• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


A fellow Brony, Bluthy (Don Bluth Fan), Dinosaur lover, G-Fan, and an animation student. I worked on fan fiction in Deviantart, and would like to submit them, revised, to you.



This story is a sequel to A Maximal Crusader

Ever since the official return of the Predacons, most of the school had turned their attention to our heroes. And that includes most of the Illusions. Left alone, Trixie once again felt a desire boiling in her, the desire to be famous, to gain attention, to be loved.

One mishap lands her the opportunity the magician cannot refuse.


Part of the Other Visits Saga, in this case "Aladdin," after an alternate ending to the episode "Witch Way Did She Go?"

Chapters (1)
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