• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 4,965 Views, 53 Comments

Pirate Captain Anon [RGRE] - Britanon

Anon and his scurvy crew of scallywags find themselves in Equestria and attempt to plunder a ship

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Comments ( 35 )

This is an...odd sort of story. Not terrible just...odd.

The result of binge watching Pirates of the Caribbean, listening to a bunch of pirate music and then browsing /mlp/.

Aye, that be how most great ideas start!
Combine *blank* with MLP
BAM! Content!

Could you put a porn tag on the story, as I got fucking blindsided by the clop

The porn tag goes to erotic fiction. This is a comedy story that has sex in it. Big difference. Besides, it is already tagged Sex and Mature.

For the life of me I really don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this story. Apparently a pirate ship man with pirates that have more in common with embarrassed school boys than actual Pirates capture a ship full of for the lack of a better word rapists...I don't even know.

Laughing my fackin' ass off. Now I want more adventures of the high seas (with the eventual 'capture' of the poor pirates by the royal fleet... you know what happens next).

It would be especially funny to see Celestia's reaction to this, afaik there have been no RGRE stories with her in it.

And that. Little Jimmy, is how Poseidon recreated the Centaurs after they died out. Considering he saved the Pirates from a whirlpool, he probably made it might seem like a fair trade.

God now I can't get the image of Poseideon watching this whole thing while laughing his ass off. I mean, if my memory serves me correctly he didn't have the best opinion on Pirates.

The fic isn't porn though, the sex scene is just part of one chapter. It's tagged sex and mature, plus the chapter has [lewd] in the title and a warning in the author's note, so I have no idea how it could have possibly come as a surprise.

I have a very rough idea for a sequel already, but I dont write very often and this one took me ages, so it might never come to be.

Well, know that I'm already intrigued.

Usually there's not a lot of good Anon fics, be a shame to see it fall onto obscurity.

Question; Is Apple Bloom wearing four eyepatches in the cover image?

Six. There are two on her tongue.

Is...is that a pair of eyepatches on Appleblooms tongue?

I thought he was an "internet" Pirate captain, but this is good to.

Glad you're interested. I'll definitely be writing other stuff in the future but I primarily write greentext on /mlp/ so idk how much of it I'll be posting here. I've got something else planned which I might upload here depending on how it comes out, but converting greentext to normal prose is a bit of a pain in the arse, especially with speech, so I really can't give any promises.


By the beard off Neptune, my sides!!! :rainbowlaugh:

You know, it'd be hilarious if they actually stayed in equestria and became the plunderers of the equestrian sea! :rainbowdetermined2:
The legendary ship filled with insatiable stallions of legendary stamina and unending appetite :rainbowwild:

Remember seamare, always - and we do mean - ALWAYS - carry a worth offering of food, jewels and booze, else they'll rope you, bother you and leave you with the bluest bean you've ever seen!! :pinkiegasp:

What a nice little story you got there...
But they are hardened sailors of the sea, so they should not be intimidatedlike this..
I simply love the RGRE genre because the people do not understand why they should be doormats not able to lift a hand against those "little horses" telling them to conform to their standards :D
I kind of missed this here with Anon in the end feeling like a whench being paid for sex...
he should... ( I could list lots of things here but I shall refrain from doing so because it is simply not happening with Anon being a little too careful with not wanting to tempt fate... which could again save his hide if he ever meets the princesses...)
Nice one!

wonder what happens when they decide to get to a port and discover that they still are in ponyland

I'd like to see their reaction when they find out all the gold and jewels they stole aren't nearly as rare and valuable in Equestria as they were back on Earth.

First of all, thank you very much for your work, to be your first writing this exceeds my expectations and has undoubtedly a place among my favorites of all time. This is the reason why there should be more RGRE fanfics, not only because of the "clop", but also offers an unsuspected amount of plot resources that alone are a diamond in the rough and that only an ingenious and creative author could carve until reaching a jewel worthy of the very lady Rarity :duck:.
I mean it, only with the RGRE can an Xeno (alien) society like the ponies of Equestria be portrayed and thus ensure that the first encounters with humanity are a cultural shock so drastic that humans really feel that they have met with entities of fairy tales or aliens, I find that it throws organic and bizarre situations that can kill you from laughing.
For all the above I ask you my dear Britanon, continue with this fic, I see a lot of potential in this Green Bastard crew. If your answer is yes, I make a second request: give them names and some background, it is something more relatable than the illusion of self-insertion of a character "AnĂ³n".

Without further ado, you have my blessing and that of the God-Empress Celestia.
derpicdn.net/img/view/2012/12/18/186943__safe_imperium_latin_stamp_warhammer+40k_warhammer+%28game%29.jpg DEUS IMPERATRIX CELESTIA VULT, EGO SEMPER FIDELIS

slow clap hats off to you sir this was a true work of art and please continue to make more jewels like this :moustache:

As an experienced clop writer (at least I would give myself that title for the moment) I would say you did rather well. It was a great read. The story had a nice pace and some nice comedic moments. I would have hoped for some awkward morning happening with him waking up next to her, but the route you chose fit just as well.

Though it is a bit open now. And I mean specifically that they still haven't figured out that they are most likely stranded in Equestria. Certainly not a bad way to leave it open. It just makes me curious for more. It could have potential for a sequel in case you have another interesting idea.

Not really needed for this, buuuuut it was a really good read with a big open question, so I imagine I'm not the only one that wonders how his adventure continues. :pinkiesmile:

Cheers for the kind words. I do have a very rough plan for a sequel but I don't write that often and I've got other stuff for /mlp/ to write and a dissertation to do, so it's not really top of my priorities list right now. Depending on how the other stuff goes I might format it and upload it here too, but converting greentext to prose is a bit of a pain and doesn't always work very well.


You got talent for it, so I would recommend you to continue writing and publishing. If you consider it, you could even write Commission once you got your name out there to make a few bits off of that hobby then.

Really all depends on your future plans. I for one will give you a Follow as I am interested to see where you will go! :yay:

Don't think I'll ever get to the point where I'm doing commissions tbh but I'll definitely be putting more stuff out in the future. It just might be many months between stories.

I read it before a few times, I can't take credit for that phrase


It was just a suggestion about your possibilities in the future anyway. :twilightsmile: But like I said, I will be interested to read more from you. With that I wish you the best for the future! :yay:

Fun story. Have a like.

Shiver me fucking timbers! That was a fun read. I love RGRE.

Damn. That was a great RGRE read right there! 10/10!:moustache:

Kino/10, good read

Really enjoyed this, but there was a lot of missing periods, minor detail though, otherwise fantastic read.

Good stuff! :pinkiehappy:

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