This story is a sequel to Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium
With the 2nd World Power, the Griffin Kingdom, under the control of the Phantom Consortium, Danny became Emperor of the Griffin Lands. His darkness is spread and corrupting the griffins to his will. Now, he plans to take over the another world power to bend to his will. However, he discovers something that makes the conquest much easier....That world power is currently in a Civil War! Making his move quickly, he decides to help the rebels take over. However, while the rebels and the Consortium work together, another former NLR ally help the government against the Consortium and Rebels. Can Danny and his Consortium fight the 2 NLR allies or will they fail?
This story was after Equestria Wars Episode III: Rise of the Equestrian Empire but before Equestria Wars Episode IV: Shadows of Equestria.
Hey Dude, I need an idea of Chapter 4. Got any?
6089503 This story is great. I think you should introduce IG-88 in chapter 4 to help Danny with a kidnapping of whoever you want. Do you have any ideas to start Charming Thunder and Twilight Wedding story? Can you also describe to me Twilight's wedding dress and what Charming Thunder is wearing? I would appreciate it.
Well, if you read Chapter 2, then you know what Nova looks like. So, at the wedding, there was an assassin preparing to kill Twilight Sparkle but Shining Armor, Flash Sentry [Twilight's Royal Guard Captain, if you think], and Nova stop the assassin and interrogate him until he release the information about the Loyalists.
6089674 Here's a plot I came up with:
Anything I should add? How should I start the first chapter?
I like that plot! Also, I came up with a custom song for Nova.
6089721 When will Charming Thunder meet his brother? In the next episode or this one? Since you approved my plot for the story I am planning, can you help me come up ideas for the first chapter?
Well, Let's have it like this.
Then you keep going on your imagination. Oh, and when Danny makes his appearance, It will be on Equestria Wars IX.
Whatever Lightning Dust is planning, it is not good to challenge Danny.
She's like Starscream, she will wait until her opportunity is presented to her.
Now enters the Elements of Insanity led by Brutalight, the counterpart of Twilight Sparkle.
I'm also writing a chapter on Episode VIII where Slade now transforms into a draconequss. How should I describe it?
Will Sunset Shimmer really be in the series or is it just the vision?
That is complicated from me. How about you use your imagination on how he should look like.
Not in your Equestria Wars IX, if you don't want to. But in my Phantom War III, for the ritual of recreation, for 1 simple reason. Does the name "Painset Shimmercakes" mean anything to you?
6098696 yes. She is Sunset Shimmer but with alicorn wings. You can use Painset and if she was defeated, Danny could lie that Sunset Shimmer is dead. How's that?
Half true. She is indeed Sunset with Alicorn Wings, but she is also a Pony Freak, like the Elements of Insanity. In my Phantom War III, after he finds 5 of 6 elements of insanity, he prepares the Ritual of Recreation, but Danny fears that they aren't enough so he decides to pay an old 'friend' a visit. The Chapter itself will explain more than me.
6098702 I just finished another chapter.
Alright, I did Chapter 1 of Phantom War III: Insanity Returns. I was think, how can you make your own Youtube Theme Song for this?
6100267 What do you mean Youtube theme song?
What I mean is, how about a theme song for part of he intros? Play a song that can represent story, like how Star Wars with the "Imperial March" Theme Song for the intro of each movie.
6100587 You can do this one:
I like it, has a good tone to it and everything.