• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I'm a shameless neckbeard who has a knack for writing a LOT of smut. I have an Official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw), and I also take commissions to help support myself as a freelance writer.

Comments ( 9 )

You repeatedly refer to Cozy's eyes as blue; they are actually orange.

Shit, sorry about that! I just corrected the mistake.

This story really captures the way Cozy sees the world. Everyone is a chess piece and she takes them out in the most ruthless manner possible.

The best part for me was that while you gave her a sympathetic origin. It in no way lessened her own actions. Also you made her warm words feel so cold, and that’s something alot of writers tend to miss.

Well... its different.

holy shit that was dark! I like it. gives Cozy Glow some back story and a terrifying image. good show author, jolly good show indeed.

Just adorable:pinkiesad2:

That’s pretty fucked op bro, nice job

And than cozy glow get turn to stone

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