• Published 15th Aug 2017
  • 2,648 Views, 17 Comments

Light of the Future - Golden Flare

I end up in Equestria during the Crystal War timeline of the Season 5 Finale with the Master's Defender Keyblade, now I have to fight for the future of everypony. No pressure, right?

  • ...

Chapter 1

I groan as I began to wake up, feeling achy all over from some hard surface. It was then I noticed that I wasn't in my bed anymore, instead I was in some kind of dark colored crystal dungeon, complete with bars and crappy beds.

"You're awake?"

I turn to see a beautiful woman with purple skin marked with bruises, indigo hair with a purple and pink streak through it, purple eyes, and wearing a short dress made from burlap, which in my home classified as rags. As I was surprised by this woman's appearance, she came over to me and looked me over, most likely to see if I was alright.

"Did anypony hurt you?"

I shook myself out of my trance by this girl's beauty and answered, "N-No, I'm fine." I looked myself over to make sure nobody stripped me while I was asleep, "Where are we?"

She blinked, "You mean you don't know? We're in the dungeons of the Crystal Empire."

Crystal...Empire? Why does that name ring a bell?

"Like me, you were captured by the Crystal Guards that work for the Empire's tyrant, King Sombra, but unlike me, they said you were found in the Frozen North unconscious."

...Oh no.

I had a horrifying realization of where I was.

In Equestria.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Except everypony's anthro.

But...when am I? I don't recall Twilight Sparkle, whom of which I figured out this girl was, being thrown in a dungeon during the Season 3 Premiere...unless...

"...What has happened here?" I asked her.

"When Sombra came back from being trapped in the Frozen North, he took over the Crystal Empire once again, and declared war on all of Equestria, forcing his Crystal Pony slaves to fight for him. It takes everypony in all the land to work hard, day and night, to keep up the fight. I myself tried to contribute, but ended up getting captured and tortured for information, they did everything to me, except rape, they were planning that as a last resort, should nothing else work."

As I realized what timeline I'm currently in, I began to feel angry at what she said, I hated rape with a vengeance, and with every fiber of my being.

"What about you? What's your story?"

I took a deep breath to calm down and told her all I could, "...Well, I'm not from around here, which explains my lack of info of what's going on, I was working around my home with my family all day yesterday, and went to bed early, exhausted from everything I did, and the next thing I know, I wake up in here with you."

"Hmm..." she hummed, "What about that weapon?"


"It was shaped like a weird-looking key. The guards took it away before I could analyze it further."

My eyes went wide as I realized what she may be talking about. Without a moment's hesitation, I raise my hand in front of me to call forth my "weapon", and it worked; in a flash of flower petal shaped lights, my Keyblade materialized in my hand.

"Amazing...what is it?" she asked.

"A Keyblade."

"Keyblade? What does it do?"

"How about I give you a demonstration?" I walk over to the cell door, spun the Keyblade in my hand to give it a little flourish, and tapped the door, making it open by itself, which made her gasp.

"How did...?"

"Keyblades can open or close any lock, one of the many powers they possess." I say, before grabbing her by her wrist, "Now c'mon, let's get outta here before something really bad happens."

I guide her out of the cell and ran through the dungeons to the nearby staircase, which hopefully leads to an exit. After we got up to the next floor, we heard voices coming, so I dismissed my Keyblade and she and I ducked into a banner to hide from them. I began to overhear what they were saying as they passed by:

"It doesn't make sense, how does a weapon just disappear like that?"

"It DID look a little weird to be a weapon, though."

"And what about that strange pony we found in the tundra? He didn't even look close to a pony."

"Do you think he had something to do with the weapon vanishing?"

Then silence.

Then in a panic, the guards rushed down the stairs to see if we were still locked up.

I pull Twilight out from behind the banner, "Let's keep going before they find out we're missing!"

We ran and ran throughout the hallways trying to find a way out until a voice rang out through the walls.


The squad that was infiltrating the Crystal Castle heard the intercom scream out the order; the commander of the group was sky blue with a short rainbow mane, rose colored eyes, one partially ripped ear, and possessed wings, one normal and feathery, one artificial and metallic, the original was most likely lost in battle, the two lieutenants were pink with a short dark pink mane and grey with a short dull purple mane, all of them wearing a dark blue jumpsuit that protected them from the cold of the Frozen North. They had a mission to rescue the Equestrian prisoner, Twilight Sparkle, who was captured in their last battle with the Crystal Empire, and a new prisoner that was rumored to have been found unconscious within the blizzard. But both sides realized they had a little setback when the captured made themselves scarce from the dungeons.

The commander turned to her subordinates, "The mission hasn't changed, keep moving!"

The squad ran through the halls to find their objective within the castle.

"Whoa, slow down!" Twilight said as I ran with her wrist still in my hand.

"No time for caution! We gotta move!" I dismissed her concerns.

It wasn't long after that announcement was made that the alarm resounded through the entire castle, alerting every guard in the vicinity to our presence, and it didn't make our escape any easier. As we ran, we ended up in the main foyer of the castle and somebody, or somepony in this world, stood before us; he was wearing that creepy armor and helmet that resembled Sombra, except it looked more reinforced. Maybe he was higher ranked than the other guards?

He pulled out a black crystal sword from its sheath and pointed it at us, "I'm sorry...but I can't let you leave this place alive. I am Lieutenant Fragmentary Passage, and your lives end here."

I needed no more incentive to summon my Keyblade and prepare myself for combat. He charged forward with the intent to run me through, but I parried his attack and conducted a three-hit combo with some added style, making him stumble slightly. He rushed me and we clashed blades multiple times, neither one of us giving an inch, until we locked in the middle.

"You're pretty good." the lieutenant complimented, then pushed forward to disband the lock, "It'll be a shame to kill such a worthy opponent."

"We'll see about that." I countered before running toward him with a battle cry.

He let loose a battle cry of his own and ran forward as well, both of us with blades ready to strike the other down.


The commander heard the loud sound of blades clashing and stopped in the middle of the hall, making her lieutenants stop as well.

"What in Equestria was THAT?" the pink lieutenant asked.

"I got a bad feeling of what it was..." the commander looked down one of the halls, "And it's coming from that direction! C'mon!"

The squad followed the sounds of combat to its source and saw Sombra's top lieutenant battling against another pony with Twilight hiding and watching from the sidelines.

"Let's go." the grey lieutenant said in a dull tone of voice and began to rush forward, but the commander stopped her.

"Wait." she turned her attention to the unknown pony, "I wanna see what happens..."



Swing and a block, this went on for who knows how long, but eventually I got the upper hand by parrying another swing and lunging towards the lieutenant's gut, causing a bright light to shine from him and illuminate the entire room, in the Kingdom Hearts games, I knew this to be the signal that I won the battle.

(stop music)

The lieutenant was gasping for air as he was completely worn out from our battle, he glared at me in defiance, unable to understand how somepony could best him in combat so easily.

"How...could I...possibly...lose...to you?" he panted out.

I stood there, contemplating what he said, "...Sadly, I don't have an answer for you. I just did what came to mind."

He closed his eyes and sighed, "A worthy opponent...yet he only used moves that popped into his head..." he chuckles mirthlessly, "How the mighty have fallen."


He seized up, then fell to the floor, revealing somepony in a dark blue jumpsuit knocked him unconscious.

"Good riddance." the rainbow mane commander said and approached Twilight and I, "You okay, Egghead?"

She huffed, "It's Twilight, and yes I am, Rainbow, thanks to him." she gestured to me.

Rainbow turned to me, "You're pretty decent with a blade, but..." she looks at my Keyblade, "...I've never seen anything like it."

I raise a hand to stop any and all questions, "I'll explain everything once we get outta here, let's bail."

We turn towards the front door and leave the place and the unconscious lieutenant behind us.

Stepping out from within the corridor, King Sombra himself walked to his knocked out lieutenant with two guards flanking him, he seems to have saw everything that transpired.

"Take him to the dungeons. I have no need for failures." the tyrant said.

The guards each grabbed an arm of Fragmentary's and they dragged his limp body to the cell block below the castle, leaving the evil king with his thoughts.

"Hmm...a source of magic completely devoid of anger or fear, it's as if it was purged from his very soul...very questionable...yet interesting..." he chuckled with a devious smirk, "I have a good feeling that this shall be very fun, very fun indeed..."

He laughed as he returned to the castle's throne room, secretly planning a comeback for these extremely curious turn of events...

Author's Note:

If anyone doesn't like the music I chose, trust me, Kingdom Hearts music will be on here soon enough.

Hope you enjoyed! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 17 )

Only the first chapter and I like it. Hope for more soon.

KO nice story, wonder if there's gonna be a sex scene in future chapters?

the music fits the mood

I see what you did there with Fragmentary Passage's name.:ajsmug:

Interesting, now I'm left with questions. Hopefully more chapters come soon.

8373551 I take it you're not a fan of the series then?

yo! this is good will you continue?

It's a shame this wasn't further update considering that in KH, there are doors that can be opened into other worlds, this concept could of been used for future cross-overs

Are you ever going to continue the story?

10263882 I will, just have some things to take care of IRL

I do look forward to the next chapters. This is an excellent story so far, and I plan to possibly make a fanfic on Kingdom Hearts as well.

10637398 Thank you and best of luck to you :twilightsmile:

Is you steal dealing with IRL problems or are you just massively under writer's block Because I'm interested in whatever this story brings.

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