• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I'm 40% jokes, 30% serious, and 20% romance. The Last 10%? You tell me. Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/overlord_flinx


Equestria, a peaceful and loving land with but a few problems here and there like any kingdom. Co-Ruled by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Equestria, a symbol of equality and harmony.

Caballussia, a warring and spiteful land with but a few shimmers of joy here and there like any empire. Co-Ruled by the two most heinous demons that the pit has ever spawned. Caballussia, a symbol of inequality and disharmony.

Each the mirror of the other... Each with only one on the other side knowing about the other.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 192 )

Interesting... Your description was enough for me to fave, i'll read later.
"Do they have cupcakes in Caballussia!? :pinkiecrazy:"
:facehoof:Every time...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh frak. Great so far, keep it up! I look forwards to exploring this wonderful new world of yours. Specificly the "Mirrored" events, like Discord and NMM. And if theres an alternate Doctor living there. ~With regards, the Current Student of the Second True Magic.

How did you come up with the name Caballussia? I Googled it, and all it could give me was Cabaloosa: Live Room and Dance Bar.

"But what if through disharmony, order can be reached?"

I think I might see what you're going for: the concept of Lawful Evil (if that term isn't familiar with you, study up on your D&D man! Google "alignment chart"). This seems to follow the idea of a landscape filled with smaller, disorganized, feuding states (the three pony tribes from the Heart's Warming episode), all equally enslaved under the banner of super-evil. Just keep in mind while going forward that there's more than one way things can flow. "Disharmony" can refer to both "chaos" and "evil," two different, but not necessarily opposing, sides of the spectrum. Just keep that in mind if you plan on altering the Caballussian political landscape during the events of the story.

I already see what may be a break in the theme.

"Every day is a blessing now... Thank the gods you're alive." he embraced the quivering guard as many others looked to the two of them, sharing in their concern.

It makes sense that the guards (who are still mentally sound, as you've stated) would be scared sh*tless of their evil overlord. But in this dystopic dimension, everyone needs to be a dick in some way. The guards suddenly having a group therapy session goes against that, not to mention being on the ridiculous side of things. Ridiculous can be fine, and even appropriate, but it breaks the bleak mood you already have going. If you want to say that the guards only give each other comfort in special cases (like being in the shadow of the supreme overlord of super-evil), that could be acceptable. But make sure we see those guards later on being less helpless and sympathetic. Perhaps they’re perfectly malicious when they’re off duty and less scared for their lives. Or maybe you could show us the apathetic, emotionally stunted, dead-inside aspects you alluded to. Also, capitalization error.

Despite the lengthy criticism and suggestions, I favourited this immediately after reading the last sentence, and I can’t wait for the next installment.

1126602 I'm a HUGE Order of the Stick fan, I know my D&D.

And it's not a distopion way... It's the negative of the world. A world where guards are spineless but are kept to their duty in fear of being killed or worse. As you'll see later, those that are negative in Equestria are more positive in Caballussia. And try searching "Caballo" the answer should come to you.

Crossing The Frame - Coheed And Cambria

Interesting concept and well written. I only caught two spelling errors I believe. I look forward to seeing it executed. I will be watching...:trixieshiftright:

That was amazing. Can't wait to read more.

Just randomly picked this to give it an in-depth running commentary, let's see how it goes.

Straight of the bat I have to say I do not particularly like your introductory description; I'd have made both of the two first paragraphs into a single sentence. It feels a bit rusty to me in its common form, making it into one sentence with a few more commas and some minor restructuring would improve it, if you ask me.

"And if they do; can we not see them? And if we can't; do we want to?" -> So what's the semicolon doing there? The usage you seem to be wanting to use here can only be used between independent clauses. "And if they do." is not a sentence that can stand on itself, so it is not an independent clause, so no semicolon may be used here. Same for "And if we can't." Keep it simple, semicolons are seen as a very academic form of writing by many, and so they will always call attention towards themselves, so you want to be extra sure you're using them correctly.

"Or more frightening, too horrifying for our minds to handle." -> that comma needs to be a colon.

"But to the folks of Canterlot, it was the royal castle that seemed like a dream to them as its majesty towered over most of the city." -> Why is that "them" there? We already know we're talking about "the folks of Canterlot", they don't need to be pointed out again in the same sentence. "But to the folks of Canterlot it was the royal castle that seemed like a dream, as its majesty towered over most of the city." Note that I removed your first comma and added a second. The first comma, while not strictly wrong, messes with the flow of this sentence if you ask me. The second comma is required.

"To those that dwelled within those royal walls, not much outranked their living;" -> what an incredibly overcomplicated sentence. It is somewhat of a chore to read. "Not much outranked the living of those that dwelled inside" is much more elegant, simple and easy on the reader. Remember, you are trying to paint a scene for the reader, you want them to forget that they are reading, to sink away in your words. That's never going to happen if a sentence like this pops up every so many lines, which feels -just- out of place enough to shatter the build up of their immersion. Only true masters like Shakespeare could get away with this but we, simple souls, are better served with simple and elegant sentences :p

"at least nothing in Equestria." -> I believe this must be "at least, nothing in Equestria." I am not as certain of this as I was of the previous ones, though.

"as poised and sophisticated at the royal sisters" -> "as" the royal sisters

"Most would, throughout the day, try to take notes..." -> Most would try, throughout the day, to take notes...

"or wait on the two princesses" -> Are you certain you meant "wait on" and not "wait for"? To wait on someone generally means "to attend to them". Like a waiter waits on his customer, or a maid waits on her mistress. If you meant that these ponies are her active servants, then fine, but else I would change it to "wait for".

"was up earlier then usual" -> than usual

"as she made the venture through the halls" -> Uh... a venture is an enterprise involving a certain amount of risk... not a walk. http://tinyurl.com/86dory3 Just stick to "walk".

"towards the North Tower: her elder sister's room." -> I understand what you're trying to do here, but you can't do it. That's not how a colon works. You can use it as a direct explanation in a sentence like "There was only one room in the North Tower: her elder sister's room." In your example, the two elements just aren't in apposition, the part before the colon doesn't introduce the part behind it enough. It's a subtle difference, but one you will have to learn. If you can't see it here, I suggest you look up some more examples on google, and perhaps you'll get some feeling for it there. Here I'd suggest "the North Tower, which was her elder sister's room." or "the North Tower, to her elder sister's room" depending on whether you meant the entire tower is her room, or only part of it is (that's one thing the colon left unclear). Also, we already know Celestia is the elder, you could leave it out.

"As she passed maids and guards, they all took to a bow before her, all of which a bit rushed and awkward." -> Another awkward sentence, I have a feeling you like placing the main actor in the front of the sentence a bit -too- much. Especially the last part after the second comma feels awkward; it'd be better if you just worked it into the sentence. "Maids and guards bowed before her awkwardly as she passed by." is much more elegant. If you must have the rushing in there as well, simply make it "rushed to bow before her awkwardly"

"The princess paid them no mind as she met with the door of her sister's room." -> I really, really don't think you can use "to meet with" here. It is generally only used for people or objects in motion, like "to meet with a train" or "the cars met egad on", or for something unexpected and dynamic like "to meet with resistance", not for an immobile door. And even if it were correct, why o why not just use "arrived at"? "The princess paid them no mind as she arrived at the door to her sister's room." You'll note I also changed "of" to "to"; it's customary to use "to" here.

"with a use of her magic" -> "a use of", is superfluous. Drop it, sentence does not change. Whenever that happens, you know you've written too much. I'd generally only use this sentence structure in terms like "with a flick of her wand", or "with a sniff of salt" as this gives extra information about what is used how, while "a use of" just makes the sentence longer, really.

"This didn't matter much to the royal family since all locked doors of the castle could be opened by the insertion of their horns into the slot in the center of the door." -> "This didn't matter much to the royal family, since all locked doors within the castle could be opened by the insertion of their horns into the slot in the centre of the door." So yeah, add a comma (readability and pacing), change "of" to "within" (sounds better and is a more specific usage).

"With a rather loud click, the door opened slightly" -> "The door opened slightly with a rather loud click" I really urge you to change this part of your writing style, as the alternative is much more dynamic and easier on the reader.

I must admit a certain fatigue has overcome me by this point, as I'm only a few paragraphs down but it took me quite long to reach here, as I always double check my sources before giving any advice to other authors. I shall thus just finish reading your fic normally, and then give you some of my conclusions.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist: "her mind starting to run over why her sister was locked up in her room." All I can picture here is Luna's mind getting into a car and running over Celestia in her room :p Again, I get what you're trying to say, but you make it too complicated and cause some very unusual word usages. "her mind frantically starting to think up reasons for her sister's self-imprisonment." perhaps?

I guess I just can't help myself: "As Luna looked the room over she saw" -> "As Luna looked the room over, she saw..." I challenge you to read that sentence out loud without the comma. Do you not feel the urge to pause there? I know I do, and that's what usually happens with introductory remarks of 6 words or less. Just give in to the temptation, write the comma that the mind already thinks should be there ^^

"a beaten look to her face" -> I'd say "on her face".

"It looked to her like an ancient sun emblem crafted from copper or even bronze; either way, it looked ridden and scuffed." -> Why not change the first "it looked to her" to "It appeared to be"? Sounds better + then you don't use "looked" twice in a sentence.

"The... Principle of Other Lives? Indeed. He had stated that one could very well live other lives in other worlds... A common theory in today's age, I've gathered." Luna answered after some thought. -> Oooo, I can't leave this one alone. That last dot inside the quotation marks needs to be a comma. "... I've gathered," Luna answered... Whenever you have "x said" "y whispered" the last dot needs to be a comma. Other punctuation marks do not change. Google "punctuation in dialogue".

"Good..." Celestia once more looked to the sun emblem laying against her, "Do you believe it?" -> Make it "looked to the sun emblem laying against her once more" as the version you have right now is at best cumbersome and strange, and at worse grammatically incorrect (90% sure). Also, that last comma needs to be a dot. You can only put a comma there if your first sentence runs on into the second part, in which case you use no capital. So
- "Good," Celestia looked to the sun emblem laying against her once more, "do you believe it?" could be correct, but I think it's better to just change the comma to a dot here and see it as two sentences. Also, I changed the triple dot to a comma in this example because that seemed more likely to form one sentence to me, even though the triple dots could've made a sentence without a capital for the second part as well. As I said in the last example, your punctuation in dialogue is off, just look it up and you'll be fine ^^

"It would be foolish if I ruled out the possibility of any idea." -> Bit cumbersome, why not "It would be foolish to rule out any possibilities." I think the "of any idea" is mostly superfluous.

So I ask you this since I value your opinion over so many; as well as your honesty... -> Drop the "so" (You only use "so" when a reasoning proceeds it: "You are brave, so I know you will not fear him." "You are strong, so you will be victorious." "I like you, so I will do this for you." In this case, the reasoning follows this part of the sentence instead of preceeding it, so the "so" is out of place.) and also the comma. Like before, you do not have an independent clause here. "As well as your honesty." can't really exist on its own, so a semicolon may not be used. Perhaps you should look into the semicolon as well, just in case. I know I personally have to read up on it about three times for every fic I write; it's a tough one.

"Honesty has nay been my strongest trait..." -> Nay is archaic for no, not for never.

"And you're honest about that," Celestia joked a bit -> and suddenly you do it right, huh.

her sister, "Now may I ask your thoughts?" -> but here it is wrong again ^^

"Verily." -> Verily is a word which expresses "yes, it is so" or "I agree", it is not a word for "yes".

trying to piece out how to say her words. -> so she's trying to determine how to pronounce them? That's what you just said. I'd go with "choosing her words carefully".

she choose -> she chose

In another life; would you think I could become a monster? -> What you've asked here is "Would you, if you were living a different life, think I could become a monster?" What you were -trying- to ask was "Do you think I could (have) become a monster in another life?" So just write that :p Also, semicolon wrong.

"In all honesty sister... We are not different... If I could become such a beast, thy own track could lead you to the same matter." -> "In all honesty sister: we are not different. If I could become such a beast, thy own power could lead you down the same path." You can't use "to this matter" in this context. That's just not what the word "matter" was meant to be used for, it doesn't fit. I find it a bit hard to explain, but... surely you feel it doesn't work? :p

"Good?" Luna returned confused by her sister's answer. -> "Good?" Luna returned, confused by her sister's answers. Two different verb forms always need a comma to separate them.

"You're not lying to me. That in itself is good for me to know. So I ask you this: harmony can't exist without disharmony, correct?" -> "You're not lying to me; that in itself is good for me to know. So I ask you this: harmony can't exist without disharmony, correct?" the semicolon could be a colon here as well, but I opted for semi since you use a colon later. But one of the two is essential, not a full stop.

"There must be at first an imbalance before balance can be brought, correct..." -> Why no question mark?

That alone was what Celestia was afraid of as she looked into the piece of discarded armor tightly held to her body. -> That alone was what Celestia had been afraid of as she looked into the piece of discarded armor tightly held to her body.

be in existence; through that, order is made. -> Misplaced semicolon of doom! Change with ", and through that"

every-time -> every time :p

Through the endless day, and setting night, we salute to thee, with your divine sight. -> Through the endless day and setting night, we salute thee, with your your divine sight (commas could be kept for metrum, but "salute to thee" is wrong.)

You foals aren't released until I say so... Understood?" -> You mean dismissed, not released.

but the teacher furrowed her brows -> brow is always singular. It's not short for eyebrows :p

"Yes Mistress Cheerilee..." They all said in unison. -> the "they" needs to have a lower case letter. Punctuation in dialogue...

"Better... Now get out of my sight. You creatures sicken me..." they didn't need -> "They" does need a capital letter here :p It's like you know the rules, but apply them exactly opposite!

She despised this job -> In past tense, you avoid the use of "this", "here", "now", etc.. as those are all words pointing at something in the present that is close-by, while past tense stories happen before the present. I often ignore this rule if I can't think of a better word that sounds just as good, but here "she despised her job" works perfectly fine. Else it needs to be "She despised that job."

nopony ever does... They only find their way under the hoof of Canterlot -> a wild present tense appears!

Tonight she had a date lined up; and that line up was with four others right behind it. -> a semicolon can never have "and" right behind it, that should've tipped you off. Just a comma here. Also "and that line up had four others right behind it" sounds much better and is clearer.

Canterlot Castle; nopony with any whits would step a hoof onto any stretch of its land. If one soul did, they would've been met with the swift force of the Royal Guards; but everypony knew that the guards were just as afraid as the peasants were. -> careful with those semicolons...

And to those guards that weren't afraid, they lost their senses years ago... -> So "they" lost their senses to the guards that weren't afraid? That doesn't make much sense.

could bee seen a -> be seen.

blocking their eyes from sight -> hiding their eyes from sight

; but -> nope, "but" is the same as and -> never semicolon in front of it.

scratched against their years -> what?

like metal scrapping up against corroded metal -> "like the scraping of corroded metal" ?

sound come by -> come closer or pass by, not come by.

'her' -> it's actually "her" not 'her', look the rules for those up. You always use double quotes for scare quotes, unless it's inside dialogue. Grammar girl has an excellent article on this: http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/single-quotes-versus-double-quotes.aspx

A collective inner breath -> as opposed to an outer breath? How does that work? Collective breath will do fine.

hallway; finally -> Nein! A semicolon is not a super comma :p

"At easy!" -> "At ease!"

was leading them in commands. -> Uuuhh? "Leading them with his commands", maybe?

deep shallow breathes -> Alright, time for another rule: If you can place "and" between 2 adjectives, it needs a comma. "Deep and shallow" -> comma. "Light and red" -> No, the colour is light red, no comma. So here: comma. Also, the plural of 1 breath is 2 breaths. You wrote the verb "to breathe" down here.

"You alright?" the guard beside him asked in genuine worry. -> yes, this is correctly punctuated dialogue. Excellent work.

"Every day is a blessing now... Thank the gods you're alive." he -> last dot is a comma.

All, including those that carried out her wishes and deeds, feared their ruler. All feared... Queen Solaris. -> You can't carry out someone else's deeds, they're not their deeds if you do... Just the wishes will do. Also, "Solaris" ends in -is, which is a male name ending of ancient times, but I guess that's nitpicking :p

I do believe this took me 2 hours, perhaps even 2 and a half(and remember, this isn't the end of the post yet), to fully go through and analyse + fact check myself to make absolutely sure I wasn't telling you lies, so I hope to god you're the author who honestly wants to improve and craves feedback, and not the type who already thinks he's perfect and just shoots all constructive criticism down.

I have to say I like the story idea and premises; there's nothing wrong there. However, you clearly need a lot of work on various grammar rules--not as much as some I've seen, but still a long way to go, especially if you consider that I, too, am not perfect, so I have a long way to go as well, so if you add up all the mistakes I missed (because I didn't know they were wrong, since I make them too) to all the ones I did found, you know you got your work cut out for you :p

Also, I get the feeling you're trying too hard. You constantly throw big words--often used incorrectly--in there and use complicated sentence structures unnecessarily and in a cumbersome way, while you should just be keeping it simple. If you keep it simple, people forget they're reading words and see a story, but right now you're trying so hard that the words get in the way of the story. Don't do that. Too many beginning authors (me included) start out trying to find the biggest words they can to impress their audience. It doesn't work, it's just annoying. Don't do it.

I got here through your "Know Your Mare" work, which has seen great success for a couple of reasons: The format is simple, it doesn't demand too much of the reader, and since every chapter is only 250 words it requires almost no time investment. I don't wish to diminish your accomplishment (the idea is nice and the implementation is certainly there) but just realise that scoring a hit with that doesn't make you a good author just yet. FimFiction has the attention span of an autistic cricket, and it prefers comedy. Short comedy. The shorter the better. And you wrote the shortest comedy possible :p That's a good skill to have, writing to your audience, and I encourage it, just please don't let it get to your head. I'm telling you all this and pleading with you in this way because the story line in this story, at least, has got me interested, and I want to see you grow into it.

You have the promise, you got what it takes. Now all you need to do is take a leap, continue practising, and rise to the top. So what are you waiting for?

As I'm confident you'll fix all the problems pointed out to you, I shall give this chapter a 3,5/5, since that's what I feel it deserves. It's intriguing, but not much was explained yet about why the hell Celestia is suddenly thinking about this stuff. If it is explained in a next chapter, then the score rises to 4/5.

Now get to it! I want that next chapter ^^

P.S.: This is the first time I've ever done or seen a comment that's longer than the fic (I just checked, this is 3600 words), haha ^^ Consider this a gift to you, not many people would bother putting this much time in...


Indeed, the brilliance of the sun can burn in all its majesty ^^

This was hard to follow, but quite enjoyable. Also... SECOND COMMENT! Feels good to do that. :yay:

No words describe the creative mind that these stories derive from.

I feel there were less awkward sentences in this, so that's very good, even though the problem isn't completely gone. A lot of the other stuff is still there, too (mistakes in semicolons, punctuation in dialogue and in archaic language, for one) which is a shame. Some new errors as well, in your use of tenses, for example (it needs to be "hope had been put to rest when she had been put on the throne", for instance) Also, in some places there are large blocks of dialogue without any descriptive text. This can be a bit stale, I suggest putting some descriptions of the character's actions during the talking in there. Are they raising an eyebrow, pacing back and forth, throwing each other cold looks, etc... ?

I'm guessing the story exposition here was necessary to your plans, but what attracted me in the first chapter was a chance to see the alternate dimension version of ponies we know from the show, like Cheerilee in the last chapter. I hope there is more of that to follow.

For those of you who are waiting on other updates... In time... namely tomorrow or Monday. And for those of you who like this?

TELL ME WHY! :trixieshiftleft:

Can't wait for more. The whole concept of your story intrigues me and you do a good job of painting this darker version of Equestria. Keep up the good work.

Bwahaha! Amazing as expected! Good world building is good. And good characterization. Really, as long as the characterization and story stays awesome, you're set. That and the novelty of the premise of this story is awesome as well. Tell me, will the Canon!MLP ever interact with Mirror!MLP? On another note, this proves my theory on the assumption that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It may not be where you are, but somewhere, its affecting something. We're just seeing the divergent courses.

~With Regards, the Current Student of the Second True Magic.

1203210 Perhaps they may... As we will find out, the two worlds are connected through one being. And if you enjoy the mirrors of Twilight and Rarity, wait to you see Fluttershy and Pinkie...

1203243 Ohh good lord in heaven. . . Is- . . . is it going to be Cupcakes. . . level? -Shudders- I can't wait to see that gap between worlds connecting. Who will be right in the end? Peace through total domination? Or peace through harmony? Only time will tell.

1203262 Wanna sneak peek?

And it's a matter of do you want a world where you are free but danger is present; or do you want a world where you have no freedom but you will never be hurt?

1203290 . . . That. . . that was. . . dark. . . NOW I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

1203358 So instead of making her a crazed killer, I made her the worse thing Pinkie could ever be...

1203371 Exactly. . . I shudder to think where that thought came from . . On another note, I applaud you for originality!

1203375 But either way, we'll cover that when we get there... just hope I get more views and comments before that.

1203381 Yup yup.

As to the question before the one where I accepted the sneak peak, I think I'd rather live in a place where I was free but there was still danger. It would be dull otherwise.

1203398 If you lived under Solaris, you would've been in trouble... She doesn't take well to disobedience.

1203405 Nah, I'd probably be dead already. Or in hiding in some remote corner of the world. I wouldn't go down without a fight. After all, if you're going to die anyways, might as well go out with a bang.

1203409 Yeah... Changelings said the same thing... Look how they turned out.

1203415 Exactly. Rather hard to fight a nearly all powerful goddess figure with access to absurd amounts of power.

1203418 Oh right... I didn't talk about what happened to them yet...

1203420 With the way this world works, I don't think it will be pretty. . .

1203426 Solaris is just in her own regards... They went without pain or suffering...

1203433 . . . Somehow that scares me even more than if it WAS messy. . .

I can only imagine what you managed to do with Dash, Applejack, and Flutters. . . The anticipation is building!

During the scene with Rarity and the customer, I was faced with some difficulty pinpointing who was doing what. Something else that seemed a bit sudden to me was not only is she a sex fiend (that's understandable) but she's also a lesbian?

Now for something that does make bucking sense to me:

"Thus, the Elements of Harmony became the Elements of Disarray. However, Solaris found that she could not control the elements herself anymore, so she sought out the six who would embody her new order of elements... "

Solaris is lawfully evil, and has a pessimistic view of how ponies act and how to control them, and puts faith for the future into the power of vices. Why would she name them after Disarray, the thing that she strives against? I know you want to emphasize that these characters are opposites/inversions of their Equestrian counterparts, but this seems to break character.

1205003 One: Yes, I know that part was a bit jumbled. I wanted to change it, but I never turn back on a concept. And as for the lesbian note, there's more to it or less to it than you would think... Depending on how you look at it.

The Elements of Disarray serve as controlled enemy for her. Not only does she now control everypony's safety, but with the control of Disarray through other mediums she now also controls unparalleled the very thing she hates: discord. In this way it's a way of her having absolute control over everything, even what she must destroy. Do you follow what I'm saying?

One: "...there's more to it or less to it than you would think... Depending on how you look at it." That... does not tell me much.

Two: Actually yes, that does make a lot of sense to me. It's great because not only are the aspects of the characters inverted, but so are the relations between them (have you read any of the Lunaverse series?). But I think that needs to be made clear in the context of the story, not just you going out of your way to explain it to me in the comments.

1205753 One, what I mean to say is that Rarity's character (although explained later) isn't sexually attracted to anything except herself. Everypony else only exists for her to gain something or feed her greed. And a known means to gain is to allure a person.

Two, no, I haven't read Lunaverse. And it will be explained later, at this point it's just supposed to raise questions in people and piece together possibilities to why this or that would happen.

In the end, this world has only one difference in it; one action that changed the entire path between these two mirrored worlds... The question is: who knows what the answer is?

I clicked the thumbs-up button 20 times... it only gave you one... :eeyup:

1205250 Geez, remind me not to visit Caballussia without my Hyperspace Arsenal full of Immortal Slaying/Anti-Divinity/Execution Class weaponry and an equall amount of Void Barrier/Anti-Magic/Elimination Rank defenses. I'd need at least that much just to survive. A Reality Marble/Marble Phantasm would help too. . .

1228171 Well, partially because I would rather have something and not need it, partially because I have a tendancy to make the most powerful beings angry with me, partially because I'd rather live freely, and having the means to fend off an angry sun deity/dictator would go a long way to help with that, partially because I'm fairly sure I'd unintentional / intentionally aggravate the Mirror!Mane Six, and mostly because reading Tv Tropes made me paranoid about such situations. I forgot adding an I-Pod crammed with my favorite music as well. And headphones.

1228228 Solaris is a peaceful leader... There is no violence or killing in her kingdom.

1228247 Then I guess its to make me feel safer. I dunno, being a lone human in a place like that without protection is just tempting Murphy's Law into doing something. Despite the peace 'nd all that. Something ends up trying to kill me usually. I would avoid confrontation if possible though, actively looking for trouble isn't my thing. Trouble usually finds me though. Meh, being a wanderer would be interesting, regardless if I fought or not. I've always liked the unknown.

1228247 Mayhaps I should learn more about Caballussia before I decide what to bring to it if I ever went there. Still would include the I-Pod and headphones. Maybe a hand-and-a-half sword as well. I'll have to wait and see. .

1228247 Sorry for the triple reply, but as usual, it was a pleasure chatting with you Flinx, it was rather fun actually. I have a wedding to go to tommarow, so turning in early.

Complete domination. . . Bloody hell. I mean, I knew about it before but. . . Geez, I don't even know what to say to that! She's singlehandedly done what comic book and movie villains have strived for for years! Also, well done on Pinkie. Fairly original mirror of Pinkie's personality. I dunno why more people haven't explored this possibility. Well, three down, three to go. . . what does fate have in store for us, I wonder? ~With regards, the Current Student of the Second True Magic.

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