• Published 8th Jan 2019
  • 10,798 Views, 41 Comments

Solar Solace - Uh-hmmm

The best a cuddle slave can hope for is a kind mistress. Anon has had three. (RGRE)

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Comments ( 41 )

This was cute and made me smile.

I liked this a lot, but I'll admit the whole 'higger' thing felt awkward as hell to read.

Same here. I rather enjoyed this little foray. Not often we get a little worldbuilding and insight into the Minotaurs. Very nicely done.

True, it doesn't really add anything. I think I will change it to a less real slur.

My first RGRE story: Zzz.

Tia cant grow old

She's already old, even if the years don't show.

Alright, I've tried not to act like the idiot I am for a few weeks now, but that stupid acronym (I assume that's what it is due to it being all-caps.) keeps popping up. I can't hold in my curiosity anymore. What does RGRE mean?

But she said grow old together with that mean that either she’ll die on the same time as him or that he’s a Immortal

Reverse Gender Roll Equestria.

I think she means that when he's old, she'll see the beauty in him that he no longer sees, as that's what he did for her.

It is always interesting to see your views on RGRE. It is fun and quirky in a way that few others have achieved. A bit of a rough start since there wasn't a whole lot of world and character development but that is to be expected with one shots. But considering you managed to pack so much in so little words speaks volumes of your abilities.

I will await your next story with baited breath and all that. :twilightsmile:

Aww now that sounds sweet

Read this awhile ago on it’s pastebin, happy it still holds up. The part where Anon begs Celestia not to leave him always gets me

I swear, half the stories I’ve read lately have been great “new world ideas fodder” stories. That’s always been my favorite bit. Expanding on what I think is possible.

It’s not for everyone, and this one was honestly more world-building-sort than rgre. In fact i’d Say it almost doesn’t count as one as Anon seems to be considered inferior to the Minotaurs. That in and of itself was something I’ve never read before and quite the interesting idea. What would a Minotaur or centaur do if they saw a human?

Hnnnng, this was sweeter than I was prepared for.:heart:

To me, this looked more like a 'Fem-dom story with male-slavery' instead of a RGRE.

Also.... are all males in this 'verse inherently a slave?
It just seemed like Long Haul always was free, and Anon became free when he married Celestia....
What are the terms for becoming a slave in this 'verse?

Uh-hmmm #20 · Jan 9th, 2019 · · 2 ·

The RGRE elements are not as pronounced as the slavery elements, but there are things like Long Haul using circumspect methods to get Soft Touch to make a move, or females being in all the depicted positions of power.
Slavery in this particular setting is mostly in Minotaur and Dragon territories, though the Griffins do have indentured servitude as an option to pay a debt. To become a slave, one is usually of a lowest class, and/or as a punishment for crime.
Slavery is abolished in Equestria, so while it is diplomatic for Celestia to keep the slaves given to her and have them visibly serving during negotiations, they have their own jobs and homes and such as free citizens. Prince Blueblood was sent off to be a member of a high ranking Minotaur Noble's harem, not unlike a political arranged marriage.

Ahhh... I see.

Thanks for the clearing up and the read was good.

I'd give this a thumbs up just for that happening to Blueblood! The fact that the story was enjoyable beyond that was just a lovely bonus. :)

True enough. On the other hand, this is Blueblood.
EDIT: By "this is Blueblood" I meant that being grabbed by the scruff of his neck is more a reflection of his petulance, than as an indication of him being treated like an object without agency. Sorry that I didn't really communicate that.

Assuming that is his only offense, and that Celestia has not vetted the noble she is marrying him off to, yes this would be an excessively cruel punishment.

Precisely. We need to wipe out all of the Gigantic Evil Retards.

Uh-hmmm. You're doin- god's work, son.

I think we will have to agree to disagree on the matter of Blueblood's potential for misbehavior. Admittedly, I have seen interpretations of his character that are more reasonable, but there is a petty cruelty in tormenting what he might have thought of as a gold-digger.
As for being forced to join a harem being rape... by that argument, a decent portion of political marriages would be rape. There is no doubt that there were political marriages where marital rape happened, but the story establishes that there are kind female minotaurs, and that Celestia does care about male sexual autonomy. All I ask is that you have as much faith in the moral character of Celestia as you do in the character of Bluebood.

I like this more than I thought I would. Good job!:moustache:

I am concerned on two reasons: one being Anon, who I am going to assume is from our world, being so willing to just go along with being a slave to these, to him, incredibly strange creatures; and two, Celestia being so okay with slavery, both by accepting Anon as a slave and just giving Blueblood away as a slave. It feels very wrong for a non-evil Celestia to act like that. Even if every slave owner is a "kind master" it's still slavery; you're just giving it all an "Uncle Tom" feel.

1) If I were to draw this out, and get into the grittier aspects, I would have written more about Anon's stockholm syndrome developing quickly, due to be ripped from his world and put into an alien civilization. In some ways, it helps that he is tasked with providing foreplay and oral sex to attractive aliens, in other ways it sets up cognitive dissonance about being enslaved. He's had owners that have used him as a sex object, and he in turn used them as a stepping stone, but he has also had owners that treated him more like a person, and he has mixed feelings about being sold by them, even if they were helping him move up in the world. You can see this in how he breaks down at the idea of Celestia no longer wanting him. Anon has built so much of his identity as a slave pleasing his owners that freedom and independence are frightening and a rejection of who he has become. It's not the healthiest way to be, and Celestia will try to rehabilitate him with some success.
2) I wouldn't say Celestia is okay with slavery, but it is not unlike how the US and other countries still deal with China, despite and because of the sweatshops/low cost of labor. Or how the Federation doesn't do something about Romulans enslaving an entire race. As for giving Blueblood into slavery, yeah, I can see where you are coming from. There could be good, in-universe reasons, such as it's a way to deal with difficult and disgraceful nobility similar to exile and stripping of their titles, but I honestly didn't put too much thought into it.

1. Good reasoning, I can accept that. A small blurb, just a few sentences like, "I think I'm developing Stockholm Syndrome as time goes on" wouldn't have been amiss, but I can accept that you weren't focusing too much on that point.
2. Still feels rather shaky to me. There's a difference between the U.S. tacitly approving the use of sweat shop labor to our economy's advantage, as opposed to the President having a sweat shop in his literal basement. Neither are really "right", but one is more right than the other. Like, there's a difference between Celestia accepting that other cultures practice slavery and not having the authority and/or power to deal with it, and Celestia actively accepting a slave from said culture then keeping said slave and then enslaving one of her own nobles and/or possible family members as a gift to said culture. That's the kind of thing that says, "Yes, I'm absolutely A-OK with the practice of enslaving sentient beings as sex workers."

Anon was emancipated when he was accepted, but as a diplomatic gift, he was given a post in the palace so that he could be seen serving the crown when minotaur and dragon delegations come by. That said, yeah, giving Blueblood into slavery, no matter how benign the mistress, is out of character. If enough people find it too jarring, then I'll probably edit it out.

Never approved of slavery but you make a good story out of it :pinkiesad2:

I wouldn't mind seeing this world explored further.

Wow that was a great love story. I like the originality of how Anon and Celestia end up meeting each other. I've never seen a story that's just a one-shot that has been able to do this more believably than this one.

Nice little story. But Celestia is imortal :derpyderp1:

Magic is path to many solutions many consider... unatural

Lmao Celestia deadass sold Blueblood to the Minotaurs 💀

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