• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 2,540 Views, 19 Comments

The Fairy Dragon of Equestria - Solphestus

Life is always full of twists and turns, and when you wake up to find your memories erased and that you have been transported to Equestria you can really be thrown for a loop. But what if you were reborn as another species in the process?

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Chapter 2 - Budder horse...

“Come on, Sweetie Belle. You promised me that I could hold onto Snow while we walked to Fluttershy’s.”

“I did let you hold onto Snow though.”

“Yeah, for like thirty seconds! You just went to drop off your saddlebag and now you’re holding onto her again!”

Please, oh please put me down… I think I am getting horse sick… I mean, how much longer can I take this-?

“Oh hey look, it’s Angel Bunny! We must be close to Fluttershy’s now.”

I felt the two of them stop, only to turn around and see a… rabbit? And what’s it doing with that carrot?


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! My eye! The pain! Whyyyy!? “Kyaaaaan!?!”

“What did Angel just do?”

“I… think he was just trying to feed Snow his carrot.”

“Really? Because it just looked like he was poking her in the face, Sweetie Belle” Why thank you for stating the obvious-!!


Why are you poking me!? Stop it! Stop right now or i'm going to BITE YOU! “Kyan, Mew grrr…”

“There you are, Angel! You give back that carrot, mister-” Wait, who’s this new voice I’m hearing? “O-oh my! I-i didn’t know we had other visitors today… Aww, who’s this little fella?”

In this moment, i proceeded to vent my anger towards the carrot wielding rabbit and began biting all that came close.

“W-whoa… She doesn’t really seem happy… Angel, what did you do to her?”

Wait… did that pony just… understand me? How?! Not that I’m confused or anything but… HOW!?

“Aww… you poor thing… girls, where did you find this critter? You should bring it back to its mother.”

“Yeah… we found it in a tree in the Everfree,” I heard the pony that was still holding onto me speak again. “I don’t think it has a mother though… We haven’t seen any other creature like it before and we thought that you could help us determine what it is.”

“My gosh, I… honestly haven’t seen something like this before, girls.” Okay, that’s it. I need to get out of here- “How about I look after her and see if Twilight knows what it is.”

“Ah think that’s a good idea. Ah mean, you are an expert at taking care of animals with the amount of animals that’s staying at your place, so Snow can fit right in.” Wait… she has MORE!? What am I, a part of some collection or something?!

“Snow? Is that her name?”



OH COME ON!! That’s not my… wait, how am I moving closer to that light yellow horse-? And when did she have wings!?

“H-hey, be careful, Sweetie Belle. The poor thing’s just a baby.” Wait… I’m WHAT!?!

“S-sorry, Fluttershy. I still need to practice my levitation spell on living creatures and Opal didn’t like it when I did it to her last time.”

‘… WhAt!?’ Was the only thing going through my mind as i immediately began to twist and squirm as much as possible in an attempt to get free, I can't believe these horses know how to use magic! I need to escape before they do something worse than give me an embarrassing name and make me into a pet!!!

Then, a pair of yellow butter like wings wrapped around me and- “Aww… you poor thing… Let’s bring you inside. I think she’s tired.”

“Thanks Fluttershy! We’ll tell Rarity and Applejack ya said hi.”

Well, I’m now out of the fire… but in the frying pan that is this ponies outstretched wings. Her really soft… and fluffy… wingzzz...

“Aww… you’re so adorable… Angel, please get a spare bed… No, don’t give me that look mister…”

Ugh… How long was I out for? The last thing I remember was that I passed out in the wings of an angel- GAH! I mean horse! Winged horse. Yeah, that’s right…

Wait a moment… Where am I exactly…? and why do I smell syrup? “O-oh my… I-i didn’t think you would wake up so soon.”

Oh no… please no. Frantically, I was looking around and realized that I was now inside of a cottage that was much bigger than where I was before. Butter Wing Horse looked to be in the kitchen and… are those w-waffles? “A-are you hungry? I-i still have some waffles from b-breakfast this morning?”

My mind right now really wanted for me to say no… but before I could do anything, my stomach decided to betray me. Letting out a loud grumble as the wing horse looked back at me. Almost a little bit more surprised than before. “O-oh my goodness! You must be starving!” She squeaked, before rushing over to me while holding the plate in her jaws. Setting it down as she looked back at me. “Here we are…”

My word… I don’t care how I got here or what form I am in, but I just want to- Wait… why are you- No, NO!! Don’t cut it apart!! Why would you do something like that!?!

“P-please don’t be mad… I-i’m just cutting it into pieces for you so you can chew on it easier…”

… Is this because you said that I was a baby? Matter of fact, who said that I wanted something like that?! I began to try and vent my anger while motioning for her to move her wings out of the way, but all that did was just have Butter Wings just stare at me. And it did nothing to stop her from tearing a perfectly good waffle to shreds!

“Now now… Isn’t this better?”

I plopped down on my rear and immediately began to sulk, why did she have to do that to my perfectly fine waffles? Snif. I don't care that they were as big as me...


W-what the? H-how were these waffles back to normal? And why is there chocolate chips and a smiley face of whip cream on there!?

“Fluttershy, I’m back!”

Gah! Giantchimeradragonthingamajig!

“Oh h-hello Discord,” I heard Butter Wings speak again, before she looked at my plate. “W-what did you do to Snow’s food?”

“Why nothing! Your new little friend here just looked a bit upset, so I thought I would cheer her up. Just doing my good deed for the day.” The weird creature looked at me, before he… oh no… don’t you dare-!


ACHOO! … do that again, and I will destroy you! I thought as I was caught between my waffles and my need for vengeance.

“Aww… Your little cutie here seems to have a bit of a cold.”

“Discord, don’t antagonize Snow!”

“What? I can’t help myself!” Poke “She’s looks rather adorable, don’t you think?” Poke Poke

. . . . . . snap



After letting out that small sneeze, I looked in front of me, only to see a bunch of vines form a pillar as it shot through the ground and sent that multi-limb thing into the sky. In that moment, I had two questions… One, how did I do that? And two… WHAT WAS THAT!?!

“S-snow…?” Oh brilliant, and now she’s scared. Could be all day with it. “W-was that… Magic?”

What the heck is this magic? Is it some kind of food? I stared at the winged butter horse with my head tilted to the side in question, not understanding the word she used.

“M-maybe I should ask Twilight about this…” She muttered to herself.

You can ask the sunset questions? Ponies are weird… Was the last thing I thought of as I turned back to my waffles. Completely forgetting the incident from a moment ago. Yay waffles!

Comments ( 11 )

is this... done??? because it doesn't look done, but it says it's done. I was liking where this was going for the whole five minutes I spent reading it. did you mean to put it on Hiatus?

Ah, okay, this makes sense now

sorry, im currently sick so the delerium made me think I changed it to incomplete from eternal hiatus

YES! IT IS ALIVE!! AAAALLLIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! loved the new chapter i hope you continue the story

you know, I never imagined I would ever see a comment like this on one of my stories. it gives me MOTIVATION...

i hoped it did, this story so far is great

lol that was my reaction

I wonder if I should work on one of my other stories if I get time? :trixieshiftright:

i hope u get inspired to make more writing

Yay! Waffles!

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