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Chapter Three: Parting Ways, A New Enemy!?

Chapter Three: Parting Ways, A New Enemy!?

After making a deal with the Emperor himself, Jack had regained consciousness and noticed that it was no longer night as the sun was now shining on his eyes. Taking in his surroundings, he noticed that Audrey was no longer next to him. The only thing that was there was a piece of paper under a pile of apples. Taking the note into his hand, the frost demon began to look over it, wondering why Audrey would leave him it.

‘Why would she leave me a note?’ He asked himself as he began to read it.

Dear Jack

I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of much help to you and after watching you try to use your powers, it made me realize that I would only be holding you back. Before you ask how I got a hold of some paper, I had to take it from an old stallion in town when he wasn’t looking as well as a couple of apples. Hope you like them jerk, but anyways, this isn’t goodbye Jack, I’m only going to be gone for awhile, just until I can master my own powers.

And look on the brightside, I won’t be in any danger when you use those lasers you shoot out of your hand lols. But anyways I’m gonna miss you, but next time we see each other, I will be a lot stronger and we’ll finally get out of this fucking world. I know how much you don’t like ponies and friendship. I do hope to see you again once I’ve mastered my Persona, and who knows, we could have a little fun when we get back home~

From your BFF,

PS. Try not to get yourself killed, I want us both to go home in piece and try not to be a dick to everyone as well okay?

After finally finishing Audrey’s letter, Jack couldn’t help but sigh as he felt a sharp pain in his chest. His best friend was long gone by now and it was because of him, she had seen what he could do with his strength and from the way she had seen it, she’d only be getting in the way of the frost demon. Jack knew she was right, but it didn’t make the pain of his friend leaving hurt any less. “Heh, guess I’ll see you again soon Audrey and I do hope you’ll impress me with your new powers.”

“Hehehe, I can see little to no reason why you’d even consult with an insect like her?” He heard Frieza’s voice reply to him in his head, only irritating the Frost demon as he grabbed an apple that Audrey had left for him and took a bite out of it.

“You don’t know her like I do, Frieza… She’s an intelligent young girl, and knows how to manipulate things into her favor. She knows that I don’t have control over my powers yet, which is why she left. Not to mention that without mastery of her own powers, she would be a nuisance and she hates feeling useless… We’ll see her again… And she’ll be a lot stronger.” Jack explained as a small grin formed on his face as he took another bite out of his apple.

“Hmph! Says you, but I still don’t see how she’ll be useful to me later on?” Frieza asked as Jack glared, finishing his apple and grabbing another one and biting it angrily. Making the Emperor frown. “Now, that she’s gone, we can resume our plans on finding away to separate ourselves and eliminating this Merchant you spoke of.”

As much as Jack didn’t like it, he had little to no choice in the matter as he finished he other apple and stood up. “You know, you could have a little patience! Besides, we literally just woke up and I’d rather us get a head start on making our way to that town. We need to start gathering info from those townsponies that Audrey had mentioned in the letter.”

Groaning, Frieza had folded his arms as he glared at his doppleganger. In the past, he never had to worry sharing a body with anyone let alone an earth maggot, but he could see that there was some potential in Jack to be a loyal subordinate, even if he was struggling to use his own powers. “Fine, we’ll start there, but I suggest you put your guard up. I’m sensing a large amount of energy coming from there and true it isn’t that much of a threat, if someone here knew how to use there powers.”

Sighing he simply ignored what Frieza had said and began to make his way into town, unaware of the danger that was now lurking there. As his female friend, Audrey watched in the distance as the frost demon began to make his way over to the town.

“Goodbye Jack, Until we meet again.” She said before finally disappearing into the forest.

By the time Jack had arrived, the town was now in ruins as ponies began to run in terror, only making the frost demon more curious as he entered the town, he didn’t know why, but he was enjoying watching the ponies flee in panic. He guessed it was due to Frieza’s influence, but he could also be wrong. Still it didn’t answer any of his questions and before he could continue his way into the town, a young mare with a lime green coat and white mane and tail fell to the ground, struggling to get up before realizing that he was standing in front of her.

“P-Please… Help us!” She begged, grabbing onto his feet before he pulled away.

“I suggest you leave now… I’ll see what’s going on.” Jack replied before the mare smiled and ran passed him, thanking him as she disappeared from his sight, leaving the frost demon to simply smirk. ‘As if I’d actually help them… All that matters to me is getting home.’

The further Jack entered the town, the more destruction he witnessed as corpses were scattered across the ground, some of them were barely alive and he could only wonder what sort of abomination could cause this much havoc in such a short amount of time? Be he didn’t need to look any further as he spotted the one causing this mess.

“HAHAHA!!! Fear the Almighty Raditz!!!” A man who had long black spiky hair and black and brown armor said, shouting with joy as he fired off multiple orbs of energy in every direction. Jack couldn’t help but laugh to himself as the man continued to fire in all directions without noticing the frost demon.

“I thought it was gonna be something a little more terrifying.” He joked as he watched the saiyan continue on his path of destruction, but it was short lived as Frieza began to growl in anger.

“Dispose of that saiyan garbage!” He ordered, as Jack groaned from irritation.

“Why? He hasn’t done anything to me-” But before he could even finish his sentence, a bright ball of energy came flying at him full speed, colliding with his chest and erupting in a powerful explosion.

“HAHAHAHA! You should have payed attention loser! And now your dea-” But Raditz soon paused as the dust dissipated and the frost demon was still standing, unscathed with his face contorted to that of rage. “I-Impossible!”

“… You are going to pay for that you bastard.” Jack stated as he slowly walked up to the saiyan warrior, aching for a chance to wail on him, but before he could even do anything, he was conspiring with Frieza. “Care to tell me how to use my powers now?”

About time you started using some common sense… Similar to that of saiyan’s you must tap into rage… At the very least you should be able stand a chance.” He said with a light chuckle as he waited for Jack to eliminate Raditz. “And do try to put on an entertaining show for me, I won’t accept failure, do you understand?”

Scoffing, Jack simply nodded as he stopped a few feet from the saiyan who looked on in surprised before a smirk came across his face, but it didn’t faze the frost demon one bit, in fact it only made him even more angry. “You know for someone who claims to be almighty… What kind of half assed attack was that?!”

Taking a stance, Jack began to feel rage building up inside of him as he tried to draw out the energy Frieza had told him about and before he knew it, Jack was surrounded by a pink aura. Feeling his power rise, the frost demon couldn’t help but grin as he say the look of horror on Raditz face, and he didn’t know if it was Frieza’s influence or something else, but he actually took joy in seeing the fear in the saiyan’s eyes.

Raditz couldn’t believe what he was seeing, as the scouter on his face was seeing a power level of fifty thousand and it was still rising, this new comer had surpassed his current level and it was terrifying. “T-This can’t be!? S-Sixty five thousand!? Dammit!!!” He shouted in rage as he threw his scouter to the side and got into a fighting stance of his own, Raditz refused to believe that someone had a far greater power level then his own. It frustrated him to no end as glared at the frost demon in front of him.

“Sixty-five thousand!? Is that really the best you can muster? You should be able to go up to a hundred thousand in your current state! How utterly Pathetic!” Frieza said in irritation, believing that someone with his power couldn’t even muster a fifth of his first forms power.

“Cut me some slack! This is the first time I’m actually using these powers, if anything I should be getting praise and this bastard is literally shaking in his boots. That has to count for something?” Jack said to Frieza as this Raditz character was too afraid to make a move on him, but Frieza simply scuffed.

“This welp, should be groveling at your feet by now! Begging for his life, it’s obvious that this fool still thinks he’s powerful enough to face us!” He said before Jack turned his attention back to the saiyan who was backing away slowly, waiting for him to make a move.

‘I can’t focus on Frieza right now… I’ll figure out how to tap into the rest of my power later, but with what I can do now, I should be able to beat this guy at least and his attacks were pathetic, Audrey could hurt me more than this guy.’ He thought to himself before dashing forward and striking the saiyan in the face with his elbow, but he didn’t go down so easily as he tried to throw a right hook at him, but he blocked it with ease. Raditz soon unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, but Jack dodged each and every last one them gracefully before grabbing hold of the saiyan’s fist in his right hand.

“Grrr… I’ll kill you!” He said, using his free hand for a back hand strike, but the frost demon only grinned as he dodged it and stuck his stomach with his knee and unleashed a fury of punches, striking the saiyan in his chest and face before kicking into a wall.

“I think I’m starting to get the hang of this… Still I expected a little more of a challenge.” Jack said as he began to try and channel energy to his finger tip, but just as it was about to form, a barrage of energy blasts shot of from where the saiyan had crashed. Gritting his teeth, the frost demon began to dodge the oncoming blasts.

“I REFUSE TO LOSE TO A PUNY LIZARD!!!” He shouted as he continued to fire more and more ki blasts at the frost demon, but he kept dodging each and every last one of his attacks, but Jack knew that if he kept this up, he’d eventually run out of energy and that’s when he would make his move. But before he could dodge another one of Raditz’s blasts, he tripped over some debris and was struck by multiple blasts before the saiyan finally stopped to catch his breath. Sweating with blood trickling down his chin, he couldn’t help but grin. “How’s that for a challenge you STUPID LIZARD!!!”

He couldn’t help but laugh as he had finally defeated the frost demon, but he figured it was best to make sure that this creature was finished for good and formed a large purple sphere in his hands. “TAKE THIS BASTARD!!!!” He shouted, launching it in the direction of where his supposed target was and it created a massive mushroom cloud. Grinning at his handy work, the ponies that were still in the surrounding area, looked on in horror as the new comer was vanquished by the monster that had been terrorizing their town.

“Now then… Which one of you puny horses wants to die ne-” But before he could even finish his sentence, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and could only look on in horror with the massive hole that was there. Slowly turning his head around, he saw the frost demon standing a few feet behind him, unharmed with a smoke coming from the tip of his finger.

“You know… You probably would have gotten me, if you had kept this on.” He said, holding the scouter the saiyan had threw away earlier in their fight. Jack couldn’t help but grin as he placed it on his head and pressed the button on the side and saw how Raditz’s power level was beginning to fall fast, dropping from what looked like thirty thousand to twenty, ten and it kept declining until it dropped to a messly one. “Well, I guess that jerk was right… Seeing how your power level was high, but not enough to defeat me.”

“H-Heh… I may… Have failed to kill you… But that doesn’t mean others won’t come after you.” He said, coughing up a bit of blood before Jack began to step on his back.

“What do you mean by that?” He asked.

“AUGH! The other warriors that I was a part of… Their powers make ours look like nothing… And unlike us… they don’t need a scouter to detect our strength. Your as...good as dea-” He was soon silenced by another one of Jack’s death beam as this only gave him less answers and more questions.

But before he could even think about what to do next, the remaining ponies that had survived Raditz’s onslaught began to come out of hiding and cheered with joy as they approached the frost demon. Thanking him for saving them and praising him, and Jack sorta liked it. “Thank you!”

And before he could even say anything, the mare from before approached him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for saving our village stranger! My name is Melody Heart, Who are you?”

“I am Lord Frieza… Your future.” He replied with an evil grin, but none of the ponies noticed or mistaked it for a smile.

Meanwhile back at Canterlot, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had just received word about the attack currently going on in the small village of Hooferdale.

“Your Majesties? Are you sure you can’t allow me and my guards to go deal with this creature who attacked the villagers?” A Royal guard asked, bowing to both royal sisters.

“There-” But before Princess Celestia could speak, she was soon silenced by her younger sister.

“There will be no need! I shall go investigate this matter myself.” Luna said, earning a nod from the guard as he stood up and began to exit the throne room, leaving the two sisters alone. And Luna may have been pleased with the idea of going to investigate this matter, but her sister on the other hoof.

“Luna? Why did you interrupt me?!” She asked.

“Cause, I know you were gonna suggest going yourself! You are needed here… I’ll deal with whatever this creature is and put an end to it!” She replied, glaring at the Sun princess as she began to make her way out of the room.

“Luna wait! Please… Be safe.” She said, knowing that her sister wouldn’t listen to her.

“Thank you… And you too.” She said, leaving the room.

‘Oh Luna… I know I haven’t been there for you a thousand years ago, but I’m trying to now.’ Celestia thought as she took a deep breath and exhaled. “I just hope Sunset can bring you out of your shell.”

Author's Note:

This took a little longer then it should have, but it's finally finished :) And I know it's kinda sad to see Audrey leave this soon in the story, but she's not really gone. I have plans for her that your just gonna have to wait an see in the future.

Also I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and the battle, it's not the best, but I think you'll enjoy it. Still look forward to seeing the next chapter, but let's see if we can go up to 50 likes before the next chapter? XD

Have a wonderful day my friends.