• Published 24th May 2016
  • 4,298 Views, 130 Comments

Fate/Equestria Girls - SamRose

The Holy Grail War comes to the city of Canterlot and Twilight is forced to participate. Set in an Alternate Universe.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Love in the Middle of War

Twilight stared at her reflection in the store's display window. She wasn't satisfied with her hair, she hadn't been for hours. She swept the bangs to one side, trying to get them to look just right. They stubbornly fell back into place, in defiance of her actions. She let out a huff of annoyance as she brushed at them again, trying to get them to cooperate.

“Twilight, stop fussing. You look fine.” Saber chided like she was a parent observing her child. She couldn't help but find Twilight's antics adorable and amusing.

“I can't help it, I always get detail orientated when I'm nervous.” Twilight groaned, moving her hands away from her bangs and gripping at her skirt. “I've never been on an actual date before! What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to say? Is my hair alright? Do I have too much makeup on? Not enough? Am I supposed to take the lead? Is he? Do I let him pay for everything? Do I-”

“Twilight.” Saber interrupted, placing her hands on Twilight's shoulders. “Relax! You look great, you spent long enough making sure of that. Things will go just fine. Flash seems like a pretty laid back guy, I'm sure the moment you asked he couldn't wait for school to finish so he could come straight here.”

“You really think he'll come straight here?” Twilight asked nervously.

“Well, he might stop at home to freshen up first, but there's no doubt in my mind he wants to get here as quickly as possible.” Saber chuckled, gently reaffirming her grip on Twilight's shoulders. “Just relax and enjoy yourself. This might be the only day you get to after all.”

The reminder of their situation did help Twilight put things into perspective for the moment. Compared to nearly dying several times in the last few days, a date seemed almost trivial.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling her nerves calm down finally. She looked up at Saber with a genuine smile, finally feeling good about the day.

“That's my Master.” Saber grinned, patting Twilight's shoulder. “You can do anything you put your mind to. You just need to be confident in yourself, that's all!”

“I guess you're right.” Twilight nodded, before a soft blush formed on her cheeks. “Though I doubt I'd be this strong if it wasn't for you here. You really do help push me to achieve things I never would have on my own.”

“Ah, you give me too much credit.” Saber grinned, “You would've been able to achieve great things on your own. You just didn't know it yet.”

Twilight couldn't agree with Saber's outlook, but she decided not to voice that opinion. Twilight had spent a lot of time alone in the Sparkle manor studying and practicing magic all by herself, and it had barely amounted to anything. She had lived a solitary life alone for so many years, just living day by day, struggling to achieve even small feats of magic. The only thing that had kept her alive for so long was the idea that she needed to not let her parents have died in vain.

The only reason she had gotten this far in the war was because she had Saber by her side. Even if she had somehow summoned a different Servant she had her doubts about how long she would have lasted in this war. She could easily see herself having died to Lancer's spear, or in Berserker's grip, or in Caster's trap, or even to Assassin's song. And even if she had survived all of that, if it wasn't for her loyalty to Saber, she might have accepted her brother's ultimatum.

Saber was the one who had stuck by her and helped her during her weakest moments, who pushed her to be stronger, and was the reason she was alive right now. She owed everything to Saber, and that wasn't something she could ever replicate on her own.

So, instead of saying anything, Twilight turned back to the window and stared at her reflection. She would at least try to take Saber's words to heart though, to simply relax and just let whatever happens on the date happen.

Though she still wasn't satisfied with her hair at all. She brushed the bangs to the side, trying to get them to her liking. They just fell back in place, eliciting a small groan of frustration from her.

“Twilight! Saber!” A familiar male voice called out, breaking Twilight's attention from her reflection.

The two of them were in the middle of Downtown Canterlot, on a busy street that had people milling about constantly. Stores of all types lined the edges that were brimming with people. It was one of the busiest streets in the city, and also often used as a meeting spot for people looking to spend the day downtown.

Approaching them with a wave and a smile was Flash, making his way through the crowded street. As Saber had guessed, it looked like he had stopped at home after school had let out to at least freshen up. His hair was neatly combed back and he was wearing one of his best casual outfits without going too formal.

“Sorry if I took too long, I got here as soon as I could once school let out.” Flash apologized with a smile, “School's definitely not been the same without you around Twilight.”

“Well, you know how it is, life's just been difficult lately,” Twilight tried to brush off just how much she'd missed. “Once I'm back to full health and everything's taken care of, I should be able to catch up on everything I've missed.”

“You sure you're okay to go on the date then?” Flash raised an eyebrow curiously, “I don't want to push you into anything if you're still not feeling well.”

“I'll be fine,” Twilight genuinely smiled for him, “I'm the one who asked you if you wanted to do the date today after all.”

“That's true, I'm still having a hard time believing we're finally doing this.” Flash chuckled softly as he rubbed the back of his head. “So uh, what'd you two want to do for the date? I'm up for anything if it's with you.”

“Well, Twilight was telling me that Canterlot has an amusement park set up close to downtown, and I thought that'd be a great place to spend the day!” Saber explained, a happy grin on her face.

“That'd be a perfect place to spend the day, for sure!” Flash agreed with a smile, “Are we all in agreement on that?”

“I haven't been there in a few years, not since Spike took me when we were both still kids. I'd love to go again.” Twilight gave her approval.

“Awesome! Sun Land Park, here we come!” Flash happily exclaimed.


Sun Land Park was a whirlwind of lights and sound as the group entered the park. Even in the middle of the week the park was seemingly packed with people milling about, moving from concession stands to waiting in ride lines to playing mini-games for prizes. There was the loud roar of screams in the distance from the park's roller coaster and go-karts, music from different rides mixing in the middle of the roads, and the constant barrage of conversations from the mingling crowd.

It was all incredibly nostalgic for Twilight, though it also seemed a little overwhelming now. The throngs of people, the lights and sounds, even the scents of the park were making her a little dizzy in the head. It was a very different feeling from when she had been a kid enjoying the park with her parents, or even enjoying the festivities with a close friend like Spike.

“This place never gets old for me.” Flash's voice managed to break Twilight out of her dizzy spell, giving her something to focus on. “Though since this is your first time here, is there anything in particular you want to do first Saber?”

“I've really never been to an amusement park before, so honestly all of it looks interesting.” Saber looked around at the different rides, an excited smile on her face. “Though I'm being particularly drawn towards the thrill rides. The roller coaster looks like a lot of fun.”

“I can recommend this coaster too,” Flash grinned, looking over at the twisting mass of steel. “Every time I come here I make sure to ride it at least once. It's a ton of fun.”

“I uh, I've never been on a roller coaster before.” Twilight awkwardly chuckled, fidgeting with the bottom of her shirt.

“Well that's perfect then! You and Saber can experience a coaster for the first time together! It'll be fun!” Flash said excitedly, with Saber turning to look at Twilight excitedly. Twilight gulped, her nerves flaring up. The reason she'd never gone on the coaster was that it had scared her as a kid. It was well established at this point that she did not do well with heights.

She did try to put it into perspective in her mind though. At least a hundred people per day rode the coaster, and they were all still alive and well. The fear would be generated in her head, and if she could survive jumping off a roof with Saber, she could probably survive riding on a roller coaster at least once.

“Yeah, sure, sounds like fun.” Twilight nervously chuckled, forcing a smile to her face. She didn't want to disappoint either Saber or Flash after all. How bad could it be?


Twilight sprinted to the nearest trash can, dunked her head past the rim, and lost what little food was left in her stomach.

“I never knew you were so motion sick Twilight.” Flash said in surprise.

“There, there, feeling better?” Saber asked comfortingly, gently rubbing Twilight's back.

“Ugh, sorry.” Twilight groaned, taking the napkin Saber was holding out for her and wiping her mouth. “I thought I'd be fine, but apparently my stomach had other plans.”

“No need to apologize for that,” Flash smiled reassuringly, “We'll just do something easier for the next ride to give your stomach time to calm down.” He said as he turned to look at the nearby rides. “How about the Merry-Go-Round?”

Twilight lifted her head, taking a look at the ride for herself. The line wasn't too bad, the ride was slow and gentle, and it was playing a fairly simple tune. She glanced back to the roller coaster she had just gotten off and felt her stomach do another flip in protest.

“Yeah, the Merry-Go-Round sound good right now.” Twilight nodded, tossing the napkin away. Saber gave her back one more rub before the three of them made their way over to the ride.

The wait was shorter than they expected and Twilight quickly found herself climbing onto a rigid plastic unicorn, wrapping her hands around the pole piercing it's torso. The ride had the horses fairly evenly spaced out, with three to a row. She was in the middle, with Saber and Flash to her sides. Once everyone had been seated on the ride, the ride began and the playful music started up once more.

It had been years since she had last ridden the Merry-Go-Round, but the ride was just the same as she had remembered it. The horse began to gently bob up and down to the music while the ride spun in a circle, the motion putting a smile to her face.

It was a nostalgic feeling, riding the ride after so long. The last time she had ridden it was when Spike had taken her for one of her birthdays at least five years ago. And before then, she remembered riding it with her parents and brother, the four of them sitting as close as possible and enjoying the ride together.

Now hold on tight Twily,” her brother said sitting next to her, “the horse will go super fast!”

It does not!” Twilight puffed her cheek pouting, gripping the pole tightly. “You're just trying to scare me!”

Well if you're such a big girl I'm sure you can handle yourself.” Her brother chuckled as he sat on his own horse next to her, “But if you need me I'll be here.”

Twilight stuck her tongue out at him, showing her disapproval. Before anything else could be said, the ride lurched a moment, making Twilight nearly jump from her seat. The ride started moving and the music started playing, and she gripped the pole tight.

The amusement park moved around her as she rode, taking in the sights as the music played. A big smile formed on her face as she giggled in glee, enjoying the ride. Her brother looked at her with a smile, as the both of them enjoyed the ride together. She wouldn't say it to him out loud, but she was having so much fun.

“Hey, you okay Twilight?” Saber's voice broke her from her memory. Twilight blinked a few times before turning to look at her servant, who was tilting her head curiously. “You were spacing out something fierce.”

“Ah, sorry, I was just being nostalgic.” Twilight chuckled softly with a soft blush on her cheeks. “I've only been here a handful of times, and one of those times was back when my family was still together. So I just... I was remembering those days.”

Saber was quiet for a moment, just watching Twilight as the ride gently spun. She thought over what she wanted to say, before giving Twilight a comforting smile. “Hey, there's nothing wrong with remembering the past, but don't forget to make memories today too. We came here to forget about everything and enjoy ourselves, right? So try to focus on that for now.”

Twilight blinked at Saber, just taking in what she said for a moment. She gave a small smile and nodded her head, “You're right Saber. I'll focus on making today great, for both of you.” She then turned to look at Flash on her other side, who turned and looked at her with a smile.

“Having fun?” He asked curiously.

“Yeah, the Merry-Go-Round was always one of my favorites.” Twilight smiled warmly, letting herself enjoy the ride. “Hey, do you want to get something to eat after this?”

“Your stomach feeling better now?” Flash asked curiously.

“Yeah, it's feeling better now.” Twilight nodded, “I guess it realized how empty it got and now it's asking to be filled again.” She awkwardly chuckled as she gently rubbed it.

“Sounds good to me then. I'm buying though.” Flash winked with a grin. Twilight couldn't help but chuckle.

“You might want to reconsider once you see Saber's appetite.” Twilight smirked back at him.

“Oh come on, how bad could it be?”


“-Three hot dogs, a large popcorn, two large sodas; no ice, two large pretzels, two corn dogs, three-” Saber continued to list off her large order to the teenager working the concession stand. The teen was having difficulty keeping up, doing their best to keep the order straight on the register while their partners were flailing around making sure they got everything prepared right.

Flash stared at the scene with his mouth slightly agape, his hand hovering over his wallet

“I did try to warn you.” Twilight softly chuckled. Flash looked down at his wallet in despair, already envisioning moths flying out of it. He was broken from the illusion when Twilight's hand gently touched his arm. “It's alright Flash, I know you wanted to pay for both of us, but it's probably for the best if I pay for Saber.”

“I came expecting to spend money, but I certainly wasn't expecting an appetite like that.” Flash shook his head as he looked back at Saber, who was eagerly eying her tray that was having more and more food piled onto it. “I can still pay for you though. I have to do at least that much, my chivalry demands it.” He raised a clenched fist to his heart as he proclaimed those words.

“Sure thing Flash,” Twilight couldn't help but smirk at Flash's cheesiness.

As soon as the clerks were finished carefully piling up Sunset's food, Twilight stepped up and pulled out her debit card to pay for it. While Twilight wouldn't call herself rich by any means, she had been living off of what remained of her parents inheritance since she was a kid. She had learned very quickly how to optimize her monetary needs and how to keep it earning enough interest so she wouldn't run out. And even then, her biggest expenditures were on food and the occasion magical item she needed. She was very strict about her spending budget.

But for days like this, she didn't mind splurging a little. Especially when she got to see Saber smiling so brightly at her meal.

With Saber's meal taken care of, Twilight ordered her own meal. Much to Flash's relief, it was just a simple burger and fries with a drink. He ordered a double of her meal for himself and paid for the both of them.

“So, do we know where we're sitting?” Twilight asked, taking a quick look around.

“Since you haven't been here in a while, you're in for a bit of a treat. Around last year Sun Land Park thought about providing some entertainment to people while they ate. They set up a stage in front of an eating area where people can perform music or plays.” Twilight tilted her head and saw that they were indeed heading towards a medium sized stage with a fairly large amount of tables in front of it. Only about half of the tables were full that day, most of the attendees eating while casually looking back up at the stage.

“Sometimes the park pays for bigger names to play or act on the stage, and they can really draw a crowd when they do. But during down times like today people can offer to perform something if they want, so long as it's approved beforehand.” Flash grinned brightly as he placed his tray down on an empty table, “I've even had a chance to play up on the stage with my band. Not a huge crowd, but it was still fun nonetheless.”

Glancing at the stage once more, Twilight could tell that there was indeed some kind of performance taking place right now. Though it wasn't a band singing or even actors performing some play, but rather a puppet show. A smaller stage was hiding the puppeteer as the miniature figures bounced and bobbled to a story for everyone's enjoyment.

The three placed their meals on the table and Saber wasted no time digging in. Flash couldn't help but stare at the voracious appetite, wondering where the girl managed to put all of it. Twilight softly giggled in amusement at Flash’s expression before taking the first bite of her burger. She had to admit, she was having fun so far. Sure she had puked after the coaster, but if she looked past the sheer rising terror at the idea of getting back on it, the ride had been fun while it lasted. It was a wonderful contrast to the days she'd been having, and she was looking forward to having more fun after their meal.

“I'll not let you destroy my country villain!” A triumphant female voice called out from the stage, catching Twilight's attention. She looked up, curious as to what kind of show was being put on display, but nearly dropped her burger in surprise.

The lead puppet was a woman glad in golden armor, with fiery hair and piercing green eyes. The puppet then launched into an epic sword fight with its opposing actor, a puppet clad in dark armor. If Twilight remembered correctly, it was the final battle of 'Knights of the Sun Queen', though she had never seen an interpretation that was so... for lack of a better word, cute.

The two puppets smacked two tiny wooden weapons together in what was meant to be an epic clash, the small bits of wood projecting the sounds of their battle surprisingly well. What confused Twilight the most was just the fact that she was watching this at all. What were the chances that on this particular day, this puppet show would be performing that particular story? The odds seemed astronomical.

The puppet battle didn't last for very long, with puppet Sunset finally landing the final blow on the puppet in dark armor, but not without sustaining an injury of her own.

“You've doomed this country to chaos Sunset.” The dark figure laughed, “You truly seek its destruction.”

“You're wrong Artemis. You were the one plunging this land into chaos. With you gone, order can finally be restored.” Sunset's voice spoke with a grave seriousness, betrayed only by the cute smiling face on her puppet.

“You'll never know though, will you?” Artemis chuckled one last time before his puppet fell over.

Twilight couldn't help but turn to look at the real Sunset that was sitting next to her. The puppet show hadn't escaped her notice either, and her eating had slowed as a result. As the puppet show began to wrap up it's final scene, Saber gently shook her head before returning to her meal. Twilight wanted to speak up, to say something, but she wasn't sure what to even say. Not to mention, she couldn't reveal Saber's true identity in front of Flash. She decided that it was best to leave it alone for now, and took another bite from her burger.

“Enjoying the food?” The question caught Twilight be surprise as she looked up at Flash.

“Huh?” She meekly responded.

“I was just asking if the food was good.” Flash raised an eyebrow curiously, “You were hungry a moment ago but you aren't really eating.”

“Oh, no, sorry, I just got distracted.” Twilight forced a grin to her face and awkwardly chuckled, before taking a bite out of her burger. “Mmmm, delicious!” She forced out as she ate. It really did taste fine, she just didn't want Flash to worry.

“If you say so.” Flash relented, a little confused by Twilight's actions, but decided against pushing the issue.

Twilight turned her attention back to the stage, watching as the curtains fell on the performance and the few people that had been watching gave the show an applause. From behind the puppet show emerged a woman that looked to be in her late twenties with strikingly vibrant red hair against an alabaster white skin. A dark brown jacket adorned her shoulders, opened down the middle to reveal a striped pink shirt with a belt tied around her waist and long magenta pants.

The woman gave a courteous bow to the audience, before stepping off the side of the stage. Twilight couldn't help but stare at the woman. There was something about the woman that felt strange to her.

Had she met the woman before? No one that looked like her sprung to memory, but there was the nagging feeling that she recognized the woman from somewhere.

The other thing she felt sent a chill down her spine. It was as if the woman had no presence whatsoever. It was like she wasn't even there, a ghost walking amongst the living. She hadn't even realized how much she was staring at the strange woman until she stopped next to their table and looked her way. Twilight felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end as the woman looked at her with a complacent smile.

Then the woman's eyes turned to looked beside Twilight, and her eyes widened in surprise. Twilight blinked and looked back at Saber, who was staring back at the woman. Twilight didn't see any anger or surprise in Saber's eyes, but it wasn't a natural stare. It was as if Saber was staring down a predator that was currently pacified, but could pounce in surprise at any moment.

“My goodness,” The strange woman smiled brightly, placing a hand against her cheek as she spoke, “Has anyone ever told you that you bear a striking resemblance to the Daughter of the Sun Goddess?”

“...I've heard that before, yes.” Saber said blankly, not wanting to tip her hand but also not reveal any weakness to the woman.

“It truly is uncanny.” The strange red-headed woman chuckled, admiring Saber for a moment longer. “Thank you for giving me the chance to meet someone like you.” The woman then gave a quick bow to Saber, before turning and continuing to walk away from the stage area.

Twilight didn't feel her nerves calm down until the woman turned a corner and disappeared from sight. Once she was gone, she let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

“Well that was weird.” Flash furrowed his brow, still looking in the direction the woman had gone.

“Weird indeed.” Was all Saber responded with before returning to her food.

Twilight stared down at her own burger in thought. She couldn't explain what she had felt from that woman. She didn't have any mana, so she couldn't have been a Magus or a Servant, but at the same time she felt... Otherwordly. And she still couldn't get over the strange feeling like she had met her before.

“I think I know where we should go once we finish lunch,” Flash said with a grin after finishing another bite of his own food. “It's easily one of my favorite parts of this place.”

“Oh? Where's that?” Twilight asked curiously, pushing the thought of the woman out of her mind for now.

“The arcade!”


The arcade was a bustling hub of noise, lights, and sound that made it difficult to understand someone even if they were standing next to you. Several rows of games were lined up and people of all ages were gathered around them playing every type of game imaginable.

Accompanying all of the sounds of gameplay, chatting, and clacking of joysticks, was the loud pulsing beat of music coming from one specific machine. Flash was in front of the machine right now, stomping his feet on the giant gamepad. Arrows flashed up the screen in time with the song, and Flash was doing his best to hit each of them in turn. Despite a few slip-ups early in the song, he had a decent combo going and he'd gotten into his groove with the song.

In short order the song ended with one final stomp of Flash's feet, and the small crowd gathered around the machine clapped for him. He turned to the crowd and grinned, soaking in the attention.

“Huh, interesting,” Saber spoke as she examined the machine. “So it's a game about pressing the pads in rhythm to the beat? Certainly looks like fun.”

“Would you like the next turn?” Flash asked, offering the machine to her.

“Well, what about you Twilight? Would you like a turn before me?” Saber turned to her Master with a smile.

“Oh, no, that's much too energetic a game for me.” Twilight waved her hand with an awkward chuckle. “I'll just watch. It's just as fun for the spectators too.”

“Well, if you insist.” Saber said in understanding, before slipping off her leather jacket and handing it to Twilight, “Do you mind holding onto this while I have my turn then?”

“O-Oh, no, of course not.” Twilight said, feeling her cheeks heat up with a blush. She found herself staring at Saber's shoulders as she took the jacket, her eyes then wandering down to the valley of cleavage at the front of Saber's shirt. She'd almost forgotten how revealing Saber's outfit was without the jacket. It took her a moment to realize she was staring before her eyes snapped back up to look at Saber's face, and saw the proud Servant merely grinning at her knowingly. Twilight's felt her face flush harder before quickly looking away, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Saber didn't comment before turning and stepping up to the machine as Flash stepped down. A couple males in the audience let out a few whistles of appreciation at Saber giving them a show. Saber quickly began to look through the list of songs, looking for any song in particular that stuck out to her. Twilight couldn't help but watch with fascination, wondering just how well Saber was going to do.

Saber stood, a cock to her hip, one hand resting on it, a smirk on her face, and confidence oozing from her aura. The machine paused for just a moment to load up her song choice, and then the screen lit up with a colorful image and the opening beats to the song began to play. Then the first few arrows scrolled onto the screen, Saber lifted her foot, twisted her hip, and with perfect timing began to play.

The crowd was immediately in awe as Saber began to flawlessly play the song in perfect rhythm. It was like watching a dancer perform a routine they had practiced all of their life. Her hips swayed with each stomp of her feet, her hair danced and twirled with her movements, and with each successful hit the game made a satisfying confirmation of Saber's growing combo.

Twilight stared transfixed, her eyes drawn to the beautiful woman dancing before her. It was like a scene out of a dream, watching a beautiful woman put herself on display like this. Twilight couldn't help but notice how full Saber's hips were as they swayed seductively to the beat. In a display of showboating, Saber even spun around and struck a few notes blindly before spinning back around for a heavy section.

Twilight had been too distracted with the sight of how perfectly Saber's full and perky bust had bounced to the beat.

Saber's impressive display had not been lost on the audience either, as the earlier cheers and whistles had grown in intensity now. Twilight was still aware of just how many people were watching Saber at the same time she was, but somehow it felt like they were a thousand miles away. It felt like in that moment the only things that existed was her and Saber. Watching the beautiful woman dance was more entrancing than she could have ever imagined it being.

And just as quickly as it had started, it ended with the final stomp of Saber's legs. Saber let out a triumphant breath as she put a hand behind her neck and gave her hair a quick flip. The audience let out another cheer of approval, having thoroughly enjoyed the display.

“Encore! Encore!” A random audience member shouted as a challenge.

“You want me to do another one?” Saber asked curiously to the crowd. She was met with a cheer of approval. She couldn't help but shrug her shoulders with a smirk, before turning to pick another song to play.

“She's a natural at this, isn't she?” Flash couldn't help but chuckle, turning to Twilight.

“Yeah, she really is...” Twilight said in a bit of a stupor. She couldn't take her eyes off of Saber the whole time. She was captivated by the woman who stood before her, the one who called her Master.

Twilight didn't know what it was she was feeling, but it was something she had never felt before. She couldn't describe it. There was a heat to her face, a flutter in her chest and stomach, and a weakness in her knees. There was something about Saber that was doing something to her...

She just didn't know what that was.


“It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?” Flash spoke up, staring out the window of the Ferris Wheel's car door. The sun was starting to set over the edge of the city.

“Yeah, it is.” Twilight said, staring off into the sunset. It was just her and Flash in the Ferris Wheel car, Saber having decided to sit this one out so the two of them could have some time together before the date officially came to an end.

“Did you get to do everything you wanted to do?” Flash asked curiously.

“Pretty much everything I like to do here, and some new experiences too.” Twilight softly chuckled, squeezing her hands together in her lap. She couldn't help but feel some of her social awkwardness spilling out into this situation.

She knew this was supposed to be a date for the two of them with Saber tagged along, but she didn't really think that she'd been all that great as a date partner. She'd had fun, sure, but had the date been everything Flash had been hoping for? She had no way of knowing.

“Saber is something else, isn't she?”

“Huh?” Twilight was broken from her thoughts by Flash.

“I didn't really know what to expect from us taking her out with us, but she'd certainly been full of surprises.” Flash chuckled leaning back into the car's seat. “And you and her get along pretty well too. Any time you were feeling down she had your back. It feels like you two have been friends for years as opposed to just a few days.”

“You really think so?”

“Definitely. You two seem to know a lot about each other and trust the other without hesitation.” Flash chuckled at that, “For instance, at lunch. She went ahead and just bought all the food she wanted trusting that you'd have her back on paying for it. Or on the coaster, you were able to get on it because she had your back. You two are so close, I'm almost jealous.”

Twilight blinked, unsure of what to say at first before turning to look out at the setting sun. She hadn't even realized it herself, but everything Flash had said was true. Flash didn't know everything the two of them had been through together in the last few days, but he still had a point. Were those short experiences really enough for her and Saber to have connected in the way they had? To know each other so well over a few short days?

She liked the idea that it was possible, that her and Saber were connected so closely to each other like Flash suggested. It made her feel warm and happy on the inside, knowing the Saber truly had her back and that Saber could trust and rely on her.

It wasn't a feeling Twilight was accustomed to. She was so used to being the weak link in any of her social circles that having someone that truly knew her, trusted her, and had her back felt... Nice.

“I guess we do, huh?” Twilight chuckled, shaking her head lightly. “I just hadn't really realized it until you pointed it out though.”

“The two of you are pretty remarkable,” Flash smiled, “I can't help but admire what you two have.”

Twilight couldn't help but give a short chuckle herself at that. She stared out at the sunset with a smile on her face.

It had been a good day for her.


As Twilight walked up to her front door, she had to admit that the day had gone far better than she had expected. All of her anxiety and trepidations about going on a date that she had from the start of the day had all melted away and she couldn't help but have a smile on her face as she walked up to the door.

“So,” Flash spoke up, stopping short of the door with a smile, “Would you call that a successful date?”

“I guess so.” Twilight gently chuckled, turning to look at Flash with a smile of her own.

“I'll head in inside for now so you two lovebirds can say goodbye to each other.” Saber smirked at the sight of the two of them, before heading inside and closing the door shut behind her. Twilight felt her cheeks flush at Saber's comment, but couldn't think of any witty retorts.

“I gotta say, I was really surprised when you finally agreed for us to go out Twilight,” Flash rubbed the back of his head with a smile. “You kept putting it off so much that I was starting to think you really weren't interested. So I'm really glad I got to have this chance to hang out with you.”

“It was a fun day, I don't think I could've asked for a nicer break from all the stress in my life,” Twilight smiled back. “If nothing else, it was nice to relax.”

“Well, I don't suppose then...” Flash started blushing as he stepped a little closer, “That we could possibly do this again sometime?”

“A second date?” Twilight thought about it, “I guess that'd be alright. Would give us more time to get to know each other, right?”

“Yeah, I'd like that.” Flash couldn't hide the happiness from his face. He gently reached out to grab Twilight's hand, an action that was a little lost on her as she felt his fingers gently grip her.

“So uh...” Twilight fidget on the spot, not really sure what to do next, “Are we... Supposed to kiss or something?” She tried recalling what she'd read about dating during her research preparation for the date. A few of them had suggested that if the date had gone well, that a kiss was a good way to show interest for a second.

“If that's what you want.” Flash couldn't hide his grin as he stepped in a little closer. He was terrible at hiding his enthusiasm for the idea, as he'd likely been dreaming about it for a while.

“Couldn't hurt?” Twilight awkwardly chuckled as she looked up at the boy who was mere inches away now. Flash couldn't help but smile brightly, as he brought his hand up to cup her cheek. He then slowly leaned in and closed his eyes, Twilight following suit, before his lips pressed against hers.

Something felt amiss though. She had expected some sort of spark, or a flutter of the heart, or the heat on her face to increase, some sign that she was enjoying the experience of Flash's lips pressed against hers. Instead all she really felt was the feeling of skin against skin, but focused on her lips. There was a faint, musky scent that she could smell and taste as he leaned into her that wasn't exactly appealing either.

She pulled back from the kiss, blinking a little in confusion. Her experience with the kiss was so different from anything she had read from the books on the subject that she was seriously thrown for a loop. Everything was pointing in the right direction after all. The date had gone well, Flash was genuinely a great guy, she had enjoyed her time at the park, all of the pieces seemed to be in the right order.

So why wasn't she feeling anything?

“Twilight?” Flash asked curiously, breaking Twilight from her stupor.

“Oh, uh, huh?” Twilight blinked in return, realizing she had missed anything Flash had said.

“I was asking if you were alright, you kinda spaced out there.” Flash chuckled with his ever present goofy grin.

“Oh, yeah, I'm...” Twilight blinked as she tried to process her thoughts. Maybe there was some variable that was off? It was entirely possible that things weren't as correctly aligned as she thought, and what she needed was to test for more variables. “Uh, this... This might sound a little weird...” Twilight couldn't help but blush in embarrassment at what she was about to ask, “But uh... Could we, maybe, do that again?” She sheepishly asked.

“Uh, sure,” Flash gave an awkward chuckle at the request. “We can do that as many times as you like, I'm willing.”

Twilight couldn't help but internally roll her eyes at that statement, but leaned into him for another kiss. She closed her eyes and felt the pressure of his lips against hers once more. She was picturing Flash in her mind, but she still wasn't feeling any real connection with the kiss. Something was really off and she couldn't place her finger on it.

The book said that if she was kissing someone she truly liked, that something would happen. She liked Flash just fine, but maybe she needed to try something else? So, with Flash still pressing his lips against her, she imagined the first person that came to mind that she was closest with.

An image of Saber appeared, her eyes dripping with seduction aimed her way. Her shirt was lopsided, one of the shoulder slipping down her arm while even more of her cleavage was being exposed to her. She crawled up to Twilight, wrapped her arms around her, and pressed herself against her in a tight, passionate embrace.

Twilight's eyes snapped opened, her face heated and flushed at the very thought of it. Her hands instinctively shot up to Flash's chest and gently pushed back, the boy opening his eyes in surprise but quickly broke the embrace in confusion.

“Twilight? What's wrong?” He asked, very concerned that he had done something wrong.

Twilight felt herself lightly shaking, her breathing growing ragged as the realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Her legs refused to hold her weight up any longer and she stumbled into a sitting position. She brought her knees to her chest and curled up on the front step of her house, struggling to accept the realization she'd had about herself.

“Twilight? I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?” Flash quickly bent down to one knee next to her, gently placing a hand on her back. The motion was soothing, but it did little to ease her mind.

She was thinking back to every moment in her life when it was seemed so obvious, that this is how it had always been for her. She had always been so easily flustered by her friends when she was hanging out with them, but never when they were gossiping about boys. She always had to hide her embarrassment while changing in locker rooms as she knew she was likely to stare at the others changing. Shopping for bikinis or underwear had always been such an ordeal because she couldn't help but picture how they looked on other girls.

The truth had always been right there in front of her and yet she hadn't even realized it this whole time.

“Twilight, come on, speak to me.” Flash pleaded, doing his best to try and seem comforting. Twilight gently shuddered, realizing what she had to do next. She lifted her head up, tears brimming at the edges of her eyes.

“...I'm sorry Flash...” She quietly muttered, before turning back to stare at her knees.

“Sorry? Sorry for what?” Flash asked confused and worried. Twilight just sat there quietly, unable to say anything for several moments, before swallowing the lump in her throat.

“...I think I’m...” She said quiet as a mouse.

“You think what?” Flash asked leaning closer, not hearing her well.

“I think I'm gay.” Twilight said louder this time before burying her head into her knees. “I'm sorry... I... ” Was all she could mutter out. Flash was stuck in a state of shock for the moment, still processing what he had heard. He was stone still, before falling into a sitting position next to Twilight. He blinked several times, the words echoing in his head.

He turned to properly sit next to her, the both of them facing her front yard now in silence together. Flash was trying to think of what to say, how to respond, having never expected the date he had always dreamed of going on Twilight with ending this way. He ended up scratching the back of his head in confusion, looking for the right words.

“I just… I’m not sure what to say…” He rubbed the back of his head as he tried to gather his own thoughts. “You really had no idea until just now?”

Twilight quietly shook her head in response. “I just... I'd never really thought about romance at all...” She lifted her head and rested her chin on her knees, staring out into space. “With my condition, I just assumed no one would be interested, so I never really thought about anyone that way...” She let out a sigh and lowered her head, “Not that there weren't signs though... I just didn't put the dots together until now...”

“So... All those times you didn't show interest in dating...” Flash mumbled as he stared up to the night sky, thinking things through.

“I just thought it was my nervousness about being romantic with anyone...” Twilight shook her head. “I'm sorry Flash... I didn't mean to lead you on...”

Flash rubbed the back of his head again, grimacing a little at the news. “So... The reason you asked to kiss again was to confirm your feelings? And you don’t have any sort of attraction to me? At all?” Twilight felt a grip on her chest. She didn't want to hurt Flash, but she didn't want to lie to him either.

“I'm sorry...” Was all she could muster as she buried her head again.

“Well that's... Disappointing.” Flash muttered, finally starting to realize that his dream of dating Twilight was coming to an end. The two of them sat there quietly for another a moment, the thoughts whirling through Flash's mind about the whole situation. Twilight felt awful about the whole thing, feeling like she had single-handedly shattered Flash's heart into a million pieces without meaning to. She wouldn't blame him in the slightest if he hated her from that day forward.

What she didn't expect, however, was to feel his arm wrap around his shoulders and embrace her in a comforting half hug. She blinked back some of the tears forming in her eyes and turned to look up at him.

“Well, I won't lie and say I'm not a little heartbroken at the realization, but...” A smile formed on Flash's lips as he turned to her, “You can't change who you are, right? If anything, I'm at least glad I could take you out on a good date before you realized it.”

“You're not mad?” Twilight asked a little confused, having fully expected Flash to retaliate in some way.

“Not mad, no.” Flash shook his head with a smile. “Honestly, it actually kind of explains something I noticed while we were on the date.”

“What's that?”

“You would have these moments between you and Saber where you would just, light up,” Flash poorly demonstrated by trying to smile brightly. “I was honestly a little jealous that she could elicit such a reaction out of you, when I was trying my best to do the same. But, now that you've realized that about yourself, it kind of makes sense.”

Twilight blinked at Flash for a moment, before turning to look back out into space. He was absolutely right. Anytime she'd felt her heart flutter, or her cheeks heat up, or felt a sense of longing, was anytime her and Saber had a moment together. Not to mention, now that she wasn't denying her feelings anymore, she had lost track of how many times she'd ogled Saber's body. There really was no denying it.

She was falling in love with Saber.

Twilight let out a groan of embarrassed frustration as she buried her head into her knees again, her face flushing with heat at the thought of her servant waiting inside.

“Hey, who knows, maybe she'll like you back Twilight.” Flash smiled, gently squeezing her shoulder. “I may not be the one to steal your heart, but I can still wish for you to be happy at least. And from what I've seen, Saber seems genuinely awesome and nice. I'm sure if you tell her your feelings, the worst that'll happen is she won't return the feeling but you'll still be friends.”

“If you only knew the half of it.” Twilight grumbled into her knees. Flash didn't even know a fraction of the full story between them. A master and a servant in a relationship? That was something that had to be doomed to failure.

“You never know if you don't try,” Flash chuckled softly. “And hey, even if you're not interested in dating, I'm still interested in at least being friends. If you need any help, I'd be willing to try.”

Twilight let out a contented sigh and lifted her head, looking up at Flash with a smile. “Thanks Flash. Honestly? If I was straight, you'd probably have made a great boyfriend.”

“I'd call that a successful day for me then!” Flash grinned brightly. “It's probably about time for me to be heading home though,” He said, standing up and dusting himself off. “There's certainly no need to rush your feelings Twilight. You just realized this about yourself, so there's no need to dive into the deep end just yet, so take some time to think about how you feel. And if you need to chat you can always call me.” He gave her a reassuring smile, “See you when I see you then?”

“I guess so,” Twilight chuckled softly. “I'm not sure when I'll be returning to school. Hopefully soon.” Flash nodded his head in understanding. Then with a final wave of his hand he stepped into his car and drove off into the night.

Twilight sat on her front step for a few more moments, letting her thoughts calm down. When she went back inside she'd have to confront Saber again, and she had no idea how she was going to deal with her newfound feelings.

She was falling in love with the servant, that much she couldn't deny anymore. But saber WAS a servant, and that meant she had a single solitary focus on winning the grail. And once the grail war was over, she'd return to the aether she'd been summoned from.

The one who wins the grail can make any wish their heart desires and have it granted.

Twilight's eyes opened wide as the conditions of the grail war flashed through her mind. This entire time she had been fighting in the grail war as a matter of survival, and ensuring that someone like Starlight Glimmer or Lancer's Master didn't get their hands on the grail.

But the grail was an omnipotent wishing device. If she so desired it, she could win the grail, and wish for Saber to be reincarnated into this time period. It was possible for them to live a happy life together. And all she'd have to do was win the grail war.

I would prefer it if my Master was the one who summoned me, but I have my reasons for participating in the war.”

If I had my way, I would be the one getting the guaranteed victory from this partnership. After all, I have a reason to seek the grail, and I don't intend to yield it to anyone else.”

Saber's words echoed through her mind next. She had almost forgotten that even if they did win, Saber had a wish all her own. It was the desire to realize that wish that kept her so dedicated and loyal to the fight at hand. That desire that drove Saber to protect her master so fervently.

Twilight hadn't even thought of asking Saber what her wish was before. Since she had no wish of her own, she had been more than complacent with fighting to end the war as quickly as possible and ensure that one of her allies got the wish.

But if she wished for Saber to stay in this time period, would Saber be happy with that? Would she even return Twilight's feelings? Would that be asking for Saber to give up her wish in exchange?

There were too many variables that Twilight didn't know, and a lot of them revolved her own feelings for Saber. Unless she knew exactly what Saber's thoughts on the matter were, she couldn't simply resolve to make a wish that might leave Saber unhappy. She wasn't so selfish as to not consider what Saber would want.

But that would mean she'd have to ask what Saber's wish was. And about how the servant felt about her.

It wasn't going to be a fun conversation, just thinking about it made Twilight grimace, but it was one that was going to have to be had.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she finally opened her front door and stepped inside. Spike looked up from his seat on the couch, having been reading a book. He gave her a warm smile as she walked in.

“You certainly took longer to come back in than Saber did,” Spike couldn't help but chuckle as he turned back to his book. “Having fun with Flash out there?”

Twilight felt her cheeks flush at the insinuation before letting out an exasperated breath at Spike's teasing. “We just talked for a while Spike, that's all.”

“From what I hear, it was a pretty important first date for you,” Spike couldn't help but chuckle. “So did everything turn out the way you'd hoped it would?”

“I don't even know what I hoped for during the date Spike.” Twilight shook her head, running a hand through her hair as she made her way to the stairs. “At the very least it didn't end the way I expected it to.”

“That a good thing or a bad thing?” Spike raised an eyebrow confused.

“I'll let you know once I've figured that out for myself.” Twilight said as she finished climbing the stairs. Spike was confused at Twilight's reaction, but she was out of earshot before he could respond.

Twilight stood outside the door to her room, hesitating to enter. She knew Saber was most likely inside, waiting for her. Saber had likely changed into her pajamas for the night too. Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat, realizing she was going to be spending another night sleeping in the same bed as her crush.

Twilight buried her head in her hands as she let out a quiet groan. Her quiet nights had suddenly just gotten so much more complicated, she wasn't even sure if she was going to be able to get to sleep tonight.

A quiet slap echoed in the empty hallway as she smacked her cheeks, steeling her resolve. She was only delaying the inevitable now, and it was time to stop putting it off. Gripping her doorknob tightly, she opened her bedroom door and stepped in.

“Hey Master,” Saber said smiling from her spot on the bed, “Did you have a good time with Flash?”

Saber was sitting reading her book, dressed in her pajamas and half tucked into the covers like usual, yet somehow this time the image was so much more... surreal. Her crush was waiting in bed for her, and now that she realized it, she almost couldn't process the image.

“Twilight?” Saber's voice spoke up, breaking Twilight from her trance. Twilight shook her head, and rubbed the back of her head giving an awkwardly chuckle in response.

“Well uh... You see... the thing is...” Twilight fidgeted as she felt her face heat up, her feet shifting uncomfortably. “Flash and I... We sorta decided to just stay friends.”

“Really?” Saber blinked in surprise. “Huh... I thought the date went pretty well. You two seemed like you were hitting it off pretty well too.”

“Oh, you know, sometimes you just don't realize how you feel until you do something.” Twilight tugged at her shirt as she stared down at the floor. She felt like she was a middle schooler desperately trying to hide a secret and failing miserably at it.

“Hm... I suppose that's true.” Saber tilted her head in thought as she looked away. “You're not too disappointed, are you?”

“Oh no no, it was pretty mutual honestly! We'd make great friends, but pretty lousy dating partners.” Twilight waved her hand with an awkward laugh. She wondered if Saber could see how red her face felt at the moment. “I'm just going to quickly get changed into my pajamas now and get ready for bed!”

With a speed that would make rider blink in surprise, Twilight grabbed her nightwear and rushed into the bathroom slamming the door shut behind her. She leaned against the bathroom door, taking in several deep breaths to calm her beating heart.

'Well that could have gone better.' Twilight chastised herself as she buried her face in her clothes. There was no way Saber didn't notice her strange behavior, though if she was lucky she would just write it off as post date nerves or something.

As Twilight changed into her nightwear, she realized that getting into the room had definitely been the easy part. Now she was going to have to deal with the reality of actually getting into bed with Saber. It was far from the first time they had shared a bed together, but now it felt so different. It felt like she was going to be intruding on Saber's personal space before having permission to do so. Saber had said repeatedly that she didn't mind sharing a bed, but back then Twilight didn't have feelings for her.

Love really liked to complicate things tremendously.

Twilight looked at herself in the mirror, looking herself over in a way she hadn't in a long time. Her hair was a bit frazzled but now hung freely down her back. The thick rimmed glasses on her face weren't flattering in the least. Her nose was small and pointy, her lips were almost nonexistent, her frame was way too skinny and bony. Not to mention, there was still the network of incredibly unattractive web-like scars covering her back.

She was not a girl that one would look at and expect to be attracted to. She certainly believed so at least.

Even if Saber was willing to have feelings for her, even if she was willing to remain in this world with her, would she really be attracted to this scrawny, mousy girl with so many emotional and physical issues? It was a lot to ask of anyone, let alone a magical servant from another plane of existence.

Shifting uncomfortably in the quiet bathroom, Twilight wasn't sure what to do. The only thing she could do was play the whole situation by ear and see where it went. At the very least, she had to learn what Saber's wish was before the end of the war was in sight. Once she knew that, she could make a decision easier.

Tonight probably wasn't the best night to ask though, not with her own emotions running rampant inside her. The smartest thing to do would probably be to try and get some sleep for now.

With one last deep breath, she opened the bathroom door and stepped into her room once more. Saber looked up at her with a smile before returning to her book. That put Twilight at ease somewhat. She wasn't sure what she'd do if Saber bombarded her with questions or accusations.

Stepping up to the edge of her bed, she stopped and stared down at the sheets. Suddenly, the simple act of slipping into her bed felt as intimidating as staring down Berserker. It felt like the bed might leap out and attack her, or touching it might cause the universe to become misaligned, or that she'd ruin any chances of Saber liking her forever.

“Something wrong?” Saber asked curiously, looking at the frozen in place Twilight.

“O-oh! Uh,” Twilight fidgeted, laughing awkwardly as her hands fumbled around with each other, “I-It's nothing, really. Um...” Twilight rubbed the back of her head and sheepishly smiled as her cheeks burned red, “I-Is it okay if I, uh, j-join you in the bed?”

“Well of course you can,” Saber chuckled. “It's your bed Twilight. I thought we'd already gotten past this.” She shook her head with a smile before turning to look back at her book. “Besides, if anyone should be asking permission, it's me.”

“Right, right, that makes sense.” Twilight nervously laughed again, before swallowing a lump that formed in her throat. Knowing she had permission now, she reached down and pulled her sheets aside, before slipping into bed.

Saber's warmth permeated the bed and made it so much more comfortable than it normally was. There was a weight and a presence to having Saber right next to her that she didn't have a few weeks ago that made her feel safe. It was like she was floating atop a bed from a dream and she never wanted to wake up from it.

She rested her head against her pillow and pulled the sheets up to her chin. She tried to stare up at the ceiling to distract her thoughts and get to sleep, but her mind was racing far too much to get comfortable enough to sleep.

“What's on your mind Twilight?” Saber asked, putting her book down on the bedside table.

“N-Nothing!” Twilight squeaked out, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to will herself asleep.

“Doesn't look like nothing to me.” Saber said, laying down on her side and turning to look at her master. Twilight turned her head, her cheeks blushing crimson as her eyes met Saber's. “If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but you're certainly acting a lot more jumpy tonight than you usually do.”

“R-Really? I hadn't noticed.” Twilight to brush it off with a laugh.

“Mmm...” Saber murmured, not believing Twilight for a moment. “I guess I won't pry for the moment, but try to get some sleep, okay? We never know what might happen tomorrow, and you should be prepared for that.”

“R-Right.” Twilight nodded at the sobering reminder.

“And if you need anything, I'm here for you.” Saber gave a comforting smile, before turning over and turning off the light. The room fell into the darkness of night and Saber got comfortable on her spot on the bed. Twilight was staring at Saber's back, admiring the girl's slender shoulders and mess of fiery hair. It did little to ease her mind, but the view was nice.

Twilight stared for a few moments, before turning over herself and putting her back to Saber's. A warm smile was spread across her face and she could still feel her face flush with excitement. It might not really mean anything to Saber, but sleeping in the same bed meant so much to Twilight at this very moment.

Twilight closed her eyes and sank into her bed further, pulling her covers up to her nose. While it lasted, she was going to enjoy the feeling of having Saber by her side. She never wanted this feeling to go away.

She could only hope that Saber felt the same way.

Author's Note:

Full resolution of the image
As always, art drawn by the ever wonderful Kul

Actual 'romance' chapters always seem harder for me to write for some reason. Action scenes I can get through in a breeze, or dealing with drama and heavy situations, but fluffy romance? It's hard to make it feel 'just right'.

That and trying to write while suffering from depression can be an awful nightmare combination.

I ended up rewriting this chapter at least 3 times, and I'm pretty happy with the final results. Hopefully it won't take me 2-3 months to write the next chapter, but Christmas is coming up so who knows heh. Either way, thank you guys for reading and I hope the next chapter will be just as enjoyable!

Comments ( 29 )

I'm very happy I found this great story. Funny thing, I didn't like Fate/ Stay Night, and haven't even look at the rest of the series. I think it was the pacing. But you are doing great justice to the concept, with our favorite characters. Thanks for writing! :twilightsmile:

That last chapter has some really cute romance. So sweet. And I love to read Sunset Shimmer being awesome! :rainbowkiss: Can't wait for more.

VERY good chapter glad twilight finally came to learn about the sunlight

who is the red haired girlw ith white skin i cant place this one cant think of a pony that matches that discript

any wyas update soon and sorry you have depression i know how that is

Awkward lovestruck SciTwi is best Twi.:rainbowkiss:

Saw a couple typoes, btw:

“Yeah, the Merry-Go-Round sound good right now.” Twilight nodded, tossing the napkin away. Saber gave her back one more rub before the three of them made their way over to the ride.

And even then, her biggest expenditures were on food and the occasion magical item she needed. She was very strict about her spending budget.


7740126 If so, then I'm guessing she's in the role of Zelretch.

I'm glad you've enjoyed it! Always glad to have more people enjoying my story! :twilightsmile:

Everyone deserve's more SunLight in their life! It's wonderful in all the right ways!

It's certainly some of the cutest the fandom has to offer! I'll fix those typos soon too!


If so, then I'm guessing she's in the role of Zelretch.


7742177 so who is the white lady with red hair

7742179 Rin's mentor and the head of the Magical Association in London, a character considered by many Fate fans to be a massive troll. He's the owner of the sword she uses in the Heaven's Feel route.

I'm glad you persevered on this one, it turned out to be a really fun chapter! The reveal of Twilight's preferences, including to herself, was great! That was the same sort of flow that a dear friend of mine had when realizing she's bi.

As a fairly recent Fate/Stay fan, I gotta say, great job

Yeah, the Merry-Go-Round sound good right now


her hands around the pole piercing it's torso
began to wrap up it's final scene


at the thought of her servant waiting inside
A master and a servant in a relationship
She was falling in love with the servant
But saber WAS a servant, and that meant
And once the grail war was over, she'd return
as the conditions of the grail war flashed through her mind
And about how the servant felt about her
With a speed that would make rider blink in surprise
let alone a magical servant from another
on her side and turning to look at her master

Forgot to capitalise.

Loving how you've set up your universe and its dynamics, definitely an enjoyable read thus far and also as another FS/N fan, I have to say good job on your world building and execution this far. Looking forward to more. Though Motherly is just as enjoyable to follow on:raritywink:

Please no be dead story... really liking it so far.


I don't intend to give up on it, but it might be a while before the next chapter comes out. Not only because life is being rough on me right now, but also because I'm focusing all of my attention on finishing Motherly Scootaloo right now. I'm really glad you did enjoy it, and I do want it finished some day. I just hope the wait will be worth it.

7743086 :rainbowhuh: I have know idea what you're talking about. Then again, I've only seen the Fate:Zero and Fate:Stay Night/UBW anime. Is it from another source?

8057614 uh it cant be rarity you know cus she is allready in the story

8057782 I wasn't referring to Rarity. Think smaller.

8075028 the bersker is going to have a conection to sunset rule of drama and all that

8076049 I suppose. I was thinking the same rule of drama for Rider.

The reason I was ruling out Celestia was that she's literally a Goddess within this story. For the same reason, I ruled out Luna. Cadance gets a pass because she wasn't always an Alicorn in the show.

8076355 the story is focused entirely on twilight and sunset we actually have pieces of sunsets backstory as well

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

Mostly violence and gore. There's some sexual situations, but none that would really fall into the 'Dark' category like in normal Fate. Also themes of betrayal, forced into wars/conflicts, death and mourning, long-standing physical damage, that sort of thing.

Love this fic!! One of my faves. Just hope its not dead :scootangel:

I Love this Story!!! Please continue it! :pinkiehappy:

Is this ever gonna continue?

will this ever update

wow! I love this story! Too bad it's dead though. However, I really enjoyed it :)

Headcanon says Luna, but we'll never know without a Word of God. Crescent moon is the the shape of a bow, no fewer than four archery related constellations (Heracles, Orion, Sagittarius, Sagitta). I'd say it fits. She's got the chops for it.

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