• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Hearts and Paws Day, prologue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Hearts and Paws Day,

[Just outside Ponyville, 1 month after Spike's Birthday]

“I do not understand this at all.” the smaller gray furred figure pouted. “ What is the purpose of this... Hearts and Paws day?”

“Hooves Terri, ponies have hooves.” the larger figure answered.

“Whatever. We have paws why is it not Hearts and Paws Day for us?” Terri asked.

Jynx paused looking up from the collection of dresses Rarity had made her as she considered.

“I have no idea, but this is how ponies do things and Rahs was raised by ponies so I am doing what he should be used to.” Jynx replied, opting to take the little red dress, something in the back of her mind told her that the tight thing would be best best for this.

“So ponies use this as a day for confessions?” Terri asked still seemingly confused, though she had not been as interested in studying pony traditions as her Alpha had been in her pursuit of the Moon Dog.

“From what I understand about it yes. Lady Rarity was more than willing to give me many details about the holiday. Though I am still uncertain why she is planning to spend it 'drowning in chocolate fudge ripple'.” Jynx frowned.

Terri looked confused as well. “Is that the name of some pony she is seeing?”

“I have no idea. Though it sounds like a pony name to me. Why she would drown in him or her is beyond me.” Jynx admitted. “Ponies are weird”


“Are you sure about this? The pink monster is still out there.”Bees shuddered.

“It will be fine. Thorax said she was headed off some place with the yellow one. They are not likely to be back today. The sister is gone as well with the big red one and the dragon is in school.” Saturnia offered, a flash of green adjusting her manes length. Another flash and she made her hips a little wider and her tail longer. Males seemed to like that.

“Still isn't this a bit early to be going out there, we've not even taken out the main target, what if she shows up?” Bees whined.

“It's Hearts and Hooves Day. If it's anything like last year her consort is going to be doing his best to outlast her in their bedroom games. We already know he bought out the apothecary of stamina potions.” Saturnia smirked. “We won't be seeing either of them for a while.”

Saturnia considered as she looked herself over in a mirror again adjusting her fur color to be just a hair lighter than Rahs' and her mane and tail a bit closer match for his eyes.

“I am going to make my move now, and I will make him mine. This is the perfect holiday to do it as well. Most everyone is expecting some one to confess their love for them today. And I will claim Rahs Sparkle as mine, and we will have a hold on Equestria even if mothers plan fails.”

“And it doesn't hurt that you like him.” Bees added.

“What?!” Saturnia whirled about snapping. “ What are you talking about, this about getting the strongest. Not about preference.”

“Well, you've commented on how like a changeling he is with how he can change how he acts and moves and sounds. Then you said something about how strong he was. And isn't that why you have all those pictures all over your chambers of him?” Bees asked.

“That's for research!!!!” Saturnia shouted.

“Then why were they covered in drool?” Bees asked before he was punted out of the room by an irate Changeling Princess.

[ On The road just outside Ponyville ]

Hooves crunched in freshly fallen snow as a wagon creaked and rattled along the hidden path towards town, the light dusting of white over everything making the whole town seem to glow in the morning sun.

Lavender eyes peered out from under a wide purple hat brim and over a scarf of the same color wrapped around her neck and draped across her shoulders and back. She had planned it so her touring would bring her around here again at this time, but she didn't expect to be this spot on.

The mare smiled as she looked out across Ponyville having made it just in time. While not as big and showy as she had planned, on a holiday like this a reveal of her affections would be just as dramatic as if she had a big showy production.

“Soon Fuzzy...” Trixie Lulumoon smiled.

[ Golden Oaks Library]

A loud yawn echoed in the dark room as a large figure stirred on a over stuffed bed, a low rumbling growl escaping the pile of blankets and pillows before a pair of softly glowing orbs popped into view atop a pair of long ears that poked out of the pile.

A feline like head rose from the blankets and one eye opened showing a faintly glowing amber orb with a slit pupil.

The eye glanced over to the clock, taking note of the calendar under it and the date.

With a small snort, the ears flattened and the head dropped back down into the pile of pillows.

Nothing important was happening today.

After a moment more, a light snoring filled the room.

Author's Note:

The players have been gathered.

Lets start the show!.


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