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Chapter Eight: Hopp's Past Unveiled, Frost Reveal at Last

Chapter Eight: Hopp’s Past Unveiled, Frost Revealed at Last

“Lord Frost, I have a report from the town of Dodge City,” the harpy like being named Vikal spoke up as he entered the chambers of Lord Frost’s domain. “The leader of the bandits that you hired to try and pry information on this ‘Frieza’ figure were all eliminated by the very same person. Current intel suggests that he’s keeping the one who calls himself ‘The Corporal’ alive in order to acquire intel about our operations.”

“How utterly pathetic, to think I could actually trust those fools to blend in with the Royal Guard, only to be slaughtered by some pretender! It seems that it is time I stepped in and showed those villagers just whose in charge around here!”

“Sir, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but is such a move wise?” Vikal then asked the frost demon. “This is the same one who defeated Hopp and Chappil as well as force them to serve him. We can just as easily send someone to eliminate the Corporal before-”

“Lord Frost, don’t listen to this wench! I say the two of us take care of those weaklings together, you’ll not only demonstrate your dominance, but show those ponies who’s truly on top of the food chain!” Comfrey said, entering the room as he approached Frost. “Think about it, if we go out there and kill them, then we’ll show them that we are the superior being-”

But before Comfrey could go on, Frost’s tail lashed out, sending the amphibian flying into the wall, before turning his attention towards Vikal and slapped her across the face. “Both options from my highest ranking officers no less are both ridiculous and pointless. Killing the Corporal now, especially when that coward most likely told him everything is pointless and I refuse to allow a weakling like you Comfrey fight at my side when you’ve failed to even kill the Princesses.”

Vikal stood her ground, before rubbing off the bruise that was on her face as she looked back at Lord Frost. “What do you propose then, my lord?”

“I’ll destroy Dodge City myself, eliminating all life there including the one who calls himself Frieza. However if he does survive, I want you to personally bring him back here Vikal… After all I don’t trust anyone else to take care of this task.” Frost explained, grinning at her as he walked past her, taking a quick glance at her figure before turning over to Comfrey’s direction and pulled him out of the rubble. “As for you Comfrey, I want you to eliminate a pony named Sunset Shimmer, she’s been having dreams that could possibly hold information about my existence.”

“Dreams? How can dreams hold information about you? Has this pony even seen you before?” Vikal then asked, curious as to what Frost’s response would be.

“NO!” He shouted, using his tail to wrap around Vikal’s leg before pulling her closer to him only for him to punch her in her stomach. “AS IF I’D MAKE A FOOLISH MISTAKE LIKE THAT!!! It’s possible that this pony can glimpse into the future, foretell certain events, or see images that could give her clues of my existence. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am today and I won’t let some mamby pamby pony get in the way of my world conquest!!”

“G-gah!” Vikal groaned in pain. “A-apologies, my lord…”

“Lord Frost… I’ll do as you command.” Comfrey said, glaring at the frost demon. “For now.”

“Now then, I think it’s time for us to depart, and Comfrey bring Hyssop and Oregano with you. I have a feeling your going to need their help. Let us go Vikal, I want you to witness the destruction of Dodge City in my Assault Form!”

Meanwhile in the infirmary, Melody Heart continued to try her best to tend the wounds of both Hopp and Chappil. “Oh Celestia, what happened to you two?” Melody asked, checking on the IV’s she had given them, but before she could do any more check ups, a loud chuckle came across the room.

“Hehehe… If you must know… Those two got into a little scuffle by an unknown assailant, but I saved them in the end.” Jack explained to her, walking up to the mare. “So how are our patients doing today?”

“I-I was able to stabilize them… They should wake up any moment now.” Melody said, turning gaze away from the frost demon.

“Well thank you for your kind generosity Melody, but I believe I can take it from here. So if you don’t mind as to leave me alone with them I’d truly appreciate it?” Jack asked, smiling towards her as she nodded her head in response and trotted off giggling for some unknown reason, but figured he’d ask about that later as he turned over to Hopp. “Get up, I know you're awake.”

“Ugh… w-where am I?” Hopp asked, before looking back to see Jack standing right in front of her. Almost jumping out of the bed as her fur stood up on end. “L-lord Frieza!”

“I suggest you sit still, you idiot. Your badly injured as it is, don’t need you breaking anymore bones.” Jack told her as he sat on a small chair across from her. “Now your in a infirmary in a small town called Dodge City.”

“D-dodge City?” She said, scratching her ears as she looked back at Jack. “T-that’s a new one… H-how’s Chappil?”

“Still unconscious unfortunately, but that isn’t my concern right now. You still owe me an explanation as who you really are?” Jack demanded, glaring at the feline.

“I already told you, my name is Hopp-” She said… looking back at him with narrow eyes. “Wait… what do you mean by who you really are?”

“Oh, please enough with the games… I know for a fact that you weren’t always Hopp. Just like your friend there wasn’t always Chappil and me Frieza. I suggest you tell me who you really are or I’ll have no other choice but to beat you to an inch of your life like I did in Whitetail Woods.” Jack threatened, making Hopp’s fur stand up as she began to hiss.

“...... Helena.”

“Helena… That’s a name I never heard of…” Jack said, as his glare vanished and was replaced with a look of envy.

“It was my name before Hopp,” She said to him in response. “And Chappil is my brother, Carter… We don’t know how we came here, but upon arriving here, Frost found us. I… think you know the rest of the story.”

“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me the whole story as I do have patients… But next time I ask how you ended up here, I expect an honest answer.” Jack said, deciding to let go of it for now. “So I take it Frost didn’t tell you his name either?”

Hopp shook her head in response. “No. I would only think he would tell that to his closest advisors. Like how Zarbon only knew of Frieza’s transformation before telling Vegeta.”

“And look how far that got him…” Frieza muttered.

Ignoring the voice in his head, Jack continued to ask questions. “Helena, do you want to return home? I ask you this because I truly want to know.”

“I… don’t know…” She sounded hesitant to reply. “I mean… part of me wants too… but part of me doesn’t. Back home, my parents are divorced and my father was abusive towards the both of us. So even though we might have been taken away from there… anywhere where he isn’t makes us… relieved. But if we go back, then I wouldn’t have any abilities or… well anything to defend ourselves from him.”

“I see… How old are you and your brother?” Jack asks.

“We’re both fourteen. The two of us are twins.”

“Are you really sure about that?” Jack asks to confirm something. “How long have you been on Equus?”

“About… ten months or so… why?” She asked.

“Tell when you became Hopp, were you floating endlessly in an empty void?”

Again, she shook her head. “Not… really. At one point, it felt like we were going very fast from one world to the next… Have you seen those Thor movies? If so, the best example would be the Bifrost.”

“Hmm… Then it’s not by the same person… I think I know everything I need to know from you two for now. My name is Jack, I turned sixteen two months ago and I was imprisoned here by a man who calls himself The Merchant.” Jack replied.

“That… sounds ominous… what did they look like?” She asked. “Because the last person we met before coming here appeared to resemble the secret shopkeeper guy from DOTA 2.”

“The hell is a DOTA?”

“No idea… Let’s just play along for now.” Jack said to Frieza before returning his attention towards the female in front of him. “The man who imprisoned me and my friend said he’s the real deal, but I wasn’t able to see his face, he wore cloak from the Hobbit, but Helena, you and I both know that we don’t belong here… It’s true that life back on earth sucks, but surely there’s something you’ve always wanted to do? A dream?”

“To be honest… any dreams we had were torn to shreds by our father… For me, the only dream I would want is for us to have a better life without him.” She told Jack.

“Well, then if you wish to stay here, living as a slave for the next frost demon that comes your way. I won’t stop you, but as of right now, you and your brother are under my leash. We will gather allies that far exceed Frost’s and crush him under our might, once he’s dealt with, we’ll find a way to get both me and my friend back home.” Jack explained, standing up from his seat and sat next to Helena. “But if you change your mind and wish to return, the door will always be open and sometimes dreams are torn apart, but that’s why you always should find a new dream.”

“No… I don’t want to go back to Frost…” Helena said to him. “He never really cared about who Chappil and I really were… But you… you’re different. You’ve done a lot for my brother and I as it is, so the only thing I think I can do to repay you is to help you achieve your goals.”

“Heh! Don’t kid yourselves… I haven’t done anything in the slightest beside beat you two to a pulp. I spared your lives because you have your uses to me, but I’m not as cruel like your former master. You were able to stand up to me and fight, so you have my respect.”

“Yet, you wouldn’t have had us healed if you didn’t see a purpose for-” At that moment, Hopp froze. Her eyes widening as part of her began to shake. “N-no… I-it can’t be…”

Noticing the look of terror on her face, Jack stood up from the bed, sensing a massive amount of Ki, and it was far greater than Chappil’s and Hopp’s energies. “Whose energy is that?”

“I-it’s him…” Hopp said, her eyes looking rather horrified. “You s-said you were looking for him… Now he’s here.”

“She must mean Frost! Get out there and confront this imposter!!”

“It’s a lot sooner than I anticipated, but I guess better late than never I suppose?” Jack said out loud as he made his way outside, leaving Hopp to remain with her brother. Once he stepped outside, he was met by a blue fist, striking him in the face and sending him crashing into several buildings, before taking flight into the air and made his way towards the center, of town, but he was quickly struck down instantly by a tremendous force. “W-Where the hell is he-”

But before he could even finish his sentence, he was met by a powerful kick that sent him flying into the before feeling a barrage of punches and kicks on all sides, until the beams of energy continued to blast Jack into the ground continuously. “HEHEHE!!! Is this truly all the All Mighty Frieza has to offer? If so, then it truly was a waste of time going into my assault form.”

Picking himself off the ground, the frost demon looked up into the sky and spotted another frost demon, but he his colors were much different from his, having dark blue, black and white instead. His horns and skull were much larger than Jack’s and had a taller frame with muscles that were much larger than his. “Damn… I didn’t think he’d be this strong, but then again he’s in his third form. I’ll have to try and match his strength… Somehow.”

Wiping away the blood from his mouth, Jack began to raise his ki once again at a rapid pace, until he felt his muscles bulge up once again and began to feel his body transform once again, “GRRR….RRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” He shouted at the top of his lungs as his body was consumed in a bright light, but it didn’t faze Frost in the slightest as as continued to smirk. Once the light disappeared and the smoke vanished, Jack was now once again in his second form.

“It’s pretty obvious that you’re power level is nowhere near his currently. So unless you can access my full power, then I suggest you play your cards smartly, afterall you have my intelligence and you should be able to hold your own against him so long as he doesn’t nail you with death beams.” Frieza explained to him as he began gritting his teeth at this pretender. “To think that they'd be another frost demon on this wretched planet!”

It was as Jack looked back up at Frost that he also happened to notice something. His hands were adjusting something along his wrists, and whatever it was, it reflected off the light from the sun that was above him. “Wait… Frieza, are you seeing what I am seeing?”

“What are you even referring to right now?”

“His wrists just now… I think he’s hiding something under the bone. Like a weapon.” Jack replied mentally. “If I recall from the show, Frost uses some kind of needle to inject poison, meaning I’ll have to be careful when fighting this bastard, so Frieza any advice that could help?”

“Simple, don’t die!” Was all the frost demon said as Jack groaned in response, muttering how he’d find someway to shut him up, but putting that aside, he flew up into the air and was now face to face with Frost. However the frost demon in front of him didn’t really respond to him as he simply smirked, crossing his arms.

“So your Lord Frost I take it?” Jack asked, glaring at the frost demon in front of him.

“What gave it away?”

“Now there’s no need for sarcasm you know, we can be civilized right?” Jack said, with a cunning grin, to try and persuade Frost to leave. “I mean surely you and I can come to some sort of an agreement so we don’t have to throw fists at each other?”

“Oh we could…” He grinned, before glaring directly at Jack as he had energy begin to form on the ends of his fingers. “OR… I could teach Equus a lesson about what happens when you cross with me by WIPING THIS PATHETIC TOWN OFF THE MAP!!!”

Gritting his teeth, Jack began to form a large sphere of energy in his hands and immediately fired it off in Frost’s direction, causing him to cease his own attack in order to catch the massive orb of energy in his hands, crushing it until it erupted in a massive explosion, surprising Jack. “Why’d that idiot do that?”

“He’s trying to get inside your head and demonstrate that whatever you try to do, nothing would work against him.” Frieza replied back. “However, in doing so, it makes him have to slow down on charging the attack that he wants to pull off in order to stop what you throw at him”

“Tell me something that isn’t obvious… But I guess you’re right about that last bit.” He said to Frieza before waving his hand high into the air and began to form another large sphere of energy and launched it into the cloud of smoke, but this time, Jack made sure to put extra power into that attack. Once it collided, it began to burst creating massive explosion that created a shockwave that began sending ponies that had been watching, flying. But this only angered the frost demon. “COME OUT AND FACE ME COWARD!!!”

Appearing from the smoke, unsceathed Frost flew towards Jack with a smirk across his face, punching in the chest before repeatedly jabbing him in the face, before finally headbutting him, sending him flying before Jack stopped himself midair, but before Jack could do any kind of counter, Frost began flying in at full force. Jack made sure to block the incoming attacks, trying his best to block all of the frost demons punches and kicks, until Frost grabbed hold of his leg with his tail and launched him towards the nearby forest.

Seeing an opportunity, Frost began to power up and fire a large red stream of ki into the forest, setting it ablaze as fire erupted, spreading across the grass and trees. Frost couldn’t help but laugh as he believed he had defeated him. “HA! Too easy, and to think my servants were afraid of you!”

But Frost spoke too soon, as Jack emerged from the flames, hurtling towards the frost demon at blazing speed, before striking him against his skull with his leg, sending him flying backwards as Jack appeared unscathed minus the smoke coming off his skin. “If that’s the best you got, then I should have had my expectations lower than I thought.”

“Hmm… Seems like I’m just gonna have to try harder.” Frost said, glaring at Jack as both frost demons charged towards each other as their great battle was about to truly begin.

Comments ( 4 )

Very interesting and intense story. I'd love to see more! :pinkiehappy:

Brilliant work.:pinkiehappy:

I take this story off your hands if you like since you lost interest in it also good story

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