This story is a sequel to This is bad!
With everything going back to normal... *Pft* Who am I kidding? Nothing is normal in the town of Ponyville. With the everyday craziness that you can find there, you can now find even more of it. I present to you Pinkie Pie and Diane Pie! Yes, there are two of them in town now!
As Alexander settles into Ponyville as Diane Pie. He enjoys the daily life of Pinkie Pie as she shows him the ropes to being a party pony. Meeting the family, explaining what is going on to every new pony he meets and getting used to now being called "she". All in a pink pony's day.
Trying not to think about her own home world Diane jumps the opportunity to fit in. All is fine, even if she does know that some things will be coming their way in the near future... Only thing is that she thinks she knows what. When in reality, she has no idea how wrong she is.
For in the shadows, there are others, not so happy with the recent turn of events. And they will do anything to get things their way.
But for now, let's see if we can get a status report from Diane Pie as she once again turns to the fourth wall to explain what happened since we last saw her and what is currently going on.
Featured! 2015-06-12 - 2015-06-14
Featured! 2015-09-28
Featured! 2015-12-22
Featured! 2016-05-04
I'm just going to let you decide what that means
In all seriousness though, I think you did good here.
Even though this chapter is just set-up, I feel you set it up right.
Also that science joke made me laugh way more than it should have.
Aw yeah! Sequel time!
I like dis.
yes it has already lived up to the expectations and I want more
Heck yeah! Worth the wait. Like
said, since this was just setting up the next chapter, it wasn't quite as satisfying as the first chapter/story, but still, I have to say, it's awesome seeing an update on this. Absolutely can't wait to see where this is going!
I like to see where you go with this one and how will Alexander/Diane pie be important in this story as I suspect one-way or other the plot is going to center around him/her.
I'm just glad I saw it at random in the new story section. You have a nice start, but is it far too soon to decide how well your living up to expectations. Turning a oneshot into a story is ALWAYS a crapshoot, but I have faith in you!
So the Mirror Pool makes copies that turn into blood-thirsty psychopaths...
*sighs and pulls out an Illudium Q-32 Explosive space Modulator* I go through so many of these things around here. And planets. I go through a lot of those too.
sounds to me like the mirror pool was a prison or at least somethings home that was turned into a prison
So... evil demon pinkie, we. Are. Screwed.
AJ who escentially works out for hours a day can make trees wobble, Pinkie who eats suger and fat every half hour minimum is capable of blasting a boulder into nothing. Earth pony magic, how does it work?
Awesome start! I cannot wait to read more! I have to wonder, have Luna and Celestia met Diane yet? I could imagine Diane having nightmares in which Twilight successfully sent her back to the pool, and Luna banishing the nightmare(s) and comforting Diane.
6083641 Yeah, just take a look at Maude...
6083641 Pinkie Pie, born and raised on a Rock Farm. Probably learned a thing or two from Maud.
6083716 That was what I was coming from. Besides, if you find a weakness in a mineral's structure you can easily shatter it. Just like the clone did. It found the weak spot on the rock and there you have it.
Hey what the hell man I didn't know you even wrote a sequel until I randomly came across it looking for story's write a blog at least that it's out bro. I hate to think how many sequels I've missed because of something like that
I thought it was Illudium Pu-36, not Q-32.
Gore? Wth, dude.
6083986 Believe me, the tag will be justified...
6083994 This was not intended as encouragement!
6084160 One of your story's characters blew a dragon to pieces, and then ate the pieces. You're in no position to criticize gore tags.
For now i admit.
i FREAKING like it
I did like the original story, but this, I am honestly disappointed by. You skipped over all the parts that would have been interesting to read, like "Diane" settling into his new situation and dealing with Twilight after she lied to him so she could, effectively speaking, kill him. Instead, you fast forwarded past anything that would have made this unique and, so far, seem to be looking to turn this into yet another boring and tired "let's redo the show, but with future knowledge" fic, as if there weren't already enough of those, just with added bonus grimdark on top. Sorry, but I really can't say that's pulling me in all that much.
6084384 That is fine. I can understand your disappointment when you expected and hoped for something else. And the fact that the mentioning of the different episodes doesn't actually hold that much weight. The story will be focusing on Diane and what effect she has on her surrounding. Many of the episodes might be hinted at that they're going on, but mostly this will be Diane's story.
Also, the reason I have jumped somewhat is mainly because of the last scene in the first chapter, I really wanted to introduce the plot like this. The missing week will be revisited with the help of some nifty flashbacks from time to time. Hopefully that is good enough for you, otherwise I would just have to say that you won't be getting what you wished for from this story.
That's an improvement over where I thought you were going with this, I'll say that much. Sorry if that was a bit too harsh, but that first chapter really didn't give the best first impression to me, especially in how little the direction of it seemed to have to do with the original one-shot. I was really looking forward to the character conflict between Diane and Twilight.
Please sir, can i have some more?
6084422 Of course... In due time.
Looking forward for more but it is too soon to give an absolute jugdement. I also hope to see how Diane solves her issues with Twilight. And to learn what happened in this certain week.
This is one of the few human in Equestria stories I was willing to try to read. I usually avoid them like the plague, but I'm glad I checked this one out it's not bad.
So, "Mena" is a mirror pool clone? Also, besides the barrier, I would have filled the cave with rocks and concrete...
6084938 Well, I was kind of referring to the scene where they seal the opening with one big rock. Going of what I know about the characters, I thought they only additional protection they would apply would be the barrier. Nothing else was shown in the show and I really don't think they would have filled the passage up like that. I can't say why, but I believe it would have been out of character for them.
YAY!!! Sequel! I love this! Who da man!?
I'm never saying that again...
But wouldn't out main character have suggested it?
6085254 Let's just say Diane doesn't feel comfortable being with Twilight in the Everfree, even if Pinkie was there.
I have to admit, this wasn't what I expected.
It's definitely well written, don't get me wrong, but so many of the changes feel unnecessary. Instead of a rather unique premise of someone in the body of a clone trying to become adjusted to their new life and finding acceptance among the locals, with the new person also having knowledge of future events and trying to decide what to do with that knowledge (if he tells them the knowledge, they'll obviously want to know how he knows, and that would involve talking about the show), we instead get typical villain #1,000,000. I think my biggest problem is that it doesn't feel like there was any reason to change the way the mirror pool works. Everything else about Equestria in this story seems close to canon, so to suddenly make such a large change just feels out of place. Not only that, but not only are the clones changed, but they also become evil. For some reason.
I'll probably keep reading just because I like the writing quality (seriously, really good job with that!
) and the premise is something that really interests me, but I'm worried that this evil clone and weird mirror pool business will mess up some of my enjoyment.
6085410 I can see where you're coming from. But consider this. In the actual episode, the clones are portrayed as very dumb, but the first clone was much more "alive". This opens up to the possibility that the other clones chose to act the way they did. And if that is the case, it shows that they were at least able to plan ahead to some degree. Now, they fooled us all, but why?
That is the whole idea, in this story I try to explain the why. So in this story there are 3 differences that make all the difference.
1. Alexander. His appearance as one of the clones changes part of what happens.
2. The clones are evil. This is something that would have gone completely un noticed as the clones were to fail in their quest. But Alexanders appearance changed the outcome. (So this only half counts.)
3. Even after the incident there is yet another clone on the loose. Another thing changed by Alexanders appearance on the scene. This clone apparently found an opening to escape during the chaos brought by the clones attacking Alexander. (Something else brought fourth by him showing up.)
So in this story there is simply only one thing we can certainly say has changed the story. Alexander. There is only one single change to the baseline world. One small change with a lot of effect.
That was the main idea behind the story. I want to change certain events because of one single element I have implemented, I want to use the lack of certain data to open up new possibilities we could earlier only speculate on in the show. Anything uncertain can very well be used by me in this story, because there is no way to say it's against canon if canon never brings it up. The clones could very much have been evil and followed the plan I gave them, but as their plan failed, their fail-safe of not getting discovered still worked. (They would not have revealed themselves during normal circumstances, but they could not let an uncertainty like Alexander roam free if he was to not get sent back, so they attacked instead.)
I've given this story a lot of thought and want to avoid destroying the baseline of the show as much as possible without relating it to Alexanders appearance.
I agree. We could have gone without a bad guy for several chapters. and save the evil clone for the finale.
Loved the last one, so I'm totally gonna read this.
6083753 Depends on which short you're watching... the OLD OLD OLD version was Q-32.
Since I am ancient I know only the original.
I have been far too busy to pay attention to these modern iterations!
The sand grains on the beach won't count themselves! *a waves washes over him and moves all the sand around* DAMMIT!!! Now I have to start all over again! This is the 500th time today! 1, 2, 2, 3, *another wave* DAMMIT!!
I was worried for a moment; I thought "Mena" had killed Maude.
So whose blood is that?
YAS, Lucky has been waiting for this
One of the rare occasions I start reading an unfinished story with less than 5k words.
So far so good! LET'S DO THIS.
I'd catagorize this under chapter 2
6087000 Well, there are two obvious suspects... But telling you wouldn't be any fun. Now, would it?
6088372 I am unfortunately not a fan of the "Lord of the rings." series. I do not see how this is relevant.
But the music was somewhat cool anyway.
I'd be kinda mad at Twilight too...