• Published 1st Aug 2017
  • 1,983 Views, 27 Comments

Just Some Flowers - FerociousCreation

Caramel wants to deliver some flowers to Twilight Sparkle and compliment her for her feats. But a simple stallion hooving flowers to the Princess of Friendship spells out differently for several mares. What will Twilight Sparkle think of the gesture?

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Just Some Flowers

Just Some Flowers

It wasn't a cold day, but my teeth did chatter with nervous intention. I walked toward the flower shop and saw Roseluck milling about her shop as she always does. Her mouth held a yellow watering can, and the earth pony leaned over some potted tulips to water them. I wished Roseluck didn’t know my name or knew my face. If she didn't, my venture to the flower shop wouldn't be such an embarrassing endeavor.

Roseluck’s ear twitched, hearing my approach and the mare looked up to see me. In a quick motion, Roseluck placed the watering can down and gave me a sweet smile. “Hello, Caramel,” she beamed.

“Hey-” my voice cracked. My throat naturally clears itself and I repeat, “H-hey, Roseluck.” The mare couldn't help but giggle at my simple squeak. I was certain I was blushing.

“You look awfully flustered,” Roseluck said, confirming that I was red in the face. Her eyes scanned me from hoof to head, observing my vulnerable stature. With a hum and scratch of the chin, Roseluck grinned, “And I can tell when a stallion is coming to my store and buy a bouquet of flowers.”

I knew I was found out, but I wanted to pretend to pretend to be unaware of the situation at hoof. “What clued you in on that, Roseluck?”

“Well, why else would you come so early in the morning?” she asked.

“Maybe I want a potted flower,” I playfully counter.

“Uh-huh…” Roseluck shook her head, the mare finished with playing my game. “Alright, Caramel, fess up. Who's the mare in question?”

Oh, what a question to answer. My teeth chattering increased and it might have been heard by Roseluck. I resorted to nibbling on my lip to try and hide any frightened expression, but that made my nervousness even more visible. “Twilight Sparkle,” I answer. It came out so smoothly as if my tongue was eager to tell somepony more than my own conscious. Still, my heartbeat was felt in my throat, my emotions out in the open.

“Oh, sweet wonderful Celestia, that is so cute!” Roseluck exclaimed, loud enough for Princess Celestia herself to hear her name used as a figure is speech. My ears were trying to hide in my mane, but my hair was too short for them to retreat to.

“I'm only getting her flowers,” I said with as much confidence as I could. Of course, getting a mare flowers indicated more than just a “friendly” gesture. But I was true to my word.

Roseluck had to put the term being nosy to the literal meaning and brought her muzzle close to mine. “Are you in love with the princess?”

“I- am not!” My words didn't match my attitude and I saw Roseluck ready to fluster me some more.

“How romantic! The toy maker, in love with the Princess of Friendship!” Roseluck batted a hoof, “If only Twilight could see your beat red face right now and knew how you felt about her.”

I couldn't doubt that I had an eye on Twilight Sparkle ever since she arrived, but only a simple long distance crush. However, my intention was not to confess a love that was not there. “I am not in love with Twilight Sparkle,” I argue. “I just… want to…” I needed to choose my words carefully, or more teasing would be inevitable. “...I want to… thank Twilight for… for helping Equestria.”

“Is that all?” Roseluck asked suspiciously, and I wondered if she had a horn under her red mane and possessed the magic to read minds.

“A-and to tell her… she is… beautiful…” Roseluck gave me a push, but the gesture managed to make me smile. “Hey, you got to tease me! Don’t push me around!”

“I only pushed you because you are beating around the bush,” said Roseluck. “Just tell me why you are here at my flower shop.”

I shook my head, “I just told you my intentions; to thank Twilight Sparkle for her amazing deeds across Equestria and to tell her she is… a beautiful mare…” Admitting that I wanted to compliment the princess on her good looks was still embarrassing beyond belief. But it was true.

“Whatever you say,” Roseluck said, her eyes rolling. “Anyways, what flowers will you be getting.”

“A mix of red and white roses, please.”


It was very kind of Roseluck to give me a discount on a nice bundle of roses. I held the flowers close, in hopes to hide the blooming colors from anypony who may look my way. Nopony seemed to care about me or my flowers, but I was still nervous about being seen.

Daisy came back to the store just in time to see me holding the gift I had for Twilight Sparkle, and asked the obvious question as to who they were for; Roseluck kindly answered for me. Just like Roseluck, Daisy squealed with glee, believing I was confessing my strong love for the Princess of Friendship. I know I don't have developed that level of emotion, and I kept telling the mares that the roses were a friendly gesture. As in friendly. As in not romantic. But part of me does like Twilight Sparkle just a little more beyond friendly, but she doesn't need to know about that.

The castle was in sight, its shining exterior reflecting the light off its tall sturdy structure. I paused, lost in the memory of the day Tirek came to Ponyville, when he and Twilight Sparkle battled. I was huddled in my home, lost without my cutie mark and frightened like a filly. I caught glimpses of her darting back and forth, her face filled with righteous fury. It was a day of fear, but it was also a day of justice. Just like every time before, she and her friends defended Equestria. In return of their deeds, a castle was unearthed in an amazing spectacle. I saw it rise and felt the ground quake. As it rose, I stood unmoved physically but moved emotionally.

My eyes blink and I was back to reality. Ponies milled about the town as if the castle was nothing more than a normal facility. But why, though? There should have ponies thanking Twilight- no, Princess Twilight for her duties regularly. I was sure that the ponies in Ponyville were grateful, but I personally wanted to tell the princess herself about my feelings. About me being grateful, of course.

At last, my destination was reached. All I had to do was to make sure the flowers reached the mare they were meant for. The doors towered over me, intimidating me even further. At least the castle was nice to look at, even up close.

I knew Twilight would be in the castle because I asked Applejack the other day if she would be free. I have known the cowpony for quite some time, so talking to her was no challenge. Applejack was no doubt curious as to why I would ask such a question regarding Twilight. Applejack’s first question was if I had a friendship problem. I answered "no," further making her even more curious. After Applejack finished asking several questions in regards to my single question, I told her I wanted to give Twilight some flowers. Just like Roseluck and Daisy, Applejack got wide-eyed and was certain I was going to ask the princess on a date. And all I said to Applejack was that I wanted to thank Twilight and call her beautiful. Applejack told me Twilight was quite the early bird and said she is usually up at sunrise. And because nothing was planned for her, the princess would be available for confronting.

The flowers in my hoof reached for my nose, the smell very flowery. I prefer the smell of pink roses in my honest opinion. They are sweeter. I would have gotten a bouquet of pink roses, but I felt red and white would be a better choice for some reason. Maybe because red and white look more appealing together instead of all pink.

I was all set and my mind was made up. My hoof knocked loudly on the door, the sound being carried into the castle. A cold nervous shiver ran down my spine, like an annoying ant crawling up an arm. I wanted to try and scratch the shiver, but I didn't want to place the flowers down. So I stood. And after a minute or two, I knocked again, a little harder than the last.

The door hinges grumbled like a dragon disturbed from its sleep, and my neck had more ants running up and down it. But I remained vigilant, confident with what I was about to do. With enough room for a head to poke through, a mare showed herself. It was not Twilight Sparkle.

“Who are you?” a blue unicorn mumbled. Her face gave away her name. Trixie. A once rival with Twilight Sparkle, now redeemed and friends with Starlight Glimmer. It did surprise me, as it did others, to see Twilight forgive Trixie for the things she had done to Ponyville, specifically when she enslaved the town. Then again, the master of friendship, now princess, certainly would give somepony a second chance. After all, Twilight did help Discord, the Lord of Chaos, befriend Fluttershy. Perhaps Trixie’s attitude was much different from before.

“I'm Caramel, and I umm… wish to see Twilight Sparkle, please,” I said. Then I realized I didn't state her title. “P-Princess Twilight Sparkle, I meant.”

Trixie simply shrugged, “No need to be formal about Twilight. She may be a princess, but Twilight certainly needs a lot more things around here before I would consider her a true princess. Maybe a few guards here and there, some servants, and then I will consider Twilight a princess myself.” Perhaps I was wrong assuming Trixie would have a sudden mood swing and be more polite about things. Maybe some things take longer to change, like one’s attitude. “So, who are you?”

“I'm Caramel, and I would like to see Twilight Sparkle,” I repeat with more irritation than I would have liked to admit.

“Why?” Trixie asked and I had to fight the urge to get angry. She eyed my flowers and the mare grinned, “Are you Twilight’s boyfriend?” I then regretted coming to the castle, unaware that Trixie was present, and was going to cause my day to crumble into a miserable and embarrassing mess.

“I just wanted to give her these flowers personally,” I confessed.

I saw Trixie reapplying ammunition to her arsenal of embarrassing weaponry. “Aww, the common pony wants to tell the princess his love,” she said, holding her hooves together like a love-struck mare.

I decided to take a jab at the cocky unicorn, “Why are you here at the castle?”

Trixie gasped as if I insulted her mother. “How rude!” I wanted to roll my eyes at the hypocrite, but I held them still. “I am here because my friend, Starlight Glimmer, had invited me to stay for the evening. Unlike you, who likes to bother ponies so early in the morning, I am welcomed here.”

“Can you please invite Twilight to the door?” I beg. The more time I spent around Trixie, the more my frustration grew.

“I was going to let you in and allow you gush your feelings to Twilight,” Trixie said. “But because you were rude to me, I will not.” She snorted and stuck her nose into the air. “Good day.” The castle doors slammed shut, leaving me alone with my roses undelivered. The doors suddenly opened and Trixie brought her head out again. “And if this was my castle and I was the princess, I would have you thrown into my dungeon.” Then the doors slammed shut once more.

Instead of getting angry with Trixie, I start cursing at myself. I just had to say something sharp to a guest of Starlight, and possibly Twilight’s as well, and it got me rejected to see the princess. I knock again, calling, “Trixie, please!”

The door reopened and the blue unicorn’s brow creased with disapproval. “Don't ‘please’ me! You had your chance to confess your love and you blew it.”

“I'm… sorry…” I fess up, even though I didn't want to apologize. But I wanted to give the flowers to Twilight, even if I receive a simple thank you.

“Oh, asking for forgiveness?” Trixie eyed me up and down, seeing the desperation I brandished. “Hmm… Very well. Trixie forgives you.” I was quite surprised to see Trixie change her attitude so quickly.

“Thank you,” I said.

“You should thank Starlight Glimmer. She is the one helping me change into a better pony. So, I might as well apply the friendship lessons she and I have been doing to you.” Her grin from earlier returned, “But don't think I'm going to be easy on you, Romeo. After all, you are confessing your love to a princess after all.”

If dealing with Trixie’s teasing was the only thing allowing me to get to Twilight, then I chose to do so. “May I come in?” I ask.

Trixie did a bow and gestured me to enter. “You may, soon-to-be prince.” I wondered why none of the mares believed what I was saying when I told them I was simply giving flowers to Twilight. They're just flowers. Still, I was granted the pleasure to enter the princess’ castle.

The halls were very breathtaking as Trixie lead me through the castle. Doors that led to other places left me wondering what the castle truly holds. A single turn down a room and we were in a library. Sitting in a chair beside another pony and small dragon, was Twilight Sparkle.

I let out a sigh, the destination so close. And Trixie was able to hear my nervous breathing. “Don't be nervous, Caravan.”

“Caramel,” I corrected.

“Whatever. Just walk in there with pride, present your flowers, and say you love Twilight. Easy.”

I rose a brow, “Have you confessed feelings to a pony like this before?”

“I know stallions should be able to do this,” said Trixie. She grabbed my hoof that held the roses and dragged me into the library. When she and I were close enough, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and who I could guess was Starlight, looked up at us. “Twilight Sparkle, I have brought you the pony who was at the door.”

Twilight noticed Trixie was being a little forceful and said, “You didn't have to drag him here.” The princess' eyes were firmly on me, awaiting me to move or say something. Instead, I began to hyperventilate, overwhelmed by the many bodies present. “There is no need to be nervous,” Twilight smiled.

“It's not every day somepony is allowed into a castle,” I said. “Or see a princess.”

“I may be a princess, but I am still the Twilight Sparkle I was when I arrived here as a unicorn. But then I got these as time went on.” The princess fanned out her wings, their length a lot longer and wider than a pegasus.’

Spike sat up in his chair and asked, “Hey, are those flowers for me?”

Twilight retreated her wings and she looked to the dragon, “You ordered roses?”

Spike ran his claws through his green scales, “Yeah. I got somepony in mind and I want to give her some.” I wondered who Spike was interested in, but chose not to ponder for long.

“Sorry, but these are for Twilight Sparkle,” I said as if I was making a simple delivery. That got everypony’s attention, excluding Trixie, who knew exactly whose hooves the roses were going to be in.

“Somepony delivered a bouquet of roses for Twilight?” Starlight asked. She grinned and looked at Twilight Sparkle. “Sounds to me somepony has a secret admirer.”

“It’s about time somepony gave you flowers,” Spike added. The dragon’s eyes looked around as he continued, “Twilight used to daydream about having a secret admirer back in Canterlot.”

A shy smile lifted Twilight’s lips, the unicorn’s ears fell back, and her blush was visible for all to see. “Oh stop it.” Trixie nudged me in the ribs, trying to get me to speak up, but I remained quiet. I was just as flustered as Twilight was, probably much more. Twilight Sparkle looked at me and then the flowers. “Might I know who those are from?” she asked. Before I could try and muster up a response, Twilight squinted her eyes as if to try and see any microscopic detail on my body. “I know I’ve seen you around Ponyville.” My muscles flinch like a spasm that had taken control. To cover my sudden reaction, I scratch at my eye and complain about it quietly, but enough to make the others believe my reaction. Trixie kept her suspicious eye on me, her teasing at the ready. “You are Caramel, aren't you?” Twilight Sparkle concluded.

“That’s me,” I choked, my voice cracking. Everypony smirked at my flustered squeak, Trixie’s laugh much louder than the others. I was surprised Twilight even remembered me. “Who told you my name, princess?”

“Please, call me Twilight. You don’t have to be formal with me.”

Trixie leaned into me and whispered in my ear, “See why I don’t consider her a princess? She doesn’t want to be called what she actually is. If I was a princess, I would make sure everypony would call me 'the Great and Powerful Princess, Trixie Lulamoon.'” I tried not to listen to Trixie’s petty belittling of Princess Twilight Sparkle, but her muzzle was practically in my ear.

“Anyways,” Twilight continued, either not noticing Trixie or trying to ignore her like I was, “I don’t just know you, I remember you.”

“H-how so?” I stutter. Spike and Starlight traded glances, then look at me with suspicious eyes. Something told me that they were beginning to see the true purpose of the flowers.

“I remember when you and Lucky Clover pulled the carriage to the Grand Galloping Gala for me and my friends,” Twilight answered.

“You have quite the memory, princess- uh, I mean, Twilight,” I said. It was a shock to know Twilight remembered something from so long ago. Then again, she was known for being very intelligent and well organized. I did remember that day, seeing Twilight and her friends dressed in wonderful fashion. And I felt the need to complement the princess. “You looked wonderful that evening.”

Twilight giggled into her hoof, “Thank you. A little late on the compliment, but again, thanks.” The simple joke brought a wide smile on my face and I couldn’t weaken it. Again, Trixie nudged me, insisting that I speak up about my flowers. But I stilled myself, waiting to the princess to ask the question again. “Forgive me for going off topic.”

“It’s fine,” I said. A harder poke hit my side and I wondered if Trixie was trying to bruise me. Couldn't she tell I was nervous?

“So, who asked you to deliver these flowers?” There it was; the question that demanded an answer. Everypony adjusted themselves in preparation of my answer. Then the princess said, “Unless, that pony who asked you to bring me those roses wishes to remain anonymous.”

I caught Trixie in the act of trying to poke me again and I gave her a stern look in the eye. She lowered her hoof slowly before I turned to face the princess again. “He does not wish to stay anonymous,” I said. I swallowed a lump of nervousness and it lodged itself in my throat, attempting to choke me. But the lump did not stop my movement. My legs trudged over to Twilight Sparkle, my fate awaiting me. I hooved the flowers over to the princess and she happily accepted them. Twilight’s muzzled buried into the roses and the mare sniffed. She hummed to the aroma they brought her, warming my heart to see the princess so happy.

I looked back to see Trixie standing beside Starlight, the mares whispering among each other. Starlight leaned on her chin and smirked at me, the truth delivered. Spike looked at Starlight and Trixie, trying to listen to their small talk, but remained excluded.

“I hope you like them,” I said, the lump slowly slipping toward my stomach.

Twilight Sparkle held onto the bouquet with her two hooves and looked at me with a cheerful smile. “I do.” Her grin faded ever so slightly and the princess asked, “So, who sent you?”

My torso shivered as I answered the million bit question, “N-nop-pony. Those are from m-me…” Blush flooded to my face, a true sign of my intentions. I dared myself not to look back at the others who watched me confess to the princess. Twilight’s eyes widened, observing the stallion who personally delivered her a bundle of roses.

“I… don’t know what to say…” she muttered in a simple, shy tone. Regret entered my brain, and I turned away from the princess. But before I could escape, a hoof to the shoulder stopped me. “Caramel, wait.” The mention of my name froze me in place. My eyes glanced at the spectators. Spike sat with anticipation while Starlight and Trixie watched me with big, wet, googly eyes. “Can you three give us some privacy, please?” Twilight asked. The company didn’t hesitate and the three exited the library with haste in their steps. “Turn around, Caramel.”

As ordered, I faced the princess. The two of us looked at one another at a loss of words. I knew I didn’t come to the castle to confess my love to Twilight. My emotions were not that strong for her. But the moment was powerful, and I feared I upset the princess. “What prompted this?” Twilight managed to ask.

A smile somehow crawled onto my face, though I was not happy in that moment. I was more nervous. But still, I smiled. “I wanted to thank you,” I said.

“For what? What have I done to deserve these flowers?”

The question took me by surprise and my heart removed its chains. “What have you done? Look around you, Princess Twilight!” My arms gesture to the room around her and she looked around the library before returning back at me. “Ever since you arrived to Ponyville, you have brought nothing but good to this small town and beyond. How many times have you saved Equestria? How many times have you aided Ponyville? How many lives have you touched, including my own?” The last question sounded like I really was trying to confess a love I might have for the princess that I didn’t know about until. “I can answer all those questions in one simple answer: a lot.” My shower of compliments made Twilight flush to the point where the pink might become a permanent color on her cheeks. “All I wanted to do with those flowers I gave you was to personally thank you for everything you have done. You are an inspiration to the many ponies who live in this town, myself included. Thank you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Thank you.”

Twilight couldn’t keep her eyes on me as she looked at myself and the flowers. Even though her mouth was hidden by the roses, I could see a smile. “Wow, Caramel… That was very sweet of you.” Tears started to build behind my eyes for some reason, and I wasn’t even sad. I clenched my eyelids tightly to try and push them away, but the pressure remained the same.

“I also wanted to say that you are a very… very beautiful mare,” I admitted. I was already in deep enough, so I figured I could tell Twilight that fact as well.

She gasped at my confession, “Goodness!”

“S-sorry! I didn't mean to-”

“No, it’s just that I've never been…” Twilight giggled and fanned her bouquet of roses. “...flowered with compliments like this.” The joke was very lousy, but it made me chuckle a few times. “Forgive my terrible sense of humor. It was a joke I saw in a book once.”

“It made me smile, so it counts as funny to me,” I said. With all my thoughts finally out of my head and into Twilight’s ears, I figured that my time with the princess was over. “I do hope you like the flowers,” I said and turned around to depart from the castle.

“You're leaving?” she asked.

“I believe I told everything I wanted to say, so there is no need for me to be here. All I wanted to do was compliment the princess because of her hard work and duties. Nothing more, Twilight.” It was true. As I have told Applejack, Roseluck, and Daisy before, I wasn't going to confess any love that was not there to Twilight. My work was done. And I wanted to leave and no longer bother the princess and her friends. It would be nice to befriend Twilight and see her on a regular basis, but that was close to fiction.

“At least let me thank you properly for being quite the gentlepony.” The princess rose from her chair, the angelic alicorn approaching me with glowing eyes and a cheery smile. The roses she held became cloaked in a pink veil and floated to a nearby table. Twilight’s cheeks flushed as her lips parted, “Thank you, Caramel. Nopony has ever done such a thoughtful thing for me. Your compliments will not go to waste.” Then the unexpected happened. The Princess of Friendship leaned forward and kissed my cheek. For five seconds. She hummed a little as her lips remained stuck to me. It was something I did not come for, never expecting Twilight to give me a strong sign of affection. But I did not dislike it in the slightest. When she parted, our eyes were locked and my senses went wild. I was kissed by a princess! And I wanted to embrace her with the cute stare she was giving me. But I thought against it and didn't want to ruin the moment.

“Do you want me to kiss you back as a means of thanking your thanking me?” I joked.

Twilight giggled into her hoof, “That won't be necessary.”

“Then I shall-” Fireworks exploded in the library, and for a moment, I thought the castle was under attack. Trixie paraded in with a proud step, her horn ejecting colorful fireworks. Twilight was very displeased with the unicorn’s act.

“Congratulations, Princess Twilight and Prince Caramel!” Trixie boasted. Both Twilight and I flushed and looked at one another, a mix of embarrassment and irritation on our faces. “I just couldn't help myself but be overwhelmed with joy for your adorable romantic moment.” Trixie ceased the firework display and bowed, “Might I ask when the wedding day is? And if it is possible, might I be a bridesmaid?”

Our minds linked, Twilight and I said, “We’re just friends.” Being in unison with each other only fueled Trixie’s embarrassing assault.

“But your minds, just like your hearts, are connected if you didn't notice.” Trixie took another breath to resume her assault, but Starlight entered the library and tapped her friend on the shoulder.

“Trixie,” Starlight said, “remember our friendship lessons?”

In an irritated grumble, Trixie's ears fell back. “It’s not nice to further agitate somepony’s bothered emotions.” It pleased me to see somepony had control of the bothersome unicorn and I nodded at Starlight Glimmer with a smile.

Twilight tapped me on the shoulder, “I'll escort you out.”

“O-okay,” I stuttered. Both Starlight and Trixie let out an “aww” by Twilight’s kind gesture. Twilight grumbled at the two mares, her cheeks puffed with irritation and flush.

“What?” Starlight shrugged. “It is cute that you want to escort him out.”

Again, the princess and I said in unison, “We are just friends.” Then I truly wondered if I was friends with the princess…


Twilight Sparkle and I walked alone down the castle hall, our hoofsteps echoing in the hollow walkway. Twilight asked me of my profession since she never knew what I did. I told her I was a toy maker, even though my cutie mark was three horseshoes. The simple explanation of my endeavor of receiving my cutie mark was how my father wanted me to become a blacksmith. But instead wanting to be a simple metal mender, I used my father’s forge to make horseshoes, hoops, shot puts, and various metal objects that may be used for sport. I concluded my story by explaining that I use my craft to make more than just metallic toys, such as wooden trains in my workshop.

“If I need any games for a future event, I will be sure to seek you out first,” said Twilight.

“Th-the offer is appreciated, but don’t let me hinder you from other options,” I responded, even though saying such a thing is very stupid. I’m a toy maker! I sell toys and games alike! Why would I even mention somepony else when Twilight was being kind enough to consider me?

“No need to be modest, Caramel. I am sure you will have what I need if I want something of you.” Twilight winked at me, “You remind me of Fluttershy. You know her, right?”

Of course, I knew who Fluttershy was. But it dawned on me at how shy I really was behaving. “Yes,” I nodded. “I wonder how she manages to talk to you without acting like a scared sheep. You know, you being a princess and all.”

“Familiarity,” Twilight answered. “And I think you need to be a little more familiar with your princess and not be so scared of me. I’m not some evil queen.”

Trying to picture Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, as some cruel dictator was beyond me. “I think the princess title you carry might make a pony somewhat nervous,” I said.

Twilight’s cheeks flushed and her ears fell back. “Or maybe it is because you just gave said princess some flowers and called her beautiful.” My heartbeat quickened, but my walking became sluggish.

“I think you- no, you are right,” I admitted. “I just had to tell you.”

Twilight Sparkle stopped in her tracks and I halted along with her. “And it was very kind of you that you did. But again, there is no need to be afraid. I am not angry with you. In fact, I am very invigorated by your words.”

“That was my plan,” I said. The large door loomed over us both, and I realized my time at the castle was near over. “Well, my princess, I will be leaving.”

The alicorn giggled into her hoof and grinned, “Please, call me Twilight.”

“R-right.” I cleared my throat and made for the door. “I’ll see you next time you save Equestria.”

“Or maybe sooner,” Twilight winked. I flushed, stunned by the simple gesture. “If you see me out and about, don’t be afraid to give me a wave.”

The offer was very kind of her and a wave is nothing harmful. I nodded before pushing the castle door open. “Goodbye, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Have a great rest of the day, Caramel,” Twilight said.

“See you again, Prince Caramel!” Trixie sang from behind. Twilight and I flinched at the sound of her mocking exclamation. “Your special somepony will be waiting for you in the highest tower!”

“We are not special someponies!” Twilight and I called back. She and I glanced at one another, realizing how often we speak in unison.

“Whatever you say!” Trixie called back before prancing off into the castle.

“I’m not going to here the end of this…” Twilight grumbled, her teeth trying to bite through her jaw.

I took her word as a negative comment and my ears fell backwards. “I apologize if I caused you any irritation.”

Now it was Twilight Sparkle who began to act flustered, “No no no! I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was mad at you! It’s just…” The princess pointed back to where Trixie was standing. “...her!”

“Don’t worry, Twilight. I got a good mouthful of her character at the door, so I know how obnoxious Trixie can become. We did see how she behaved before when she arrived in Ponyville before, so the two of us know her character.”

“You are not far from the truth,” said Twilight. We both laughed for a moment, and I forgot all about Twilight being a princess. Maybe familiarizing myself with her was the better way of not being so flustered around her. Then again, she still was the beautiful mare, so maybe I won’t be too nervous around her, but still be somewhat anxious if Twilight comes near me.

“Alright, I’ll be leaving now,” I said. The door was not as heavy as I thought it would be when I pushed it open and entered the outside world. “Goodbye,” I called back.

“Farewell,” Twilight replied.


My back was not flanked by anypony when I turned around to see if Trixie was spying on me. Alone, I let out a sigh, reflecting on the morning’s sudden event. It was very sweet of Caramel to come alone and give me the flowers he wished to deliver. I needed no reflection to show me I was blushing. Yes, Princess Celestia, my friends, and other ponies have showered me with praise before. But Caramel’s delivery with words were… enchanting, like a spell only charming stallions are well versed in.

I returned to the library with nopony around. Not even Spike was to be found. Perhaps he, Starlight, and Trixie figured I needed to be alone after my time with Caramel. The flowers sat alone on the coffee table, still bundled together in a lovely array of red and white.

The roses were captured by my magic and I called them over to me. I imagined Caramel holding them as they drifted toward me. The image of his flushed face was still clear in my head. There was no doubt he had to put forth a lot of strength in order to muster up what he wanted to tell me. I remembered the times when I had to face my fears and confront them head first. Just like myself, Caramel accomplished a difficult task. And I wondered if he accomplished more than he was intending.

“Ah! The Princess of Friendship has returned from her sweetheart!” Trixie exclaimed, but I didn’t turn to see her. I knew the exact distance from the door and myself and was able to get a grip on the handle. And shut the door in her face. I was having a moment that needed no interruptions. Trixie began to curse behind the door and started to pound on it. Lucky for me, I was able to cast a spell on the door to cancel out the sound she was causing. And Owlowiscious was also sleeping in the library somewhere. He was a very heavy sleeper, but a loud noise would wake any living creature with ears.

I returned to my daydreaming, the roses not yet in my hooves. But they were within reach. The flowers bunched against my muzzle and I took in a deep breath to enjoy the aroma of the roses’ sweet smell. If only they were the even sweeter smelling pink roses.

I did worry that I was starting to be bound by a crush. Caramel was a sweet stallion and quite handsome, to begin with. But I knew little to nothing about him. Luckily for me, I was the Princess of Friendship. And I thought I should pay Caramel a visit in a few days. Okay, maybe in two days. Just to allow Caramel to recover after today’s venture.

The end…?

Comments ( 27 )

I hope its not the end. This is just to cute not to continue.



Caramel is best Stallion! And though I ship him with AJ this is SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!

Please, oh please more!

We need them to bond.

Get to know each other.


And the court!

Prince Caramel!!!

Someopony punch Trixie in the face, please... :facehoof:

We need a chapter where he goes home to his roommates. Thunder lane and Written Script.

"I-I Did it!"


"You stud!"

8337632 I may very well do such a thing... :twilightsmile:


I can just see it. He comes in. The guys are eating breakfast, being guys, it's dead quiet.

Caramel takes the pot of coffee and pours himself some, sitting at his place at the table.

Script adjusts his paper. Thunder slurping on his oats and milk.

Clock ticks away.





Finally he admits it, the guys lose it!

Just give me some time, please. D:
School is in session and I had to read the epic of Gilgamesh. I have been working a schedule for all of my writing and for what stories. A sequel has been already planned; I just need to add the rest of the middle of that story.

8409458 Just knowing that it's in production is satisfying in it of itself. Read your Gilgamesh, do your schooling.

I shall patiently await what follows.

...willing to part with any teasers?

8409480 A game will be played. The winner chooses a loser.

Curious. I wonder who.

Pretty good, nicely written, characters are on-point...

Could use a bit of polish, but it's good.

8442287 Thanks. In terms of polish, however, could you be more descriptive?

No problem, it's a cute story. :twilightsmile:

Well, the grammar is a little... distracting In some areas. The use of the word "blush" gets very repetitive very quickly, so I'd suggest using more colorful descriptions to emphasize the emotions at play. There's also a few instances where homophones were placed instead of the word intended. I.e. "here" instead of "hear".

8442350 I will keep in mind to not overuse certain words. It is a common issue that I am aware of and need a nice thysorus nearby. Funny how I think I have become a great writer, able to see all of my errors, only to show there is much more to learn.

Guess that's how it is when you want to improve.

You are a great writer, if this story is any indication. But trust me, there's always more to learn. :twilightsmile:

8451678 Wow, this is really something else. Thank you very much!

Your welcome! Glad to
See it worthy of Coverart!

Let it inspire!!!

I have to ask, will there be a sequel?

8553424 In that case, I wait eagerly for it.

As promised, I have read through Just Some Flowers. Fero, you did good! :scootangel:

One thing I’ve noticed, and it’s especially noticable here, is how well you can develope a character in such a short time span. In one chapter, you caught my attention wondering about how Caramel would give Twilight her gift. This also sets up a potential for other cute stories like this in the future.

The characters were spot on, Trixie’s personality being superb. Her moments had me laughing pretty hard.

Short review this time, but you did a great job! I know I said I was going to wait until after No Hugs, but the wait time for a new chapter finally got to me. :derpytongue2: I’ll read the next Caramel story soon.

9430022 I mean, it's a one-shot, so I am not expecting something super detailed. Thanks for reading dood.

“Familiarity,” Twilight answered. “And I think you need to be a little more familiar with your princess and not be so scared of me. I’m not some evil queen.”

Yeah that's Queen Chrysalis but still Twilight is the nicest pony here 😊

Well this was a really nice story and a very interesting shipping between Twilight and Caramel and he is pretty sweet to say to Twilight and of course Trixie as to make things awkward but it's very nice between Twilight and Caramel once again good story keep up the good work

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