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When will the next chapter come out?
Love it.
Uugh... I want more
Pretty cool. Hope to see more.
There is much potential, though we would have thought he'd kept his body within his 'new' one. As a way of protecting his old self, though that could also backfire in providing a morbid nutrient source.
Well I already love this.
I approve of this
Is this a Swamp Thing inspired kinda deal? Because that's certainly an interesting idea right there. I like this so far, I have to say. Needs maybe a bit more proofreading right now, though. It wasn't too bad in general, but you have a bit of a habit of messing up the capitalization of proper nouns. Beyond that, there's not really much to complain about.
I really like that twist on HiE, creates a lot of potential. I'm looking forward to the next chapter
I can only describe this chapter with one picture
6811956 Bwahahaha
Zecora could likely be the one to find him first, if she is there in the forest. Though she likely has been for awhile since she's been to ponyville before.
more plz
this has the opportunity to be among the greatest stories on this site it you do one thing the greats rarely have....a completed story.
6814884 I hope i can live up to your expectations

why is it always timber wolfs with those three!? >=/
6815205 - Because they are dumbasses that can't think for their lives and only bring trouble.
good, but wish him being able to speak was delayed a bIt.
Why would you get angry at a group of predators stalking food? It's like feeling genuine anger over mosquitoes sucking blood.
awww I thought he would be the silent friendly giant for a few chapters.
I think in the end it is one of my favourites, but now I really can´t stay awake any longer, or work is going to be hard tomorrow.
I get it. Those 3 wolves are the magical essence of some of the ones that got blown up when he first changed. That is why the CMC were attacked in the first place even if the series never even hinted at it, because it wouldn't have happened without the hero being eaten and blowing up some wolves and making their magic flee the area to find new bodies and thus, new hunting grounds. Clever.
You need a proofreader to go through this. It's almost painful to read.
Wait a sec! Isn't he the guy that voiced the bird in the red hat in Cyberchase!?
This is what i heard:
Now everytime i read Aeron's lines, i can only hear Fenix's voice
If you don't know who he is:
Why would the ponies go search the Everfree Forest for a monster that (With how terrified the ponies are of it) may just be an undocumented, and as far as they know hostile, species (They didn't even know about Poison Joke until Zecora told them)? They wouldn't go searching for it just because it's unknown or because it's hostile (After all, they don't go searching for Timberwolves).
Also, whose bright idea was it to go charging into the Everfree when all the fillies are perfectly safe?
Sorry, not trying to belittle the story or anything, it just doesn't make sense to me why somebody would do that (A human, I could probably understand, but ponies are terrified of the Everfree Forest and its creatures to the point that they don't know all of its flora and fauna; if one of the fillies were still in the forest, I'd understand Applejack charging in, but they were all perfectly fine).
Gilbert gottfriend's voice?
As the CMC dart away running, and he gets the voice right.
How can he look up at the night sky without even having eyes.
As an author who is writing a cliche but making it not cliche, I must say this is a very original and good idea, it is also written well.
Onwards my friend, for I shall follow.
the main charater reminds me of forest gaurdians or golems
I shine he speaks like the Ents from LotR, loud, rumbling, slow. It's an amazing thought and if you run with that for the rest of the story the challenges from that alone would be very interesting.
Luke, I am your father!
7309050 nothing is impossible with the power
7368067 Don't forget alcohol, that'll get things moving.XD
Sooooo... he's basically Swamp Thing? Cool.
Anyway, you need work on apostrophes and such. A lot of work.
Ok so a (not so) quick thing for ya.
Currently i am listening to Oh Death, and now all i can imagine is Him, as his core, slowly making his way towards on of the core characters of the show, maybe in the castle of two sisters or ponyville where ever really, and him slowly building up his body with winds howling from within to forest, sticks barks leaves all flying into him until his giant form is complete and him saying "I am the Everfree" or something
Here's the song
7385324 Roofied alcohol if he's desperate.
I finally approached the edge of the everfree
one episode its winter wrap up
Well, let go an get it back
The all to recent memory of being
I Pushed the memory to the back of my mind and charged
My new vision picked out what I
but kept just out of arms reach as
|I stood there for a moment
Whats it doing
shifting around bits and pieces and growing new ones .
At least thats the best comparison I could draw
and swiftly retreated back into the everfree
Come on y'all, lets get back to the farm
I walked deeper back into the everfree until I found a small clearing
1. Forgot to capitalise.
2. It's Winter Wrap up.
3. Let's.
4. Too.
5. Extra capitalisation.
6. Extra spacing here.
7. Extra spacing here.
8. Extra... I have no idea what that thing is at the start.
9. What's.
10. Extra spacing at the end.
11. That's.
12. Forgot to capitalise.
13. Let's.
14. Forgot to capitalise.
Many grammar errors:
In many instances, "Its" should be changed to "It's", as in, "it is".
"Passed" should be "Past", among others.
It's like you don't know what apostrophes or commas are.
Wreck then right now Tree man
I'm not the only one who realizes how often the CMC are almost reduced to chew toys in HIE stories?
Oh no, those little snacks are trouble magnets and a half as soon as they land in our hands.
I've even read a few stories where they get seriously I jured during their little stunts, if not flat out killed (and then sometimes revived because wynaut)
This is so cool.
Yup. Laughed my ass off.
That would be as funny as THIS scene I imagine!
https://m.P.S. I just found this story and I’m loving it so far.