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One could say he got morning wood.
This strikes me with a huge hit of deja-vu. I had a Druid in DND who came back as a tree folk after being bludgeoned by a flaming maces and ripped apart my several sets of claws. I will follow this one with interest.
6811956 unfortunately this man, has no dick.
6812303 I was a rouge who acquired too many chaotic stupid points in the process of one interrogation. I lost my head. and than my next PC, a mute ranger, nailed the guy, with a nail... long story.
6814444 he could... make himself one?
Oh man, I just hope you don´t plan on giving this story up anytime soon, this is good.
I started several good storys, but they are all very new, and some of them are usually slowly dying along the line. (Can I say it like that?, I would like some corrections, if I write something wrong, or get a saying wrong.)
Interesting idea, nice work so far.
Actually Ponyville lies to the northwest and west of the forest, while Canterlot is to the northeast. But this is your story and it seems pretty interesting.
I got to be like #505, i'm a Watchog.
Morning wood. As big or small as he could want.
So he's swamp thing.
6823609 just think of a forest gaurdian
Hey, I was actually thinking of writing something like this.... ah well, THUMBS UP!
now when he talks i imagine treebeard from lord of the rings
6822477 they need to make this cannon to the marvel universe
Is that you? My long lost brother?
Wait... No, no you're my cousin's brother...
I have no mouth and I must scream.
7127132 this is the birth of indigestion
reckon* otherwise doesn't look like it's too bad of a read
if i was him i would have spent a few days smashing timber wolves.
Oh really? So just after death, becoming some sort of spirit, forming yourself into a Treant, finding your own dead corpse, burying it in a makeshift tomb and finding your bearings towards the nearest civilisation isn't a whole lot?
Because thats pretty much what I looked like
Its extremely unsettling seeing yourself from the outside
From up here the everfree looked rather calm and peaceful
but I recon it was either shock or insanity or both at this point
1. That's.
2. It's.
3. Forgot to capitalise.
4. Reckon.
ok, THAT was a good one
Harold, is that you?
Portals: Still alive comes to mind while reading this!
Oh Sweet Celestia he's Dr Manhatten.
Got damn it, we're on the same page.
Either or, I AM GROOT!
Talk about a blessing in disguise
If I died and got ressurected as a treant, I'd immidiately slap some wings on my back and start learning some nature magic!
Maybe command those timber wossies to face me head on for s rematch if I had the power to call them, like I'm sure he probably does...
You know I probably would have just kicked them into submission. Works well enough on coyotes.
Tuesdays, am I right?
I’d just like to helpfully point out that human eyes don’t see 180 degrees. It’s closer to 135 degrees. Though, some sources say that we can see vertically 180 degrees, I personally doubt that.
I'm just gonna say this is a guess but I'm pretty sure we see less than 135° vertically I'm not sure though this is only a guess so dont quote me on it
Holy Shhhiiittt...
Literally worst way to start in Equestria.
Cant get worse... Literally died horrificly 


O fuck... Brilliant!
*Brohoof* 》》》 /)'(\ 《《《
Plant Tentacels are fine to...
Epic line.
Strange Prioritys...
Yeah... That Facepalm was skull crushing
Story of my life... It was a short one
I personaly can even see from the conor of my eyes with some sharpness. Especially if i focus on it. My Eye test doctor was surprised.
I kind of wish he didn't know what MLP was, if only because it'd make his situation a lot more engaging.
more like mourning wood