• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
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Danny Eclipse

My avatar; Danny Eclipse, is a unique Batpony that is the son of Nightmare Moon and King Sombra. Despite being a batpony, he can use a unique magic power that doesn't require a unicorn horn.



Rewrote and edited. This is a copy but a bit modified.

Side Story to the Equestria Wars, all focused about Danny Eclipse. This involves mostly Star Wars but has little StarCraft II connection (Certain Units, nothing more).

After Order 66 was issued, it didn't take long for Danny to get word of it. He began to organized a group of outlaws, enemies of Equestria, etc. Danny, who refused to join his mother, went into hiding. When the NLR fell to the Rebels, he went out of hiding and began to target allies of the NLR. Without authorization of the Princesses, he wages a war to the Griffins, Minotaurs, and many other nations who once allied themselves to the NLR.
Military Forces of Star Wars: Zann Consortium

Leader: Danny Eclipse
2nd in Command: King Metamorphosis
Corruption Leader (Ex: Piracy, Kidnap, etc.): IG-88 (Reprogrammed)
Captain of the Guard: Commander Duran (Commando Droid Captain, reprogrammed to serve me faithfully. Also has a AI installed to make him a master at gun, hand-to-hand, & Swordsman Combat.)
Danny's Bodyguard: HK-47 (I own him after "Order 66".)
Danny's Utility Droid: T3-M4 (I own him after "Order 66".)
Squad Leader: Lightning Dust [Shadowbolt]
Bounty Hunters: Edward Kenway and Krieg Razorbeak

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 22 )


No problem. Working on Phantom War II now. However, I do have to make a request. Remember the Medallion of Primus from that other container? I want Charming Thunder to be that chosen pony. His good heart makes him worthy, even though he has gone to darkness before.

6078672 Can Charming Thunder wield it after I finish Episode VII?

Well, I WAS making plans for Danny to make an appearance in Episode VII but if you insist then sure, we can delay it for VIII or whatever the number is.

6078793 Some of the chapters could be based on events during Episode VII and VIII if you want.

We could say that a Star Destroyer found the Medallion of Primus. That's a good start for the coming time.

6078897 That will work. Will Charming Thunder ever appear in the story? I would to see him in it.

In Phantom War II? Yes, actually. Spoilers: Dusk was at the wedding when Twilight and Charming were there and later Dusk came back to 'collect' DNA from Charming, and by collect, I think you will get my meaning for a changeling.

6078940 Speaking of wedding, I was planning on making a story based on Charming Thunder and Twilight's wedding. Got any ideas on how it should it go. Not like Shining Armor and Cadence's.

Here is a thought I came up with. A group of NLR loyalists try to assassinate Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle but they were discovered by Shining Armor and both he and Nova [Dusk in disguise] try to stop the loyalist group before they can stop the wedding. How's that idea?

6078962 That's a greatest idea. Anything else?

Here is a another one but it still has a part from my 1st idea. Shining Armor doesn't tell the couple or anypony else besides his royal guard. He buffs up security but not too much to cause come suspicious from the couple. He teams up with Nova, who is really Dusk in disguise as a Noble and part of the wedding guests, to stop these Loyalist with a group of troops. The Operation must be silent and Dusk has some trying but she carries a Dasksaber. It's like a lightsaber but it is a sword shape instead. The color of the darksaber is blue with a white core. Also, she has some close to combat training and she is a master when it comes to tracking down enemies. We can also say that Nova was once a Black Ops Agent for Equestria before retiring (Even though she looks like a young adult.

Comment posted by Danny Eclipse deleted Jun 13th, 2015

you missed an opportunity to use the line "you can't win but there are alternatives to fighting."

This is a bit.... Out there.... to say the least.

Seriously? Edward Kenway? In a Star Wars/(Slightly)StarCraft II/MLP Crossover?

Hey, it's my story. Oh, and he hardly even shows up anyways.

6104415 Fair enough... Just seems strange from someone who is a fan of Star Wars, StarCraft, MLP, and Black Flag.

Grins What can I say? I love it all.

Has Danny been in a previous story? If so, can someone give me a link to the story?

7615263 I still need to make it, I've never had time to actually work on it since I make stories from both FIMfiction and Fanfiction.

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