• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Danny Eclipse

My avatar; Danny Eclipse, is a unique Batpony that is the son of Nightmare Moon and King Sombra. Despite being a batpony, he can use a unique magic power that doesn't require a unicorn horn.



This story is a sequel to Phantom War IV: Return of the Phantom Consortium

A prophecy that tells the ends the light of the sun and bring the Solar Eclipse. When a plot is being unfold, its up to Danny and Charming to stop it forever. Can the two brothers stop the dreaded Vampony Lord from achieving his ultimate plan or will they fail? And can the brothers prevent Nightmare Moon's return from the grave or will they fall to the shadows of the Dark Side?

Crossover Story to Equestria War X: The Vampony Menace

Charming's Point of View

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 21 )

my first chapter is posted.

6161365 I was thinking that one of your chapters should use this quote:

6163083 So how is Charming Thunder going to gather Jedi on his end while Danny gathers sith?

Simple. They need to retake the Crystal Temple and I'm working on it now.

I'm guessing Nyx is the next Nightmare Moon?

6167874 how should nightmare moon's revival work? and if you seen the newest episode of season 5, I was also thinking that twilight sparkle would share her nightmare to Charming Thunder and cries it out on him about it. the same for rainbow telling it to danny. and then maybe twilight introduces him to moondancer and that she is a huge fan of him because he saved equestrian dozens of times and that she has learned a lot of his history at the canterlot library.

Celestia comes to Twilight first and is reassured that Nyx won't be a problem later.
The Children Of Nightmare kidnap Nyx, who runs into the Everfree Forest after being completed.
Twilight and the C.M.C. find Nyx in the Everfree Castle.
Nyx goes into a rant about how nopony could love her.
The C.M.C. wrap themselves around Nyx while Twilight sings a little song
Nyx asks to help in the upcoming war.

I got a message from Sonicdash123, and no, she wasn't. Go to "Anakin's vision of the future" and you will get the sneak peek on what transpired between Spell Nexus and Nyx.

6215871 Now that Nightmare Nyx has replaced Luna, what would Tantabus do?
Maybe Tantabus could make both dream of Twilight tearfully turning Nyx into stone.

6215871 eventually Nyx can't take it anymore and surrenders.
After discussing the dreams Nyx and I Twilight are having, a realization hits that something might be tampering with everyone's dreams.

What do you mean last in the series?

Due to the extensive use of Nyx, this story and its sister should be in Past Sins

Then you know that I edit that part. :ajbemused:

small problem:

“It’s not a problem, my Nephew.

Nephews are dudes Nyx is a chick.

There, fixed it, now are you happy :trixieshiftleft:

I'm not in a happy mood today, I'm barely holding myself from getting into a fury.

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