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So, uh..... how big is he exactly? If he can give her a proper hoof-bump he can't be as big as the cover photo implies.... or am I missing something?
Either way, awesome chapter =P
6815135 Well, in chapter 2 he said he's about 7 1/2 feet tall so I would say...think of him as a cross between Swamp Thing and The Hulk.
.... Imma call him Alfred
I think his size can change, like he can "bulk up" by absorbing random bits of wood or plants and then release it from his body to make himself shrink . . . so yeah like the Hulk, but with plants instead of anger.
Really good story so far looking forward to more
6815212 you got the right idea. he can pretty much alter his size and shape at will.
6815175 you also have to keep in mind he can control his mass to an extent, so while he is 7.5ft tall he is able to change bulk. So at this point he is lanky when inside Zecoras hut.
The cover art resembles a wooden X-01 suit, is that a coincidence?
6815278 yeah thats purely a coincidence. i mean i could have used this as cover art instead
is it wrong that i just want to call him groot?
Very interesting. I can't wait to see if the Mane 6 meet Aeron/ Mr. Ent (as I call him in my head because I am a hard core Tolkien NERD) at the same time as Zecora. I can just see him coming to visit Zecora only to find the 'cursed' ponies in her hut.
His core is interesting, but I do have some suggestions for how it can evolve over time: Taproot and Briar Heart from Skyrim make great visual aids.
6815381 heh, trust me i had to resist the urge a few times.
6815394 interesting visual suggestions, ill have to keep that in mind for the future
Hmm, perhaps he should search the forest for the toughest trees to use as a shield for the core, as some types of tree species have more durable characteristics than others.
You know, Areon could take the opportunity of finding the "hoof ball" the crusader had lost.
And what do you think about Areon exploring The forest.
Ever-free? I would like to see you considering the Ever-free a giant forest and making Areon exploring it for fun: seeing strange plant and animals with many greek mythological creatures (dragons, chimeras, etc), exploring the weird magic and quirks of the forest, old ruins and maybe for last The Tree of Harmony Itself.
An adventure inside The forest , certainly and interesting subject.
I like the potential of your story, hoping it will not be only the good old "a meeting of a weird creature and ponies", It will be very entertaining.
If you need some inspiration you can look this Fiction This is for the mythology
Really liking this fic
cant wait to read the next chapter keep up the awesome work
more plz
Please sir, can we have another chapter?
Wouldn't really say it's a HiE with a twist as it feels kinda like a variant of the Displaced trope (HiE having comic book powers with this one feeling like DC's Swamp Thing), but it is still unique enough to say, "good on'ya!" for.
I'd say 5/10 for "With a twist"y-ness. WHich beats the average originality of HiE by three whole points.
Huh. Almost didn't even notice this pop up in the box. Well, congrats on the feature.
Is he like the tree guy (forget his name) the treeminders watch in fallout 3. is that what he would be reduced to if he "died"?
Hope you don't abandon this story. Would be a shame to see that happen. So many good stories left unfinished
Please continue this story. Is really interesting take. (First comment isn't showing for me)
Aprion, I see that you too have written a story with plant-person protagonist. Well, I hereby challenge you to see who can write the better story! This, or my Lupine Tree.
If you accept my challenge, we shall let our readers decide who has the better story! I know for a fact that some, like 6816751, have read both of ours.
Well, I'll be glad to play the impartial treedude judge. Personally, I think it's gonna be like comparing apples and oranges, though. Just way different styles.
I love it! I hope moar is coming.
6816808 I'm not really one for competition, I write primarily for my own and hopefully other peoples entertainment. Besides this is only the fifth story I've ever written, so its safe to assume you're the more experianced writer.
Fair enough. Still, this looks interesting, though I can already tell that our stories are going in vastly different directions.
I've got to say, it's different and well written. I like it, and as such I give you an up vote.
You my friend are awesome and should feel awesome
ok Moar please
Hm... depending on the source, returning the dead to life does fall under the domain of necromancy.
That aside, he could still be undead, possessing the living. Alternatively, necromancy often contains soul magic--if his soul was directly ejected from his body before he actually died and took root (pun not intended) in his core-thing, then it could still be necromantic.

Keep your shirt on Thor.
No really, keep your shirt on, the poor ponies might pass out from the massive gun show.
Or at the very least you will make Iron Will cry, have you seen a minotaur cry, its not pritty.
Okay I'll be straight I had to stop at this chapter because for some reason the way you write his dialogue with Zecroa was just awful. I mean who really talks like that? Trust me, read that out loud to yourself and you should notice that you sound very unnatural. This guy seems to be from a regular Western modern world so why do you have him talking like some medieval knight in a movie?
Take this line “I apologize for intruding upon your home uninvited. I mean you no harm.” you could have just said "Sorry I didn't mean anything by it, I was just looking around." Or something like that. Now which one sounds more natural to you?
OP is a faggot confirmed.
Something between Swamp Thing and Man-Thing. Maybe not a HiE with a twist, but sure is a HiE with a twig.
Looks interesting
"Don't Eat Me, Bro'!"
6815135 He said he shed some mass before entering the hut.
I found a mistake!
“But it is wild an untamed, like the Everfree itself.”
the "an" should be an "and"
Great story! I love it!
6819077 fixed. thanks
I'm starting to enjoy the story as well. A few errors but some don't make the story bad. The only few that irk me, starting a sentance with or, but, and. Otherwise, it's a good idea.
Okay, now THAT is nightmare fuel.
You did that on purpose.
I think you did pretty damn good with Zecora's rhyming.
Zecora opened up to him a little too fast in this chapter. I mean, hell, she said that the word of a spirit should not always be trusted in the first place. Then she trust him-and him saying he's not a spirit is kind of moot considering he could be lying. Just doesn't seem to add up there.
Granted, I'm sure she was probably able to sense a notable lack of darkness and evil coming off of him, but I still think she should have done a bit more. Insisted he wear an exploding necklace just in case he got violent. Maybe throw a potion that burns those with evil intent. Something more than what happened here.
Also, I'm slightly irked you got rid of Zecora's rhyming. Yes, I know it's part of artistic license and it's your story to write. Furthermore, I know it's a pain to try and write a single descent rhyme, never the less all of a character's dialogue. It's just my personal headcannon doesn't match up with that at all and I have an annoying little voice in my head saying "that's not right that's not right" over and over again, but that's my problem, not yours. Besides, I'm not going to let it ruin a fine story that I've been enjoying.
I rather disagree with how quickly he became accustomed to the idea of forgoing his name for a new one. I don't think any normal person would.
Think about it. His name is all he has left. I wouldn't let that go for anything.
Heh, as soon as Aeron asked Zecora to stop rhyming, the first thing I though was 'Author makes Aeron ask Zecora to stop rhyming, because author is lazy.' And I so called it.
*pumps fuel into car*
From now on I shall call him Groot.
Should be emitting, or 'A powerful compulsion was emanating from it...'
Anyway, like what I see so far.
6819101 love it so far and ya rhyming is a pain had a idea of of main six going to see her one day and talking when to her when they notice she is not rhyming and ask her about and she simple say because the writer cant rhyme (like to think she could break the fourth wall if she so willed it)
When you're a fast reader like me. When you come across a conversation with a rhyming character, it seems like they both are rhyming.