I'm just your average Brony. I love trains, I love history, I love writing stories, and I really, really love wolves! But most of all, I love writing my stories here for your enjoyment!
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Mother of- You REALLY love the Big Boy, don't you? Half of your stories look like they include them.
Never read any of your stuff, just wanted to throw that out. It's just... wow.
He does but its an oddity that's managed to have a story around it. Kinda neat in a way.
Paragraphs need to be no more than 6 sentences. There was not single pony in this chapter. It's generally helpful to keep a single pony or mention of ponies in a chapter.
Take it from me, a lot of Scar's stuff does. Although this is part of a saga of stories he's writing, so I'd recommend you'd read the first few before jumping into the latest. The order is Battleship Express, Beyond the Express, Tracks Backwards, and then Tale of 2 Big Boys.
my face when i read the title "Dysfunctional Wormholes" on the main page of this story:
XD (okey not really, but it fits doesn't it?) :P
to be fair it is fucking awesome that such a MASSIVE steam engine can even exist without going kablooie from stress alone.
Why would paragraphs need to be 6 sentences only? I don't remember that ever being part of grammar.
Hello Fujimi200SX,
And yes, I do. It's my favorite steam locomotive. However, there is a reason for most of my stories being about the Big Boy; it's because they're all part of the same series of stories. It goes "Battleship Express", "Beyond the Express", "Tracks Backwards", and now "Tale of 2 Big Boys". I'd highly recommend reading the previous 3 stories, as they're very popular
Hello HumanSVD,
And yeah, it is an oddity, but as you said, it's a very neat oddity, as the Battleship Express Saga is the only series on FIMFiction as of now that has multiple stories that all center around a Big Boy locomotive, and its crew
Hello HumanSVD,
And I can't take any credit for writing this Chapter; it was written by "An Iowa-Class Battleship" before he decided to leave me hanging, and abandon FIMFiction entirely. I did some tweaking to the Chapter, but for the most part, I just decided to let it stand on its own merits, as a testament to Iowa's work, as the Prologue, and Chapters 1-2 of this story are now the only pieces of his work left on FIMFiction since he deleted all of his other stories, and his account. So if you wish to lodge a complaint about the 6 sentence paragraph, I'm not sure where you should lodge that, as I don't know how to contact Iowa anymore
And as for the Pony in every Chapter bit, I can agree with that in some instances, but sometimes you need a Chapter or 2 to be Pony-free, so as to set up something big. That's what this Chapter was meant to be, and it'll be the only Chapter not to mention anything Pony-Related too, as Chapter 2 mentions Equestria, and the crew of "4-8-8-4" going there again, multiple times, leading up to its very special ending
Hey Silver,
And yeah, that's what I told him
Hello MikiStenbeck,
And you have Iowa to thank for that title. It was one of the last things he contributed to this project before leaving me high and dry with it. But yes, it does fit the Chapter very much. And I needed a good laugh today, so thank you for putting this clip in
Hello MikiStenbeck,
And that's because A. the story is fictional, and B. as mentioned in "Battleship Express", Big Boy 4009 was modified, upgraded, and overhauled several times while she was in service as the engine that pulled the Battleship Express, so she's a far cry from being a stock Big Boy anymore. Though if you REALLY want to talk about an engine that exists without going kablooey, look no further than Iowa's "4-8-8-4", which has an atomic boiler
Hello Ninevah Orion,
And I can't take credit for writing this Chapter; most of it was written by "An Iowa-Class Battleship", before he decided to abandon FIMFiction, leaving me high and dry with this project before I got help from "Terry the Human". Because of this, and the fact that this story (Prologue, and Chapters 1-2) contains the last bits of Iowa's work on all of FIMFiction since he deleted all of his other stories (though thankfully they can still be found on FIMFetch.com, and the FIMFiction Archives), and his account, so I decided to leave them largely alone, and let them stand on their own merits. If you have a complaint about them, I'm not sure what to say, as I don't know how to contact him anymore
It's easier to follow and read. The rule for paragraphs are 3 to 8 sentences per paragraph. Wall of text is very distracting and can be frustrating to read. I would know because I made the mistake a few times on my first story.
your wellcome, :3
i know it's fictional Scar, i was talking about the real Big Boi trains tho, a "simple" steam engine pushing 600 TONS without giving up is impressive.
Yes, exactly. That was one of the issues I had with "Iowa's" work from before he left this project; he had walls of text, which were a pain to sift through

Eh, I prefer to say "1.2 millionlbs"; it sounds a lot cooler than "600 tons"
true... :3
the start of this chapter (maybe the rest i havent read the whole thing, im writing this now so i dont forget) is just:
*devious chuckle* betcha' never heard about the Y6B class
(don't roast me i know next to nothing about steam locomotives)
i didn't even know there was a Steamtrain cable of hauling more then 600 tons. o.o
I've heard of the Y6b. They were the larger cousins of the Y6a, and the only steam locomotive that could out-pull either a Big Boy, or a Yellowstone. Sadly, none of them were saved from scrap
Hello MikiStenbeck,
And the "4-8-8-4", pulled by Big Boy 4014 has been extensively modified since it entered service with the USRWC, which is why it can pull over 600 tons
huh, that's very interesting.
i do believe on is in a museum somehwere but i might be tweakin
No, you're right. N&W Y6a 2156, the last one in existence, is currently on display at the National Museum of Transportation in St Louis, Missouri
Yeah. Much of this was discussed in the precursor story "Rails of Destruction", by "An Iowa-Class Battleship". This story is no longer on FIMFiction, but I left the link to it on FIMFetch in the description of "Tale of 2 Big Boys"
Yes, though while "To2BB" is a direct sequel to "Tracks Backwards", it's only a loose sequel to "RoD", as there's a few differences in lore between the 2 stories, namely the nature of the relationship between Ryan and Michelle. In "RoD", they're secret lovers, but in "To2BB", they're adoptive siblings with a close familial bond
yeah i thought so, i still remember it because i read it on wikipedia this week lol
Yeah. I'm glad that they were able to preserve it, though sadly, it may never run again under its own power
just use flex seal its not hard :shrug:
That only applies to thing’s leaking water, not steam locomotives unfortunately
the joke is like a plane and you are like the world trade center
instead of hitting you, the joke flew over you
No, I got the joke, which means that the joke flew back and hit you. And when it does, like on 9/11, "NOW THAT'S a LOTTA DAMAGE!!!"
Hello Ninja_Master6545,
And this song is very fitting for the chapter's beginning
So did this story go on hiatus? Or are the post dates all messed up? Cause it says it started on Feb 2023 yet the prologue says 2019?
Hello Minecraftian474,
And this story isn't quite on hiatus, but I set it on the backburner for a while, while I worked on "Texas: A Time to Fight!", and got another project off the ground. I had high hopes that this story would be well-received, but so far, it hasn't done so great, which is sad, because a lot of work went into this story
And no, those dates are 100% correct. This story has a VERY messy behind-the-scenes story, and was drug out WAY longer than it should have been. All the way back in 2018, I approached the user "An Iowa-Class Battleship", the author of "Rails of Destruction", the story that "Battleship Express" is based on, and first floated the idea of us doing a collab story, featuring our 2 war-trains and their crews meeting up. 6 months later, he finally got back to me (remember the "6 months" part, it's about to be important), and liked the idea, and then we began to brainstorm ideas in a PM. Slowly, over the course of the rest of that year, and into 2019, the story idea began to take shape. First the crew of the BE tried to go back to Earth to finish WW6, but accidentally got stuck in the past ("Tracks Backwards"), and then the crew of "4-8-8-4", trying to escape from that nuclear blast, use their Space-Time Projector, but it malfunctions, sending them to the Equestria of the Battleship Express Universe, rather than the Equestria they visited in "Rails of Destruction". Then they meet the crew of the BE, and get along well, but behind the scenes, the Communist Forces also arrive on Equus, and they meet up with the Futas in the Undiscovered West, and they create plans to invade Equestria, and they do, forcing the 2 war trains, and their crews to team up to stop them. Then in 2019, Iowa wrote that Prologue, and I helped edit it. We agreed that Iowa would mostly write the Prologue, and Chapters 1-2, since these all contained heavy lore from "RoD", which I had little knowledge of, due to that story still not being complete yet. Then 2020 happened, and I was hoping that we'd be able to get a lot done with writing, but alas, I was very wrong
For the next few years, everything was crawling at a snail's pace. I would send Iowa PM's, and it would be weeks, or even months before he would respond to me, and he would maybe write a paragraph every 6 months or so. My frustration was rapidly growing with him, because he was making me look like a liar to my Readers. 4 times I promised them that "To2BB" would be ready for release by X-Date, and all 4 times, the deadline came and went, but no story appeared, because Iowa couldn't be bothered to write, and I couldn't write because I didn't know the lore. I think that this is when many readers gave up on the story, because what was going to be an epic collab was turning into a project that was DOA before it could even get written. Finally, Chapter 1 got written, then Chapter 2, and Iowa and I agreed that once Chapter 3 was done, which was where I would start writing the story, since it was meant to pick up where "Tracks Backwards" left off, we'd release the story, but this is where things went even more wrong than they already had.
In late 2022, I hadn't heard from Iowa in ages. We'd written some of Chapter 3, and it was getting close to me being able to take over, but the writing was maddeningly slow. Then in November of 2022, Iowa deleted all of his stories (none of which he ever completed, but that's another story for another time), except for "RoD". I asked him what was going on, and he said that while he would stay to help me finish "To2BB", he was done writing on FIMFIction. I agreed, little knowing that this was the last time I would ever hear from him. Then in March of 2023, he deleted "RoD", and all of his blogs, and I messaged him, asking him what was up, but he never responded. I sent him a few more messages, asking him why he was silent, and he was online, so I know he saw my messages, but he never replied. More and more pressure was being put on me to finish the story by the Readers, but then in late March, it was all over. Iowa deleted his account, without so much as a final word to me, and vanished completely. And when he deleted his account, our PM, which contained ALL of our story lore that I needed to write the story on my own, was gone. I lost it all, and was about to just cancel the story right there, but luckily, my good friend, and sometimes co-author, a user named "Terry the Human" stepped in to help me revamp "To2BB", and rewrite it so that it could finally be released, as well as fill in the innumerable gaps and plot-holes Iowa left behind.
In less than 2 months, Terry and I did what Iowa couldn't in 4 years, and we completely overhauled "To2BB", and created a cohesive, and comprehensive storyboard, which I then wrote out, and finally released, but to my dismay, it wasn't well-received. My hope is that once Chapter 3 is released, things will get better, but I don't know. But even just getting this story written, and then released has been an absolute roller-coaster, and I still harbor much resentment towards Iowa for abandoning me without any warning. All he had to do was send me a message saying that he was sorry, but couldn't continue to help me with the story, and given me time to save our entire PM to a Google Doc, or something similar, and then message him when I was done. But no. He just ran off like a thief in the night, leaving me hanging with a story I couldn't finish without him, because I didn't know the lore of "RoD". Terry is the real MVP here. If he hadn't stepped in to take Iowa's place, this story would have been abandoned, and then forgotten
Ah ok. Well I’m sorry that all happened. I hope when you finish Texas: A Time to Fight! You’ll be able to pick up Tale of 2 Big Boys as I’ve very much enjoyed your saga so far.
As it stands currently, my plan is to finish Chapter 7, and maybe Chapter 8 of "Texas", then maybe take a short break to continue my side-project (I'll announce it soon, though the first story of it is already out "Steamboat to Nowhere"), and then turn my attention back to "To2BB", and finish Chapter 3
Do you happen to have a vague estimate on when chapter 7 comes out?
I do, actually. As it currently stands, Chapter 7 is about 2/3 complete, I just need to figure out how to write a few more scenes, and decide what else to put in the Chapter, and what to hold back for Chapter 8. It shouldn't be too much longer
Oh ok sweet. Thanks for the quick response time as well.
No problem. I love taking time to respond to all the comments I get
So have you decided if you were gonna write chapter 8 of Texas before continuing this story? Or is this the focus now? I’m assuming those 3 chapters of westward was the side project you mentioned before.
No, it's the other way around. I'm finishing Chapter 3 of this story (which is about 70% complete now), and then I'll go back to Chapter 8 of "Texas", finish it, and then write Chapter 4 of this story, and back and forth from there. And yes, you are correct. "Steamboat to Nowhere", and "New Life Westward" are the first 2 stories of what I'm calling the "Great Wolf Lodge Saga", though I'm not sure yet when the next story will come out, as I'm still trying to put together a storyboard for it