• Published 1st Feb 2017
  • 4,563 Views, 335 Comments

Seasons of the Heart - RoyalBardofCanterlot

Twilight and Celestia must overcome court intrigue and other threats on the road to their wedding day.

Comments ( 28 )

There HAS to be more!
We, the people, demand an epilogue!
Or a sequel! More healing of chrysalis!
Maybe make Luna keep her company!

Comment posted by jagvenne123 deleted Aug 24th, 2018

Love this ever make a sequil I will read it for sure

While it’s sad that this story has finished, it couldn’t have had a more satisfying ending

I agree. More chryssy, I want to see her recovery. Don't forget the rule of three.

every season of the heart

Roll credits

This is so good. The ending was perfect. Thanks for writing a great story

A fine and lovely story. I like that you never let it be too easy. Everyone made mistakes, and had issues, but they persevered and love triumphed. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Now that's what I call a proper ending!

Will there ever be a sequel?

I'm beat for now, but maaaybe. Thanks for reading.

Ohhh great story!!! Thank you for wrighting this.

Loved the weeding and this was such a lovely note to end on.


I'd rather avoid having my comments deleted or being blocked.

Ah such an amazing story. 💜😁 I loved how you incorporated so much about the spiritual connection to everything and the ascension plot was incredible. Overall, I felt like every character got their turn to be expressed and really enjoyed your version of everyone’s backstory. The love scenes were just right, the adventure and world building was so vivid, and the pacing was excellent. Thanks for sharing this lovely story.


overall, this is a great story. I loved the politics you threw into it!

I have no idea where I was going with that. So, um, God I guess?

This was a pleasant reading! In some places it seemed quite silly or boring, but by the end and in overall I really loved this writing. A nice, warm and sweet story for some chillout-reading.

Thanks for the review.

Which parts seemed most boring? Which parts held your interest? (I'm asking for the sake of personal improvement.)

Sure, I put some comments below, but I should say I read most of the fic a while ago and finished last chapters today, so some thoughts might be not fully objective. And also English isn't my native language, sometimes it's hard to express my thoughts correctly.

I enjoyed court intrigues, didn't expect it will be interconnected with a love story so good and smoothly. Also weaving norse mythology in is an original decision, it was interesting to read, but, from the other hand, for people who aren't familiar with it, in some moments, as for me, it becomes just a mess of difficult names and complicated family connections and so on.
About fight and action scenes, most of this is written detailed and pretty cool, but sometimes it might be... overextended? For example, I still didn't get the point of that scene with battle of Luna and Tirek. Also I think there's sometimes too much pathos or something like that, for example, in dialogue between Luna and the guards (in that scene again), or regarding noble deeds in general and so on.

Another thing, I guess it would be better to put more details about Equestrian society in current AU in general, because some things are still dim, for example, it's not completely clear how much aware are usual ponies of all these gods and Celestia and Luna origins. Or how calm ponies receive news that Twilight became an alicorn (and how she reacts to all of these things too) like it isn't something extraordinary and so on.
Concerning Twilight and Celestia affairs, except for some tiny moments, it looks pretty good and logical, fitting their personalitites. I liked how dark sides of Tia and Luna are presented here.

Btw, do you have any plans of continuation of Twilight and Celestia story? You have grounded a really impressing fundament for something even more epic and adventurous with all this Multiuniverse things, so I think it would be really nice to look upon their relationships after years, how they pass through all the ice and fire. As for me, I'm meanwhile gonna check the sequel with Chryssy and Luna. Thanks for the stories and for feedback too!

Ah, I suppose if you weren't familiar with Norse mythology that would be confusing. Thanks for the feedback.

9923188 Could you please make another twilestia like this or maybe even a twiluna?

Thank you so much for this fic! It was amazing!

Celestia nuzzled her. "But they didn't. And I'm happy they didn't. In fact," She bent low to whisper into Twilight's ear. "When we get to the nearest bedchamber I'm going to show you just how pleased I am with you, my faithful pet."

Really? Stars help me.

"Yep. I already renovated a bedchamber and when I get you up there I'm going to take you in my lap and...read to you from this extremely rare book of poems I found."

Stars above, thank you! Did Celestia really have to call her "pet"? I'm getting alot of flashbacks from stories I read on this site, there not pleasant.

Eh I guess it doesn't matter since others won't mind.

This story was amazing! I believe there's a sequel to this story but only focuses on Luna and Chrysalis, it would be nice to get a proper sequel for this story, maybe a slice of life type story?

No drama, no death or tragedy, maybe a story focusing on Twilight and Celestia alone with the reconstruction of the Castle and the city around it.

Maybe someone will make in the future but I doubt it, the Author hasn't been online in nearly 2 years since posting this comment and others would like to make there own stories rather than continue someone else's.

The story was great and I enjoyed reading it.

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