, he would have come to his senses. Telling the guards would have been a waste of a potential advantage.”


The explosion caused the four Gryffindors to pause their aerial activities. As one, they turned to look in the direction of the forest.

“What was that?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t know,” Harry said. “Just how much dynamite did Seamus manage to find in Apple’s trunk?”

“Only three sticks,” Ron replied. “The decoys; she hid the main stash in my trunk when he wasn’t looking.”

“That was more than three sticks,” Scootaloo noted.

“Guys!” Dean said. “Something is coming out of the forest and is headed this way.”

“I don’t see anything,” Ron said.

“I do,” Scootaloo said. “Looks like a swarm of bees.”

“Those are some pretty big bees,” Dean commented.

“Whatever they are, they were just startled by the explosion,” Harry said. “Nothing we need to be worried about.”

“We need to go check on Seamus and the girls.” Dean started towards the forest. “There is no way that was anyone but them.”

“Right you are, mate.” Ron and the other two followed.


Terisa looked up as the screaming missiles passed over the courtyard. Ron was flying with all the speed an earth pony could muster while his herdmates desperately scissored behind him, knocking the fastest of their pursuers into each other. “Where did the firsties find a swarm of rampaging pixies?” Terisa asked.

“I don’t know,” Lucy said. “But it’s a good thing they have those brooms, kind of a bonus at avoiding the little buggers.”

The five professors stood at the edge of the newly-created ring of scorched earth.

“That was impressive,” Goodman said.

“Impressive?” Weiss replied. “You do realize this was in the hands of eleven-year-old children.”

“Strike impressive. That was scary,” Goodman said.

“I almost feel sorry for Greyback,” Babblings said.

“He’s safer staying a captive,” Berrytwist agreed.

“I think it is safe to say that we cannot let this slide with detention and some point loss,” Babblings said. “Muggle artifacts or not, this is the same as bringing a strongly cursed item.”

“It was thoughtless of them,” Flitwick said. “I will speak to Minerva; they are her cubs; thus, it is her responsibility.”

“I cannot believe they were able to acquire this stuff.” Weiss said.

“They made it.” Babblings corrected. “From scratch.” She ruffled in her robes and produced a book.

“What’s that?” Flitwick took the bait.

“Anarchist Handbook.”

“What exactly is it?” Weiss asked.

“The first muggle book to go on the restricted list,” Babblings said.

“I have the feeling that if we search their trunks, we will find more items for that list,” Goodman added.

“If not, we’d just have to let Miss Belle into the potions lab,” Weiss said. “We’d have no shortage of candidates that way.”

“I have just one question,” Berrytwist said.

“What’s that?” Babblings asked.

“Do you have another box? That was fun.”

Pansy never had this urge before. It was a desire born of a single experience, leaving her yearning for more. A single taste had left an indelible mark on her very soul. It was an unnatural act, and who knows what shame might follow if word of it leaked?

It wasn’t fair that she didn’t have the means to trigger the release on her own. Oh, to be offered a taste then to be forced to watch as others enjoyed the meal. That wouldn’t do. The sensations, the experience had been indescribable; she would not be denied.

She was a Slytherin. She would get what she wanted, get what she needed. All it would take was a little guile; some work of a quick tongue. She would have her prize; no one would be the wiser.

She could barely hide her trepidation as she dried her palms on her robes. “Greengrass.”

“Yes, Parkinson?”

“May I please borrow your ring?”

“. . . I do not see why not.”

That was easier than she had been anticipating.

In a repurposed room in the Crystal Palace, a war council was gathered, going over the day’s progress.

“Ah found a lot of booths in storage,” Applejack said. “We don’t have to make 'em from scratch.”

“That’s good.” Twilight marked the item off her list. “It will save time; this fair will be up and running before we know it.”

“You got mail.”

“Thank you, Rainbow.”

“Hello there Hedwig,” Applejack said. “No letter, so Ah’m guessing y'all have passengers.”


“Hope it’s more backup,” Sirius said. “The auror cadets we have are great, but more help wouldn’t be unwelcome.”

“One way to find out.” Rarity said, leaning in with her horn. “Ex dimittere.”

Nopony was expecting what the pouch regurgitated.

“Uh . . . Hi,” Sweetie said.

“What are y'all doing here?” Applejack narrowed her eyes at the herd of foals. “Y'all know yer not allowed to leave the school without permission.”

“We kinda got suspended,” Harry said. “For a week.”

“Suspended?” Remus asked.

“That’s impressive,” Sirius said. “We never managed that in seven years.”

“Mmgool mad,” Magah offered.

“Don’t encourage them, darling.” Rarity narrowed her own eyes. “How did you manage to get suspended?”

“There’s this unreasonable bias against explosives,” Scootaloo complained.

“We weren’t planning on using them,” Abigail added.

“Speak for yourself,” Seamus said.

“Yer starting to worry me,” Apple Bloom said.

“I am going to get that explosives cutie mark,” Seamus insisted.

“I’m speechless,” Twilight said, “completely speechless.”

“Y'all are in a load of trouble,” Applejack promised.

“They just owled you back?” Rainbow asked. “That seems sort of strange.”

“They sent a letter, too,” Apple Bloom held up a scroll.

“Let me see,” Applejack said before unrolling the missive.

The room was quiet as she read.

“Well?” Rarity asked when the farmpony sighed and rerolled it.

“Go stand in tha corner,” Applejack said.

“There are only four of them,” Ron replied.

“The walls are crystal,” Luna noted.

“Stack yerselves!” Applejack snapped. “Ah don’t want to talk to y'all right now.”

“How bad is it?” Rainbow asked.

“They had an item that earned them an automatic suspension.” Applejack frowned. “An’ they had items that are going ta be added ta the restricted list. An’, they are now banned from playing with pixies.”

“We weren’t playing,” Ron objected.

“Muzzle in the corner.” Applejack said. “The professors are going to search all of their trunks just to be on the safe side. They’ll be sending an updated restricted list before the foals are allowed to return.”

“So, we can sic them on King Sombra, now?”


“What? You were all thinking it.”

“You know, that’s not a bad idea.”

“Princess Cadance!”

“I’m just saying. They did capture a werewolf.”

“We are not using the foals to take out Sombra,” Twilight stated.

“That would be cruel,” Remus said.

“To the foals or Sombra?” Shining Armor asked.

“Can we please drop that line of thought.” Rarity asked.

“Besides.” Pinkie said. “I forgot to pack the popcorn.”

Everypony stopped to share looks among everypony else.

“No!” Twilight said. “No, we are not going to do that.”

“I kind of want to see what they’d do.” Sirius admitted.


“Me too.” Rainbow said.


“I guarantee it would be something we didn’t consider,” Shining Armor said.

“We are not having this conversation.”

“What is it you want us to do?” Hermione asked eagerly.

“Yer supposed to be staring at the corner.” Applejack said. Glaring at her own sister, she snarled, "How could you do sometin' so irresponsible?"

“Ma herd's bein' threatened," replied Apple Bloom with equal venom. "Ah'm no good with fancy words. What's that phrase? See somethin' or other?"

Hermione started, "Si vis pacem . . . "

Harry's voice rose above the others'. ". . . para bellum."

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